big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1143: Escape in panic!

Chapter 1143: Escape in panic!

"General, Gan Jun is crazy, they are attacking like crazy!"

"Thunder cannons are coming, they seem to have found a foothold!"

"General, our people are standing too densely together, and artillery shells fall among us, causing countless casualties!"

Xiakou Mountain is not big and easy to defend but difficult to attack, but it also has a problem, that is, it is narrow.

Although the depth is quite long, you can’t stand alone, right?

The shells fell into the crowd, a devastating blow.

"How did they end up here?" Ashina Shi was furious. "Don't you know what's going on at the bottom of the mountain?"

In the situation below, there wasn't much room for them to shoot.

Whether it's a rifle or a thunder cannon, they can't use their hands and feet here, and it's difficult to cause too much damage to them.

But it was different now. In just a short time, several shells fell into the crowd.

And they kept coming.

There was constant wailing at the place where the explosion occurred, which made people feel chilly.

While Huyan Anda was standing on the high ground, a shell almost fell at his feet, which frightened him so much that he fell to the ground.

"Report, general, the east side is about to be breached by Ganjun!"

"Hold on, even if you pile up corpses, you have to push them back!" Huyan Anda's face was particularly ugly. It had been less than an hour since Qianjun launched the attack.

If it were broken through, what a blow it would be to them.

Ashina Shi touched it and gritted his teeth and said, "Let's have people evacuate in advance, otherwise we won't even have a chance to escape when they get here!"

Huyan Anda was very unwilling and even angry. Even if he occupied the danger of the mountain pass, he still couldn't resist too many troops.

"Retreat, let the people in the rear camp retreat quietly without making any noise." Huyan Anda said.

Most of the people guarding here are captured herdsmen, but things like guarding do not require much fighting power.

All they need is that they have the strength to draw the bow and arrow.

Ashina Shi nodded. Huyan Anda, who was most afraid of him, felt his head heat up and said that he could not leave and would fight to the death with Qianjun.

Fortunately, as young as he is young, he still knows how to advance and retreat.

He quickly ran to the rear of the camp and directed the army to retreat one after another.

But when they were halfway through the retreat, gunshots came from the front.

A shrill cry rang out, "The Qian army has broken through the defense line!"

Hearing this, Ashina Shi trembled all over.

Huyan Anda, who was standing at a high place, quickly went down. The deputy general had already arranged the war horses. As for resistance, he didn't think about it at all.

If you can't hold on to such a dangerous pass, let alone fight.

"Go up, charge forward, and force Gan Ren back."

"Those who dare to retreat will be killed without mercy!"

"Think about your wives, daughters, and parents. If you don't want them to die, just rush forward!"

Huyan Anda chopped off several people who were trying to escape, shocking them. After hearing Huyan Anda's words, those people were helpless and had to pick up their swords and charge forward to kill them.

However, the Dagan people rushed up with a white phosphorus grenade and didn't compete with them at all.

The fire exploded and soon spread through the crowd.


The shrill screams spread throughout the countryside. Compared to being hacked to death by Dagan people or shot to death with guns, being burned to death by this terrible phosphorus fire was the most painful and terrifying thing.

Don't dare to touch it yet. Once you touch it, it will be burned. Once it is touched, it will not be destroyed.

This long and narrow pass is densely populated. Once the white phosphorus grenade explodes, it will be a devastating blow.

"Quick, come up, hurry up!"

After the people in the lead pushed back the Beinu people, they opened a passage for the soldiers behind them.The rising incendiary bombs lit up the sky over Xiakou Mountain.

Fire, bullets, and explosions are what these Beinu people fear most in their lives.

They were completely defeated.

Parents and family are not as important as escaping for their lives.

They fled back desperately, and no one knew who said, "General, they escaped!"

This time, everyone's fear was even worse, not only fear, but also anger.

They all reacted, letting them be used as cannon fodder while escaping secretly.

"Don't run away, take us with you!"

However, a sudden fire broke out in front of them, directly blocking their hope of escaping.

Many people collapsed and knelt on the ground crying.

Huyan Anda asked people to use fire to block the retreat.

They didn't even take away food and grass, only some rations.

The fire was so big that no one rushed over, and their hope of survival was cut off.

Huyan Anda heard their curses, but his heart didn't fluctuate much.

"Come on!"

They are just some pawns. Fifty thousand elites are fine. With these 5 people around, he has nothing to fear!
The army retreated from Xiakou Mountain one after another.

That fire bought them precious time to retreat.

When Li Ankang rushed to the pass, he couldn't help but look up to the sky and roar.

This Xiakou Mountain has lost too many brothers.

"Report, General, Xiakou Mountain has been captured!"

"Report, the Beinu people's food and grass are on fire, and the generals Huyan Anda and Ashina Shi have fled Xiakou Mountain!"

Hearing this, Li Ankang knew that if he wanted to chase him now, he would not be able to catch him.

"Take stock of the battle gains, look at the casualties of our brothers, send the news to the camp, and tell the general that we have won!"

Soon, all the gains were counted, and the scouts left Xiakou Mountain with the news.

At this time, Su Yun was not sleeping either. In order to appear calm, he held a volume of military literature in his hand and was reading it at night.

When the sound of the great victory spread throughout the camp, the originally quiet camp suddenly became excited.

"Report, great victory at Xiakou Mountain. Our army broke through Xiakou Mountain, killed more than [-] enemy people, and captured more than [-] people.

The generals Huyan Anda and Ashina Shi led the remaining troops to flee in panic. "

After hearing the news, Su Yun couldn't hold back any longer, "Okay, great, we finally captured Xiakou Mountain."

He clenched his fists and couldn't help but feel happy.

There are only a handful of dangerous places in the entire grassland. Capturing Xiakou Mountain is equivalent to capturing the enemy's throat. You can go north and steal the brain at any time!

Su Yun couldn't wait any longer. He looked at the time and saw that it would be dawn in two hours. He packed up now and went over. He would be able to reach Xiaoxiakou Mountain at dawn!
When we reach Xiakou Mountain, the strategy can be fully rolled out.

He quickly wrote a letter and asked the scout to send it to Ganzhou.

His Majesty will definitely be very happy when he knows this news.

When it dawned, Su Yun stood at Xiakou Mountain and looked down, only to realize how dangerous this place was.

Although they won this critical level, they also injured more than 6000 people during the three-day attack.

But fortunately, everything is worth it.

The prisoners of war were taken to Suzhou, and there would definitely be a prisoner sacrifice at that time.

Just as Su Yun was thinking, another scout came to report: "Report, General Qin reports urgently!"

(End of this chapter)

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