big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1144 Rescue the Qixin tribe!

Chapter 1144 Rescue the Qixin tribe!

After so long, Qin Mo finally came to report urgently.

He quickly took the secret message over and had it analyzed. After a while, the analyzed secret message was delivered to Su Yun.

"What? Encountered the Northwest slave general Yalkin and massacred [-] elite soldiers of the Northwest slaves?"

Su Yun was first surprised that Qin Mo slaughtered [-] elite slaves in the northwest, and then became angry.

Damn Northwest slave, how dare you stab Dagan in the back?

After carefully reading Qin Mo's letter, Su Yun summoned all the generals and circulated them one by one.

"Let's talk about what to do next." Su Yun's expression was not very good. If the northwest slaves supported him, then Longting must be cheating.

"General, I am willing to lead 1 people to the Jinshan Mountains to stop the attack of the Northwest slaves!" Li Ankang said: "General Qin slaughtered [-] Yaljin elites in one battle. Even if the Northwest slaves support him, there won't be many. reinforcements.

Even if Longting is deceitful, we have a large number of soldiers, well-equipped soldiers, and advanced preparations, so that our scouts can do a good job in intelligence investigation, and we will definitely be able to nip the Beinu people's conspiracy in the cradle. "

"General Li's words make sense. I am willing to accompany General Li to block the northwest slave reinforcements!" said another general.

Su Yun nodded, this was indeed a good way to deal with it.

It was also thanks to Qin Mo that he discovered Yalkin's group in advance, otherwise, he would have chased them in depth, and given the time, he would have been able to outflank him from behind.

That was an army of [-] people. If they suddenly attacked from behind, the consequences would be disastrous.

Thinking of this, Su Yun felt chills in his back.

Even if he didn't want to, he had to admit that this time he owed Qin Mo a huge favor.

If the main force was sniped and suffered a large number of casualties, he would be the sinner of the Great Qian Dynasty.

At the same time, I was once again amazed at Qin Mo's fighting ability.

Led 5000 people, crossed the grassland, encountered Yalkin's troops without anyone noticing, and slaughtered [-] troops in one battle.

It's like listening to a story.

Sure enough, wherever the fierce men arrived, they were all equally fierce!
He clenched his fists, feeling convinced, but he still wanted to compete with Qin Mo.

As long as he can destroy Longting and capture Maodun alive, then this is his first achievement!

After thinking about this, he said: "Okay, Li Ankang listens to the order. I will give you 1 people and tens of millions of Jinshan Mountains to block the northwest slave reinforcements. If there are no reinforcements, wipe out the tribes that appear on the grassland."

"Yes, the humble post takes orders!"

Li Ankang was reluctant to follow Su Yun. In his heart, he wanted to follow Qin Mo the most, but his father felt that it was too dangerous to intersect with the troops and he was not allowed to go.

Now that I see Qin Mo making great achievements, I feel very regretful.

"The others are repairing in place, leaving 5000 people to guard Xiakou Mountain. The remaining people will follow the general to pursue the remnants of Huyan Anda!" Su Yundao said.


On the other side, Li Daoyuan changed into the servant of a Beinu general, and combed his hair into a style unique to the Beinu people.

He left half of the people in the Qixin Department, and the rest mixed with the people in the Qixin Department.

The distance from Qixinbu to Beinulongting is relatively fast, which is about three days' journey.

Considering Qixin Yongli's body, he deliberately slowed down.

After three or four days of rest, Qixin Yongli became more energetic again.

"General, after passing the hill in front, thirty miles away, we will reach Beinu Longting." Qi Xin said bravely: "How about repairing it on the spot?"

Li Daoyuan nodded and ordered to rest.

This time is no less than trying to catch chestnuts from the fire. It is very dangerous. If there is a slight mistake, the army may be defeated.

"I'm worried that your tribe will be damaged if we fight." Li Daoyuan said.In this battle, the most troublesome people are the people of the Qixin tribe.

No one knows where they are.

"I will go visit Mao Dun and find the location of my people." Qi Xinyongli tightened the flare launcher on his body, "When I find it, I will send a signal and the general can launch an attack.

I cooperated internally and externally to catch him off guard! "

Li Daoyuan nodded, "There may be casualties."

"This is not Da Gan's fault." Qi Xin said bravely: "After Mao Dun killed the Khan with an arrow, my Qi Xin Department surrendered.

Over the years, I have been loyal and loyal. Even when Beinu was on the verge of annihilation, I never thought of rebelling.

It's just that he threatened my relatives and family, which is really chilling. "

Li Daoyuan patted him on the shoulder, "The first thing a blind man should do when his eyes regain their clarity is to throw away the crutch in his hand!"

Qixin Yongli was stunned for a moment, thinking about this sentence carefully, "To Beinu, we are outsiders after all!"

Li Daoyuan gnawed on the dried meat and smiled, but he was a little worried. He didn't know if the news had reached Ganzhou.

If Yi Zhixie sends troops to assist, the person most likely to encounter him is Qin Mo!
He began to worry about Qin Mo.

That kid led 5000 people through the middle of the grassland, which was full of dangers. Once he encountered the reinforcements of the Northwest slaves, and he didn't know it, he might very well fall down.

Thinking of this, he frowned, remembering what Qin Mo said before about being on guard against Northwest slaves.

Li Shilong didn't take it too seriously. Although he added some more people to Cheng Sanaxe, it was of no use!

Maybe they guessed wrong from the beginning.

"Jingyun, you must be careful!"

Li Daoyuan thought so in his heart. In this vast grassland, he didn't know where he was at this time, and whether he had successfully penetrated to the rear of Beinu Longting.

After finishing eating the dried meat, Li Daoyuan stood up, and everyone also finished trimming.

The horse has also been fed and is in good spirits.

"Let's go!"

The army headed in the direction of Beinu Longting, and it only took two hours to reach the thirty-mile distance.

Looking at Long Ting, everyone felt a little nervous.

Qixin Yongli had already asked the scouts to report in advance, so when the large army arrived at the edge of the Dragon Court, not many people paid attention.

Li Daoyuan and others were surrounded by people from the Qixin Department to prevent anyone from interrogating them in Beinu dialect without restraint.

Qixin Yongli got off his horse, glanced at Li Daoyuan in the crowd, and gave him a look to reassure him.

Immediately, he led his clan members into the Dragon Court.

Li Daoyuan's palms were also slightly sweaty. If Qi Xin was brave enough to cause trouble, they would definitely be able to break out of the siege with their equipment.

However, he is still very accurate in judging people, and Qixin Yongli should not be repetitive.

After all, he still has people in his hands.

Thinking of this, Li Daoyuan became secretly excited.

Who would have thought that a powerful elite would touch Beinu Longting without anyone noticing.

If nothing else, Mao Dun was at the top, in the tall tent.

He, Li Daoyuan, wanted to be one step ahead of the main force and capture Mao Dun alive.

This merit is his!
(End of this chapter)

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