big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1146 Destiny does not favor you!

Chapter 1146 Destiny does not favor you!
By the time Qixin Yongli received the reply, it was already sunset.

Ashid Yuangui walked over slowly, "Chanyu just woke up. After reading your urgent report, he asked me to come over and inform you. This is a good idea. Just follow your plan and deceive the Dagan people.

After the deed is accomplished, it will be your first credit! "

Qixin Yongli deliberately frowned, "Didn't Shanyu say he saw me?"

"Let's go, Shanyu is feeling cold, and he doesn't want to see anyone now!" Ashid Yuangui said, "Let's set off at night, don't waste time, you guys have had enough rest during the day!"

"You!" Qixinmuda was furious and rushed over to fight Asteh Yuangui.

The Qixin tribe and the Astide tribe are both from the Tiejue tribe, but the relationship between the two tribes has never been very good, and it can be regarded as a long-standing grievance.

Qixin Yongli stopped his younger brother and said, "We have been traveling for three days, can't we be allowed to rest outside for one night?

There are still more than [-] people from our tribe guarding there, so there won't be any big problem. "

"I don't care, but this is Shan Yu's order. Is it possible that you still want to disobey Shan Yu's order?" Ashide Yuangui sneered.

Qixin Yongli's fist clenched, "It must be you, the thief, who is talking nonsense in front of Shan Yu!"

Ashide Yuangui sneered, "The moonlight is nice tonight, so it's convenient to travel, but before leaving, you can feed the horses first."

After Ashi Deyuangui left, Qixin Yongli said to Li Daoyuan: "My Qixin Department is at the northwest corner of Longting. Let's delay it for a while and take the opportunity to take a rest.

When the time comes, let's go straight in. "

Li Daoyuan nodded. Now it is basically certain that Mao Dun is not here, so just rescue the people from the Qixin Department and destroy this place.

He wanted to send the news back as soon as possible to prevent Su Yun from being fooled.

Not only Su Yun, Qin Mo's side is also in danger.

A single move can affect the whole body. If Su Yun falls into a trap, Qin Mo will be left alone and helpless, and it may be difficult to survive.

It is hard to say that the Northern Expedition was a complete failure.

In the evening, at noon.

The moon hangs high.

Li Daoyuan and others have made sufficient preparations.

Flares shot up into the sky.

Qixin Yongli led the tribe to attack first.

No one in Longting expected that the people from the Qixin Department would actually turn against each other.

Li Daoyuan shouted: "Kill all these Beinu people and rescue the Qixin tribe people!"

After pretending for so long, Li Daoyuan was full of anger.

I thought I could take the lead, but ended up falling headlong into the Beinu people's plot.

Fortunately, it's not too late, there is still room for redemption.

Li Shilong's personal expedition cannot end in failure. It will definitely affect Daqian's control of the surrounding areas.

The sudden defection confused the defenders in Longting.

Ashid Yuangui was still eating meat in the tent. When he heard the noise outside, he said displeasedly: "Go and see, what's going on? It's so noisy!"

The deputy walked out with a dark face, and as soon as he opened the curtain, he saw a scene that horrified him.

Several rays of light rose into the sky, illuminating the entire Longting as if it were daytime.

The dense sound accompanied by the violent explosion made him lose his mind.

"The Qixin tribe has rebelled, run away!"

The fleeing defenders shouted, causing the deputy to react. He looked at Asteh Yuangui and said in panic: "General, the Qixin Department has rebelled!"

Asde Yuangui was stunned for a moment, and then his whole body trembled, his eyes full of horror, "They dare!"

But the explosion coming from outside also made him react instantly, "Quick, go get help!"

After saying that, he led the people and rushed out of the camp.

What came into view was the sound of fire filling the sky and the sounds of women and children crying.The defenders fled in all directions and were unable to resist the cavalry's pursuit.

He originally wanted to rush over, but when he saw the fierce Qixin tribe coming, his soul flew into the sky.

If Qixin Yongli catches him, he will definitely not let him go.

Therefore, he ran desperately without thinking.

He regretted it in his heart. If he had known better, he would not have flirted with Qi Xinbu like this.

He should have known that many people were dissatisfied with Chanyu taking their families as hostages.

Especially since the Dagan people were attacking Beinu, many people were in turmoil.

"Ashid Yuangui, please don't leave!"

Qixin Muda held a long bow in his hand and with sharp eyes, he locked his eyes on Asde Yuangui in the crowd. He took out an arrow and put it on the bow string, "hit!"

The arrow flew into the meteor and hit Asteh Yuangui in the back of the heart.

Ming Ban's arrow penetrated the armor.

Ashid Yuangui felt pain in his back, screamed, and fell directly to the ground.

Qixin Muda led his tribe to rush over and cut down the defenders blocking the road to pieces!
After arriving at Asde Yuangui's side, he grabbed him and said, "Say, where is Modun Chanyu?"

Asteh Yuangui cursed angrily: "If you dare to rebel, you will die badly!"

Qixin Muda laughed ferociously and chopped off his hands with a knife, "If you don't say anything else, you will die!"

The severe pain almost caused Asde Yuangui to collapse, but there was deep resentment in his eyes, "It's just twenty miles northwest!"

Qixin Muda directly cut off his head with a knife, and then quickly returned to Qixin Yongli, "Brother, Asde Yuangui asked me to kill him. Before he died, he said that Maodun is twenty miles northwest. !”

Qixin Yongli frowned, not doubting that he was there, and told Li Daoyuan the news of the forced questioning.

Li Daoyuan acted cautiously and did not believe it immediately. Instead, he sent a scout team to find out.

One round trip for twenty miles will not take more than two hours.

If it is true, then make a surprise attack. If it is an ambush, you can retreat in time.

The entire Dragon Court was in chaos, and most of the defenders were killed or injured. Qixin Yongli would not care about these women and children.

He only wants members of the Qixin tribe.

When the tribesmen were rescued, many people knelt down in pain.

Qixin Yongli said loudly: "Now is not the time to cry, get on your horse quickly, get out of here, and come home with me!"

Women, old people, and children all got on the horses.

Here, they don’t know how much they have suffered.

The defenders humiliated them arbitrarily and trampled them under their feet, like cattle and sheep.

After rescuing the tribesmen, Qixin Yongli set fire to the camp.

As for the life and death of other tribesmen, he doesn't care at all!

"General, the people from my tribe have been rescued, what should we do now?" Qixin Yongli asked.

Li Daoyuan said: "Ask your brother to lead 3000 people and escort them away. We will ambush near here and wait for the scouts to return."


Qixin Yongli raised his hand and quickly told Qixin Muda to escort the tribesmen away.

Although Qixinmuda wanted to kill the enemy with his brother, the safety of these tribesmen was more important.

After everyone left, Li Daoyuan couldn't help but go to Shan Yuya's tent and found that it was empty, and there was indeed no sign of Mao Dun.

He couldn't help but sigh: "Destiny does not favor me!"

(End of this chapter)

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