Chapter 1147

At this time, Ast Dekuntu also received news that Qixin Yongli had rebelled, Ast De Yuangui had been killed, and Longting had fallen.

"Damn the Qixin Department, I already knew that they must have different intentions!" Ashdekuntu cursed and quickly summoned his subordinates to support Longting.

The Ashide tribe was a large tribe, with nearly 10 people at one time. There were more than 2 elite members of the tribe in Xiakou Mountain. Several thousand of them were removed by Yizhixi, and several thousand more were transferred by Moton.

The tribe's available troops are only about [-].

He led everyone towards Longting and asked Ashinabe next to him for help.

The Ashide tribe and the Ashina tribe are relatively united.

If the Qi Xin tribe rebels and does not keep these people, once the other party surrenders to the Da Gan people, all Shanyu's plans will be ruined.

Asdekuntu's heart was beating wildly and he led the people running wildly.

The people of the Qixin Tribe will definitely not be very fast in rescuing the Tribe. As long as they can catch up with them, the old, weak, women and children will directly overwhelm them.

However, there was a time difference of nearly two hours, so we had to catch up with them before dawn, otherwise everything would be in vain.

Soon, they approached Longting, and saw billowing smoke and fire in the distance.

In the moonlight, it looks like a torch.

Asdekuntu had a cold face and his heart sank to the bottom.

It’s over.

The entire Dragon Court was destroyed.

If the enemy came over and saw this dilapidated state, would they believe that Shan Yu was here?
His mind was buzzing. Once the incident spread to Shan Yu, wouldn't Ast's tribe suffer?

He urged his horse wildly.

However, as they approached the edge of the Dragon Court, there was a sudden explosion from the ground.

The sudden explosion immediately stunned Astekuntu.

But before he could react, explosions sounded one after another.

The charging camp was instantly blown apart.

The screams of the tribesmen, the neighing of the war horses, and the sound of explosions were all mixed together.

Ashid Kuntu's heart trembled, and he was blessed in his heart, and he shouted loudly: "We have been fooled, we have been fooled by Qixin Yongli, he did not rebel temporarily, but deliberately rebelled.

He has surrendered to the Dagan people a long time ago. This must be the weapon of the Dagan people! "

However, when he wanted to exit, he found that he seemed to have crashed into a giant net.

Everyone was in chaos, and there was no way to escape.

At this time, on one side of Shanyinchu, Li Daoyuan led the crowd to charge.

If Mao Dun is not captured, he must be allowed to kill more people, right?
He traveled thousands of miles deep into the grassland and ended up killing a few minions. He, Li Daoyuan, didn't want to lose face?

The people in the Qixin Department are also working hard.

When loyalty turns to betrayal, their butcher's knives are fueled by anger!
Qixin Yongli was very fast and took the lead, leading everyone to rush over.

He needs to use his military exploits to seek a bright future for the Qixin Department.

And now is undoubtedly a good opportunity.

No matter which tribe these people belong to, eliminate them, capture them, break their knees, and let them kneel in front of Li Daoyuan.

"Don't mess up, go back the way you came, back off!" Asde Kuntu shouted hysterically.

But they have never encountered such a scene.

No one dares to move forward. No one knows if if they take another step, the underground will continue to explode?
But the sound of galloping horses not far away made them dizzy.

"Enemy attack!"

Hearing this voice, the people in Ast's tribe were completely panicked.

They hurriedly grasped the bows and took out the arrows from their quivers.

But the second round of blows has already come.

clap clap!

Li Daoyuan asked everyone to spread out as much as possible to form fire suppression.Flares lit up the sky again.

On one side is the flare, on the other side is the burning Dragon Court.

For a moment, it was hard to tell whether it was day or night.

All they knew was that their own people fell off their horses as if they were possessed by ghosts.

Or maybe he was thrown off his horse.

The explosions that rang out from time to time underground made them frightened.

This pursuit battle was declared a failure from the moment they stepped into the mine array!

It was the first time Astekuntu felt so helpless.

He finally got out of that terrible area, but what followed was the blow of the Exorcist Arrow.

Qixin Yongli led the people to bypass the mine array, and like a sharp blade, it directly split the Ast's camp from the middle.

Li Daoyuan quickly ordered to stop shooting to avoid accidentally injuring his own people.

He pulled out the horizontal knife and said, "Kill!"


Thousands of people roared together, and the blood in their bodies was ignited at this moment.

The army crashed directly into it, tearing apart and smashing everything in its way.

After half an hour, the battle stopped.

Li Daoyuan won this ambush battle with minimal casualties.

Ast's tribe was almost completely destroyed.

Astekuntu was captured.

Qi Xin Yongli kicked Ast Dekuntu to the ground, stepped on his face, and said with cupped hands: "General, this person is Ast Dekuntu, the leader of the Ast tribe.

Of the 2 people who fought this time, only about [-] survived! "

"Okay, I will give the Qixin Army the first victory in this battle!"

"Thank you, General!" Qixin Yongli was overjoyed and said quickly: "But this is not the time to celebrate. Reinforcements from Ashina's tribe are likely to arrive soon."

Hearing this, Li Daoyuan took a deep breath, flicked the bleeding sword, and sheathed it again, "How many people are there in Ashina's tribe?"

“The number of combatable troops will not be less than that of Asté’s troops. In this way, Mao Dun’s plan is already clear, and we are just waiting for the Yizhixie reinforcements to arrive and lure the main force of our army here.

Repeated attacks from three sides caught our army by surprise. "

Li Daoyuan nodded, this Qixin Yongli is really a talent, both in terms of war vision and combat ability.

If he can be brought under his command, he will indeed be a rare general.

This time, he thoroughly understood Mao Dun's plan, and the Qi Xin Department was indispensable.

However, now all the landmines have been used up, and there are only grenades and white phosphorus grenades, plus tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition.

In addition, after two rounds of fighting, everyone was exhausted, and many people even curled their knives.

Whether to continue to ambush or leave, this is a dilemma.

Just when Li Daoyuan was in trouble, Qixin Yongli said: "General, if we retreat at this time, not only will we be exhausted, but we will also be easily pursued by the enemy.

One is ebbing and the other is ebbing, which is not good for us.

It is better to work hard and take advantage of the available morale to wipe out Ashina's tribe in one fell swoop and completely destroy Mao Dun's plan in Longting.

We, the Qixin Army, are willing to serve as bait to lure Ashinabe into a trap.

The general can set up an ambush and use firearms and grenades to snipe Ashinabe!

It will definitely catch the opponent off guard.

They only know that our Qi Xin tribe is rebellious, but they don’t know that we have abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side a long time ago. The people we rely on behind us are the righteous teachers of Da Qian. "

Li Daoyuan was stunned. This is a damn good idea.

(End of this chapter)

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