big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1148 Destruction

Chapter 1148 Destruction
Qixin Yongli took the initiative to act as bait, which saved Li Daoyuan a lot of trouble.

In fact, he also wanted Qi Xin Yongli to be used as bait, and then he would turn around and let others be used as bait after he had made great achievements.

What would the people from Qixin Army think?
One mouthful of a good brother will sell you right away.

But now Qixin Yongli takes the initiative to speak, and no one can tell that he is not here at all.

"I, Li Daoyuan, will let the world know about the courage of the Qixin Department!"

"Thank you for the compliment, General!" Qi Xin Yongli smiled. Tonight, he would completely turn the Qi Xin Department into a powerful Qi Xin Army.

The military ministers were just dependent, but he wanted to completely take the Qixin tribe away from the grassland.

Li Daoyuan didn't talk nonsense and ran to the mountain shade with his people.

Qixin Yongli and his tribesmen cut off the ears of the Astide tribesmen who were still alive while cutting off their ears.

Even though they were covered in blood, it didn't stop them from chewing the dried meat.

The Qixin tribe had an old grudge against the Astride tribe, so they killed them without mercy.

Ashinabe and Ashidebe were wearing the same pants, so they deserved to be killed.

A member of the Qixin Tribe said: "Chief, after this time, the Dagan people should be able to accept us, right?"

"That's natural." Qi Xin Yongli nodded and said: "After tonight, my Qi Xin Department will be completely accepted by the Da Gan people!"

Everyone in the Qixin Department nodded, feeling happy, but also confused and fearful of the unknown.

Just after they cleared the battlefield, the scout hurriedly reported, "Chief, a large number of cavalry are coming from the southeast!"

"It's time to wait!"

Qixin Yongli held the mace in his hand, "My sons, the reinforcements from Ashi's Ministry are here. Today we will settle old and new grudges together!"

"it is good!"

They sat astride the horses and did not move at first. They waited until Ashina's army approached and then acted like they were in a hurry.

At this time, the leader of the Ashina tribe, Ashina Shi, was not here. The leader was his son, Ashina Mengtu.

The outcome of the battle is unknown, and it is not known whether Asté's troops won.

This time when I saw these people over there, I didn't dare to attack rashly, for fear of accidentally injuring my own people.

But at this moment, those people in front suddenly fled in panic.

Ashinamon suddenly shouted: "They are people from the Qixin Department. Quick, go up and stop them!"

If the members of the Qixin tribe are still alive, then the Ashide tribe must have suffered.

The Qixin tribe does not have many combatable soldiers, and they are evenly matched with the Astride tribe. Even if they win, it will be a difficult victory.

This time they raided Longting and fought a battle with Asté's tribe. They were bound to suffer heavy casualties and be exhausted.

He must capture Qixin Yongli, otherwise the Maodun Shanyu will be blamed, and Ashina's tribe will not be able to bear it.

Everyone in Ashina's tribe was chasing after him.

Qixin Yongli did not run too fast, giving them the illusion that their horses were exhausted.

But if you want to catch up, you won't be able to catch up for a while.

The more this happened, the more anxious Ashina Muntu was.

"Quick, speed up!"

They whipped their riding whips desperately, causing the horses to feel pain and their speed became faster and faster.

Qixin Yongli looked back and saw that the distance between the two sides was only two to three hundred meters.

Everyone in the Qixin tribe ran into the shade of the mountain, and these thousands of people suddenly disappeared into the shadows.

Li Daoyuan and others who were hiding in the shade of the mountain were also well prepared.

After everyone from the Qi Xin Department ran in, they all ran around.

There is a razor line here, and there is a temporary horse pit dug out. It doesn't need to be very deep. If a war horse suddenly rushes over, the huge gap will definitely break the horse's hooves.



The sound of galloping war horses became closer and closer.The next second, the sound of horse hooves rang in my ears.

The leading war horse leaped high and stepped from the light into the darkness.

When a person suddenly breaks into a dark place from a bright place, his pupils will enlarge and adjust to the light. In other words, there is a short adaptation process.

Especially when the war horse is galloping, everything around you will be quickly passed over, and the line of sight will actually become smaller.

"They are in front, catch up!" Ashina Muntu shouted.

This played into Li Daoyuan's plan.

The war horse ran wildly to the middle of Shanyin, and the razor line in the darkness cut directly into the war horse's neck.

The uneven height of the horse pit can directly cause the horses' hooves to break.

The momentum of the charge was contained, but the people behind him were still running forward one after another.

At one time, hundreds of people fell to the ground, trampled to death by war horses, their necks broken, and their heads crushed.

The formation was chaotic.

It was at this time that Li Daoyuan saw the opportunity and said, "Throw all the white phosphorus grenades over to me!"


Thousands of white phosphorus grenades were thrown into the crowd.

The exploding sparks are like gorgeous fireworks.

But to the people of Ashina tribe, this is the fire of hell, the most terrifying thing in the world.

After throwing the white phosphorus grenades, they started throwing grenades, which exploded and knocked them upside down.

Qixin Yongli heard the explosion and gasped when he looked at the Shanyin illuminated by the phosphorus fire.

Terrible, really terrible.

Although the Qi Xin Department contributed a lot in these three battles, most of the damage was caused by Li Daoyuan's more than [-] people.

While the grassland people were still complacent and felt that their bows and arrows were invincible, the Dagan people had even begun to eliminate bows and arrows.

They can't even build artillery carts. Over the past thousands of years, few grassland tribes have been able to master this technology.

The era of relying on swords and armor seems to have passed.

Thinking of this, Qixin Yongli lost his last trace of reluctance for the grassland.

Dagan people say that when people go to higher places, water flows to lower places, and they want to go to higher places.

"Chief, do we want to go there?" asked the Qixin tribe.

"No need." Qi Xin said bravely: "We have already done enough!"

The man nodded and said with some longing: "Chief, do you think we can use these weapons after we go to Daqian?

I think that rifle is so powerful, ten times more powerful than a bow and arrow! "

"What if you can't use it?" Qi Xin said bravely: "Then the bow and arrow in your hand will always be your best friend."

Of course he wanted to use that weapon, but something passed down from his ancestors couldn't be thrown away.

What if one day they are driven back to the grassland?
They still have to rely on the bows and arrows in their hands!

Half an hour later, Li Daoyuan sent someone to call the people from the Qixin Department.

He was very satisfied with Qixin Yongli's sensible attitude.

Knowing how to advance and retreat, and being sensible, he is definitely a talented general even if he is working in a large capacity.

It's a pity to put it on the grassland.

Qixin Yongli led people over and looked at the scorched and smelly corpses on the ground. Some of them were even burned to the point where only bones and dregs were left, and even the armor was burned and deformed.

Once you smell it once, you will remember it for the rest of your life.

"All dead?" Qixin Yongli swallowed unconsciously.

Li Daoyuan smiled and said: "There are still hundreds of people alive!"

(End of this chapter)

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