big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1150 The Arabian Nights!

Chapter 1150 The Arabian Nights!

Since Fang Chun wants a unique wedding, Qin Mo must satisfy her!

However, the safety of the soldiers must be ensured.

Now that Maodun is dead and Yaljin's 10-strong army has been destroyed, more than [-] elite Beinu soldiers have died in his hands.

Su Yun couldn't beat one hundred thousand against one hundred thousand, right?
He has already given the letter in advance, so he should be able to attack aggressively.

Isn’t there also King Heng in the southwest?
Taking into account time, reinforcements from Shidan and Jihe will be arriving in the next few days.

This way, nothing goes wrong!
Thinking of this, Qin Mo hugged Fang Shuan and said, "You can marry me if you want, but you have to wait until you recover from your injury, which will take at least more than a month!"

It's summer now, Fang Chun is young and has a fast metabolism. As long as the injury continues to improve, there will be no recurrence.

A little more than a month should be no big problem.

Then he can rest for a year or two, and then he can give birth to a big fat boy!
"More than a month?" Fang Chun asked, "Would it be unsafe here?"

"It's okay. Mao Dun is dead, and half of the elites have been defeated by me. How can they still turn the world upside down?" Qin Mo said confidently: "Isn't there Su Yun and the others? With more than [-] people, they won't even be able to defeat them. The other half can’t even handle it!”

"Then you won't go back to resume your life?"

"It's such a long journey, why am I late?" Qin Mo said: "If I go back right away, I will definitely be very annoyed.

You think, I blocked the northwest slave reinforcements and shattered Moton's conspiracy.

Now that I have killed Mao Dun, this merit is mine.

No matter how many people others kill, they can't compare to me.

As soon as I go there, Lao Liu will definitely give me a special title. How high-profile that would be.

I have to let Lao Liu go back first. When the time comes, I will finish the work here, which will not be so high-profile, but also make me look mature and stable.

When the time comes, he wants to reward me, but I won’t be able to reward him in my absence.

Therefore, I must let my father accept the reward on my behalf.

Let my father take the limelight. He is getting older, so it would be nice to have more limelight! "

"You are the only one who has many lies!" Fang Chun said.

"How can this be absurd? I killed Mao Dun, and now my top priority is to marry you!" Qin Mo said, "When the time comes, we will have another wedding when we get home, otherwise it won't look right."

"No need, this is good!" Fang Shun didn't care about that. Even if there was no wedding, she had already regarded herself as Qin Mo's wife.

She was just used to being free and didn't want to compete with those women for favor.

"But I tell you, even if I marry you, you can't deprive me of my freedom!" Fang Chun said, "Otherwise I won't marry you!"

"That won't happen. I love my wife the most. As long as it's a reasonable request, I must agree!" Qin Mo said.

Fang Shuan snorted twice and was carried back to the tent by Qin Mo. After putting Fang Shun to sleep, Qin Mo asked Gao Yao to guard him.

Gao Yao envied her in his heart and whispered: "That's good now, you got what you wanted."

The next day, Shidan and Jihe rushed to Xiaohai with [-] troops.

As soon as these 3 people arrived, Qin Mo knew it.

Chai Rong has led 1 people straight to Longting, and he doesn't know what the situation is now.

The armies of Shidan and Jihe are guarding here, so they are not afraid of being without armaments. The baggage left by Maodun is enough to feed 5 people for a year.

It can be said that these luggage almost plundered the entire grassland.

They stayed here, which made Qin Mo relax a lot.

At this time, Chai Rong rushed to Beinu Longting with ten thousand people.

Looking at the destroyed Longting and the two battlefields discovered by the scouts, he saw the shadow of Daqian's army.

"Report to the general that a large number of shell casings and traces of grenade explosions were found, as well as traces of burning white phosphorus grenades!"

The scout handed over the large number of bullet casings he had picked up.

Chai Rong frowned, "So, General Su is already here?" But after thinking about it carefully, he felt something was wrong. Su Yun was the main force, maybe King Heng's team.

Which side won?

That's the bad thing about the grasslands, there's not enough information.

"Can you find anyone alive nearby?" Chai Rong thought for a while, "Go and look."

With Beinu Longting being destroyed like this, a team must have come to attack.

There is a high probability of winning.

Just where did they go?

The scout team scattered.

Chai Rong looked at the corpses on the ground, and the smell of burning was still in the air.

There are also horse traps and broken razor lines.

It should be a night battle. If it were daytime, you wouldn't be fooled by such an obvious trap.

Therefore, after analysis, Chai Rong and others concluded that the battles that took place here were all conducted at night.

It was supposed to be a surprise battle, then the garrison returned to support, and finally fell into a trap.

Chai Rong also clapped his hands and exclaimed, "It must be a great victory!"

The deputy general on the side said: "The horse's hooves are still very clear and the blood has not coagulated. It must be the battle that happened in the past two days!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a scout came anxiously to report, "General, there is a cavalry force coming from the northwest!"

Chai Rong's expression changed, "Beinu people?"

"They are wearing Beinu costumes, and there are about 5000 of them!" the scout said.

Chai Rong said hurriedly: "Quick, prepare to fight!"

However, just as he was preparing to fight, the opponent's camp slowed down, and then someone fired a gun at him.

Not only that, the other party also took out Daqian's flag and waved it.

The scout took out his telescope and analyzed the opponent's flag, "General, the opponent seems to be one of ours!"

"One of our own?" Chai Rong was confused, "Then why are you wearing Beinu clothes?"

He took out his telescope and saw the opponent's flag.

"Really one of our own?"

"There's no cheating, right?"

Many people were stunned until the other party sent a few scouts over. They recognized Chai Rong at a glance and knelt down on one knee to explain what happened to him.

Chai Rong was completely relieved.

"You said the war happened three days ago?"

"Yes!" said the scout: "King Heng has already mobilized an army to support Xiakou Mountain. We only have two thousand defenders here to prevent Maodun's army from returning to defend."

"Maodun's army? Yizhixie's army?"

Chai Rong smiled bitterly, "Yi Zhixie's aid army has been destroyed by us in Wusubu Lake. As for Maodun, he was also captured alive by General Qin, but he died of serious injuries!"

The scouts were stunned and couldn't turn around for a while.

Moton is dead?

This news is too hot, right?
"Send the leading general over!" Chai Rong said: "Let him pass the news to King Heng. I estimate that all the elites in Beinu are left on the Xiakou Mountain side.

I'm leading people south now. There's no point in staying here. You might as well follow me south! "

The scout could make a decision and quickly ran over to tell the leading general.

For a moment, everyone was dumbfounded!
Moton, dead?
Why does it sound like a fantasy?
(End of this chapter)

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