big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1151 What a good son-in-law I am!

Chapter 1151 What a good son-in-law I am!
When Li Daoyuan received the news, he was completely confused.

At this time, he had already passed the Yan Hongda Well with the Qixin Army and Ashina Tumen's [-] troops.

At this time, I heard the scouts say that Mao Dun was dead, and Yi Zhixie's aid army was completely wiped out. He could only smile bitterly.

"Oh my God, I worked so hard to rush to Longting, and I didn't even see Mao Dun's shadow.

Qin Mo was just leading the team to cut through the rear, but he was able to destroy Mao Dun. It's not fair! "

Knowing that Qin Mo was fine and had killed [-] elite Northern slaves, I was both happy and envious.

The first achievement in this battle belongs to none other than Qin Mo.

Although I am envious, I cannot be jealous.

From Jinshan, they ventured across Lake Wusubu, encountered Yalkin's [-]-strong army, and then went straight to Xiaohai, where they met Moton who was stationed in Xiaohai.

This is luck and God's blessing.

If Qin Mo hadn't destroyed Yalkin's army first, this battle would have been suspenseful.

I thought I was the one who made the first contribution, but when I turned around I realized I was the younger brother.

Qixin Yongli and Ashina Tumen were also stunned.

Did Modu die just like that?
The two of them looked at each other in disbelief.

This hero who had dominated the grassland for 30 years died like this!

This also means that Beinu has completely lost this battle and there is no hope anymore.

Not only that, Northwest slaves are probably going to be in bad luck too.

Da Gan will not spare them.

"General, should we continue the pursuit? It's better to stay at Beinu Longting and wait for Huyan Anda to take the bait!" Qixin Yongli said complicatedly.

Ashina Tumen felt a little sad, the Dagan people were actually so powerful. It only took more than a month from the time of sending troops to the death of Maodun, right?

Qin Mo destroyed 5 people, and Li Daoyuan also killed 17 people. Here, there are only [-] people!

Counting the 27 troops in Xiakou Mountain, there are a total of [-] troops.

This is to completely wipe out the grassland people.

This is no longer a war, but pure slaughter.

Thinking of this, Ashina Domon's back became wet.

Fortunately, their Shanyu didn't cause trouble, otherwise, the Dagan people would really kill them all.

"There is no turning back. We are all here. I don't want to go back. Besides, Chai Rong has already led people south. If we go back, we won't even be able to get soup!"

Li Daoyuan said: "Speed ​​up the march and take care of the remaining enemies!"

"Yes, General!"

At this time, Su Yun led tens of thousands of troops to pursue Huyan Anda along the way.

These people are as cunning as foxes, and they are familiar with the grassland terrain, which is also their strength.

After pursuing for five days, they were already more than 600 miles away from Xiakou Mountain.

It’s not too far from Beinu Longting.

Su Yun stood on a small hill and observed the surrounding terrain with a telescope.

He only hoped that he could destroy Longting and capture Mao Dun alive.

But just when he was about to give the order to continue the pursuit, the scouts from behind caught up and said, "General Qin, please report urgently!"

Su Yun frowned. Is this Qin Mo's second urgent report?

Could it be that the battle situation has changed?
He quickly asked someone to analyze the secret message, but the information that was analyzed left Su Yun stunned!
"No, how is this possible? He is just a infiltration force. How can 5000 people kill 10,000+ elites and capture Maodun alive?"

He held the letter with a confused look on his face, and everyone around him looked confused.

It took them, the main force, nearly a month to capture Xiakou Mountain.

Including the time it took for Qin Mo to deliver the letter, it was almost the time before and after he captured Xiakou Mountain.

In other words, the battle is basically over before he even reaches the grassland.The game has completely entered garbage time!
Su luckily threw the telescope to the ground, "Our main force, 10 people, killed more than 2 people, and others, with 5000 people, killed 10,000+ people.

But they're just inserting troops, and they're going to break up the rear. "

In the military camp, everyone was as silent as a chill.

Su Yun's mentality has completely collapsed.

It’s not that I hate Qin Mo, but I’m angry that I’m such a bad guy!

He thought of Qin Mo's three-day expedition to Wozhou and his raid on Tianxiang Kingdom for thousands of miles. He had won a crushing victory with an unexpected gesture.

He even wondered if His Majesty planned to win by surprise from the beginning?

Yes, it must be so.

What Qin Mo is best at is conspiracy. How could His Majesty let him cut off the queen?
Let him be the main force, focusing on stability.

Qin Mo's surprise attack was mainly based on Qi.

If odd doesn't work, then steady will certainly not go wrong.

He was so stupid that he only figured out this level of the plan now.

"General, general, what should we do now?" Everyone felt that it was boring, and the joy of victory in conquering Xiakou Mountain was gone.

They lost thousands of people and were still complacent.

As a result, the number of people they lost was almost a fraction of theirs, and they were easily defeated.

Killed 10,000+ people and captured [-] people.

So embarrassing.

"What can we do? Pursue!" Su Yun said angrily: "Isn't the fleeing enemy an enemy? Remove 3 people and let the general pursue them day and night. Be sure to keep Huyan Anda and others behind!"

They knew that Su Yun was in a panic, and no one dared to touch his brow at this time.

"Yes, General!"

At this time, in Ganzhou City.

Li Shilong was handling military affairs and sorted out the situation in Longyou.

After defeating Beinu, Longyou's garrison will move north.

He wants to drive all the people like the Li family out of Longyou and go to various places to guard them.

Since the Reform, although a large number of royal family members have served as officials, there are still many people who stay in Longyou and do not do business. They fight cocks and walk dogs every day, causing harm to the people.

Or they can use different methods to seize land.

The incriminating evidence collected by the six doors has piled up into a small mountain.

Just as I was thinking about what to do, the scouts entered the city.

"Report, a great victory on the grassland, General Qin Mo captured and killed Mo Dun in Xiaohai, killed more than [-] Northern slaves, and captured [-] people!"

The scouts rode wildly in Ganzhou City. Pedestrians who were passing by were stunned when they heard this, and then they were overjoyed.

The originally quiet Ganzhou City suddenly became lively.

After Li Sixun received the news, he quickly ran to the camp where Li Shilong was.

Seeing Li Sixun, Li Shilong put down the pen in his hand and said, "Si Xun, you came just in time. I have something to ask you!"

Li Sixun couldn't hide the joy on his face and said: "Your Majesty, I have great news for you to come here!"

"Oh?" Li Shilong said, "What great news?"

Li Sixun took out the urgent report from his arms, bowed his body, and presented it with both hands, "Congratulations to Your Majesty, the Prince Consort of Qin, for capturing and killing Mao Dun in Xiaohai after killing Yaljin's [-]-strong army at Ubusu Lake. , beheaded [-] people and captured [-] people.

I will fight hard and win this battle!
From now on, Daqian will no longer suffer from Beinu! "

Hearing this, Li Shilong's breathing became rapid, and his face flushed with excitement. He anxiously took the emergency report in Li Sixun's hand and read it, then he looked up to the sky and laughed, "Good son-in-law, you are really my good son-in-law!"

(End of this chapter)

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