big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1152 Li Shilong is worried again!

Chapter 1152 Li Shilong is worried again!

When Qin Mo's first urgent message reached Ganzhou, Li Shilong knew in his heart that he had made a strategic mistake.

He was also particularly lucky that when everyone was afraid to say anything, it was Qin Mo who stood up and said there was a problem with his strategy and pointed out the problem.

Otherwise, this battle will be in danger!
After killing the [-] soldiers of the Northwest Slaves, Li Shilong was worried and worried about Qin Mo.

This time he went deep into the grassland for a thousand or two thousand miles, which was the most dangerous.

Every day, I expected Qin Mo to send a second urgent message, but I didn't expect that after a few days, this second message would be a huge success.

Li Shilong was so excited that he walked back and forth in the cabin, "This brat is really as brave as the champion Hou Zhiyong, my son-in-law of the Four Trainings, is he brave?"

"The courage of Qin's prince consort is unparalleled!" Li Sixun also regretted it in his heart. He would have known that when Li Ankang clamored to follow Qin Mo, he would not refuse at all.

Although following Su Yun was stable, he still had no great achievements so far.

Qin Mo was lucky. He destroyed all the reinforcements from the Northwestern slaves and stabilized the war situation. He also understood Maodun's plan, captured Maodun, and killed [-] elite Northern slaves.

The 5000-strong assault force acted with a tyranny that even the main force of 10 people could not display.

However, it was too late to regret now. Mao Dun was captured and half of the elite were slaughtered.

In addition, Su Yun had already captured Xiakou Mountain, and this battle was coming to an end.

"Haha, you are indeed my most courageous person!"

Ever since Daqian set out on the expedition, he had been thinking about how long it would take to end this battle.

He set a time of three months to about five months.

But he didn't expect that Qin Mo would completely smash Bei Nu's conspiracy in just one month.

Saved a lot of time, casualties, and armament losses.

It greatly increased his prestige as Li Qian.

Li Shilong had already thought of the scene of Mo Dun dancing in front of him.

He thought to himself: "Among the thousands of people, only Jingyun understands me. He listened to what I said to him that night.

The father is right, this boy is lazy, but the elders will spare no effort to help him if he wishes. "

Gao Shilian on the side smiled brightly, "I congratulate your majesty on your eternal achievements and your great achievements in the country!"

Almost instantly, everyone in the row knelt down to congratulate.

Li Shilong laughed endlessly, "Send this news back to make everyone happy, and send an order to Su Yun to speed up the progress."

In his heart, he was actually quite satisfied with Su Yun. After all, Xiakou Mountain was indeed a dangerous place.

But when compared with Qin Mo, it's a mess.

Both his ability to unite and his strategic vision were far behind Qin Mo.

The main force of 10 people was suddenly turned into a auxiliary by him.

It seems that handsomeness is born.

After Li Sixun left, Li Shilong recruited people from Six Doors. These Six Doors were indeed easy to use, much better than any intelligence agency he had established before.

Especially the espionage department, a large amount of intelligence was handed over, and this intelligence was all analyzed and screened before being submitted to the desk.

"Go and send the urgent report to the capital." Li Shilong counted the days on his fingers. According to this process, he will be able to return to the capital in one or two months at most.

The war here has basically entered the final stage, and Gao Li can't delay it any longer.

After the people at Liumen took the emergency report and left, Li Shilong walked into the yard, with the scorching sun shining brightly, and said, "Gao Shilian, what do you think Dagan looks like?"

Gao Shilian replied: "I don't know, but the Qin Dynasty Prince Consort once said that Daqian is the bright sun, and the glory of Daqian will one day shine on every corner of the world. Wherever the sun rises, there will be There is a big dragon flag flying!"

"I asked you to speak, but I didn't ask you to repeat what that piece of shit said!"

"My servant has no literary talent. I only find what the Prince Consort said is inspiring. When I hear it, I feel full of energy!" Gao Shilian said with a smile.

"That's true." Li Shilong said with a smile: "I don't know when this bitch will come back, I miss him!

Tell me, what should I reward him when he comes back? "

"This" Gao Shilian rolled his eyes and said with a wry smile: "The Prince Consort does not seek fame and fortune. Besides, this is an agreement between His Majesty and the Prince Consort. Talking about rewards seems a bit too far-fetched.

I especially remember that a few years ago, the Prince Consort had said that if one's own family members were doing things for one's own family members, there would be no merit.

With the temperament of the Prince Consort, if His Majesty rewarded him with money or given him a title, he would not be happy at all!

The slave has an immature idea, but she is afraid that His Majesty will scold the slave for being ignorant! "

Li Shilong said: "Say, I will pardon your innocence."

"The Prince Consort doesn't like being an official, he doesn't like money, but he does like beauties.

Yuan Jianzheng's disciples also have good looks, and what's even more valuable is their loyalty.

When the Prince Consort was on an expedition to the south, he stayed on guard, even though he was harmed by smallpox, he still took care of the Prince Consort of Qin without fear of life and death.

Your Majesty is not as beautiful as an adult, so he will marry her.

But the Prince Consort's contribution was too great. It was just a marriage. I'm afraid there would be rumors in the court that His Majesty treated the meritorious officials harshly.

It would be better to reward the Prince Consort's family members one by one.

Posthumously named his ancestor.

Give some more fruitful nannies to Prince Qin.

Finally, give the Qin Prince Consort a long vacation! "

In this way, the Prince Consort must be grateful to His Majesty! "

How could Gao Shilian not know Qin Mo's thoughts?
He must help him.

Now Li Shilong was extremely happy, his head was burning, and he might have to mention the Qin family's prince to the prince.

If that doesn't work, how will you reward the Eighth Prince when he comes to the throne?
Your Majesty must not be allowed to think this way.

Li Shilong didn't think much about it. What Gao Shilian said was indeed a solution, but after thinking about it carefully, he still felt that it was inappropriate. "I'm afraid that my father will say that I am stingy again. This brat is indeed stingy. If he is not greedy for fame and wealth, he is too peach blossom." prosperous.

I also know that Tiangang's apprentice is indeed loyal and a good match.

But when Jingyun takes a concubine, it’s hard for me to interfere, right? "

As far as the situation of Qin Mo's family is concerned, it has long been in chaos.

Moreover, the relationship between Li Shilong and Yuan Tiangang, if he marries his apprentice, he will definitely reward him.

Worry about him.

"Forget it, let's see what that bitch wants." Li Shilong was too lazy to think, "What you just said makes some sense. You are familiar with the Qin family. Write down the names and relationships of the Qin family members. I will write the reward later."

Gao Shilian was overjoyed, knowing that Li Shilong had heard it, "Yes, Your Majesty, I will prepare now!"

This means that outside, in the capital, Gao Shilian must be labeled as someone who interferes in politics.

Li Shilong sat in the rocking chair, thinking to himself, "This piece of shit's merit is enough to enter the Martial Arts Temple!"

(End of this chapter)

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