big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1153 Qiankun Pavilion!

Chapter 1153 Qiankun Pavilion!
Entering the martial arts temple is the highest honor for a military commander.

In the past few years, Qin Mo has conquered more territories than Daqian.

Capturing Maodun and waiting for Nanfan's return will be a feat that will not be achieved again in thousands of years.

Thousands of years ago, would the emperor doubt the champion?
will not!

Neither would he, let alone his son-in-law.

The Qin family is not a powerful family. Although it has money, it does not own the land.

It can be seen from the Qin's textbooks that it is not a one-to-one private study taught by those wealthy families in the past.

"No, it's too early to enter the Martial Arts Temple. No one enters the Martial Arts Temple while they are still alive." Li Shilong was worried.

Qin Mo didn't doubt him, but it was sometimes very difficult for the emperor to silence everyone in the world.

"Enter the Confucian Temple? Not possible. Although that guy is prolific in writing, he doesn't have any useful works!

Even if there is, you can't get in now. "

Li Shilong sighed, those novels cannot be regarded as masterpieces.

Writing a book and a biography is a very serious matter. Unless you have extraordinary literary talent and high moral character, you should not write a book or a biography.

Otherwise, it’s just a joke and no one will support it.

At this moment, Li Shilong had a flash of inspiration. Since he could not enter the Confucian Temple or the Martial Arts Temple, he could build a similar 'Yuntai Pavilion' to hang portraits of civil servants and generals to commend their contributions!

This is good, not only is it honorable, but it also saves face. If you tell it, it can silence the whole world!

Thinking of this, all the sorrow in Li Shilong's heart disappeared.

He walked quickly to the document and wrote three big characters 'Qiankun Pavilion'!
"Someone, take these three words and engrave them on a plaque!"

At this time, the capital.

When Li Yue was supervising the country, he was always in the side hall.

Even when summoning ministers and holding court meetings, they are always in the side hall and never arrogant in the slightest.

I review the memorials here diligently every day without daring to show any signs of neglect.

On this day, he reviewed the memorial until noon, and the heat was unbearable.

It’s extremely hot in Beijing in July.

Looking at Li Xian and Li Xuan sleeping soundly on the papers, he shook his head, walked over and patted their shoulders, "It's time to have lunch!"

Li Xian was drowsily asleep and raised his head, "What, do you need to fertilize? Didn't you just fertilize yesterday?"

Li Yue smiled bitterly. During these fifteen years, his mind was filled with farming matters.

"I said, it's time to eat. After lunch, you go to the outskirts of Beijing to observe the surrounding water storage."

"Really?" Li Xian suddenly woke up, "Xie Bage, sitting in the palace every day, I have sores on my butt!"

Li Xuan said with a lack of interest: "It's such a hot day, I'll burn you to death, Bage, please let me go back to the laboratory in the afternoon. I really don't like to read these memorials.

It made my eyes hurt, my head hurt, and my whole body felt uncomfortable! "

"My father asked you to learn how to deal with political affairs here, can you two have some snacks?" Li Yue said helplessly.

"Bago, we are not interested in this at all, don't force us." Li Xiandao: "We are not the emperor at all, you can do this kind of drudgery.

With this time, I might as well make new fertilizers and find ways to make pesticides to increase crop yields.

There are specialties in the art industry, but I can’t do this like you! "

As he spoke, he rubbed oil on the soles of his feet and ran out of the side hall in a hurry, shouting: "I won't come here anymore. If you need anything, come find me in the fields!"

Li Yue had a headache. He finally caught him from the field, but he ran away again.

If his father asked him, how would he answer?

"Sixteen, can you let Bage save some time?" "Bago, I was not born to be an emperor. You know my dream, which is to build a big ship, a more efficient steam engine, and in the future I will also build a teacher. Internal combustion engine in the mouth.

There's also a plane. Aren't you wasting my time?

My time is precious.

What does it mean to be an emperor?
If there are more people kneeling down and worshiping, bigger desks, and more women sleeping, so what?
If you die, don't you lie in a coffin?
Even if the mausoleum is built as gorgeous as the palace, what's the use?

Can he be resurrected from the dead?

Being an emperor really has no technical content at all.

Let me tell you the truth, even if my father begs me to do it, I won’t care.

I stay in the palace every day, making no progress at all, and have no idea that the outside is changing with each passing day.

Even if he could go out, it would only be around the capital.

Going further away would be a waste of time and money, and we would find various excuses.

Annoying as hell. "

Li Xuan held his head high, put away the drawings in front of him, put them under his arm, and cupped his hands, "Thank you for your hard work, Brother Bage. I'm sorry for the trouble. Be the emperor. I'm not interested anyway!"

After saying that, he flicked his hair and walked away!
My brother-in-law’s teacher said that a person must have personality, and a scientist must have personality even more!

No dog!

"Sixteen, you."

Li Yue smiled bitterly. Why was the emperor so worthless when he said it?

However, these two brothers, one who concentrates on farming and the other on studying things, are indeed very important.

He thought about it and let him go.

There is no use in forcing.

If the father asked, he would be scolded twice.

Just as he was thinking about it, a voice came from outside, "The Great Victory on the Grassland, Qin's Consort Xiaohai captured Maodun alive, beheaded more than [-] people, and captured [-] people."

Hearing this voice, Li Yue was stunned, then ecstatic, and ran out, only to see the scout running over in a hurry, kneeling on one knee, "Report to the King of Yue, a great victory on the grassland, the Prince Consort captured Mao Dun alive, and defeated Beinu!" "

Li Yue took the good news and read it carefully. He was very excited and said, "Okay, okay, idiot. I know you can do it."

Looking at the Beinu people's strategy in the victory report, and thinking of Qin Mo's first victory report, he also felt a wave of fear, "As expected of my brother, I know that the first victory in this battle must be yours!"

The greater Qin Mo's achievements, the higher his prestige.

Everyone knows that Qin Mo belongs to him and grew up wearing the same crotchless pants as him.

However, there was a letter underneath the good news, and he couldn't help but ask: "What kind of letter is this?"

"To the King of Yue, this is your Majesty's letter!"

Li Yue's expression became serious, "You go down and have a good rest first. Someone will come and spread the good news throughout the capital and enjoy it with the people!"

After saying that, he turned back to the side hall, opened Li Shilong's envelope, and read it carefully.

First of all, it affirmed his various measures during his supervision of the country in the capital.

Then he talked about the two brothers Li Xian and Li Xuan. He said bluntly that they were unwilling to review the memorial, so they were allowed to do what they wanted to do.

Seeing this, Li Yue also breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the father also knows their ambitions!

But when he saw the back, his eyes lit up and he was secretly excited, "It's time to launch troops against Gao Li!"

(End of this chapter)

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