big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1154 Calling

Chapter 1154 Calling
He knew very well that his father had long wanted to touch Gao Li.

Now Qin Mo defeated Bei Nu, drank Ma Xiaohai, and basically won the battle against Bei Nu.

Some insignificant remaining enemies can no longer affect the final victory.

How long has it been?

more than a month.

Including the time from the grassland to the capital, even if it is [-] miles expedited, it will take more than ten days.

As expected of a fool.

It was so fast that he didn't even have time to prepare.

Li Shilong said in the letter that he would wait until the Beinu war was completely settled and military defenses were deployed, and then he would take the Beinu prisoners back to Beijing.

It can be as fast as one or two months, or as slow as three or four months.

This gives him time to fight.

Time is very tight, although everyone tacitly agrees on Gao Li's use of troops.

But the words coming out of his mouth were different.

After all, legally speaking, he is not a prince yet, he is just supervising the country under orders, and it would be very risky to start a war rashly.

Moreover, you need to find an excuse to start a war.

Otherwise, he will be a bellicose king, and all kinds of big hats will be slapped on him.

This time, Jiuzi wasn't around, and there weren't many people to give him advice.

Li Yue knew very well that this was a difficult problem left to him by his father.

Li Yue was a little upset. If Hanzi was here, there must be something he could do, right?

He walked out of the side hall and did not go to the ministers. Instead, he went to the Lizheng Hall to report the good news to Queen Gongsun.

Then, without even bothering to have lunch, he left the palace, went to Qinzhuang, found Li Yuan in person, and told him the good news, "Grandpa Huang, Jing Yun captured Mao Dun alive in Xiaohai and defeated Bei Nu. We have won this battle!"

Li Yuan was enjoying the shade under a big tree at the moment. Qin Mo spent a lot of effort to plant this tree in the yard.

Lying under the tree, there happened to be a slight mountain breeze, which was extremely cool.

Li Yuan said happily: "I know that Jingyun will definitely shine in this battle!"

"Yes, as an intervening force, he actually won the victory in two battles!" Li Yue said: "I always feel that there is no battle in this world that he cannot win!"

"Hmph, look at your father, he's like that, and he's still eager to conquer it himself. Isn't it because Jingyun is his son-in-law?" Li Yuan said: "His son-in-law is his courage. If it weren't for Jingyun, he would definitely be the one to fight this time. They will not be recruited personally.

Also, he actually let Jing Yun lead the team to intersperse, how dangerous it was.

Of the four teams, only Jingyun is the most dangerous.

Your father blocked others' mouths, but he didn't realize how dangerous it was. If there was a slight mistake, Jingyun would be in danger. "

When the first good news came back, Li Yuan almost died of anger.

There is no such a bastard, so he just handed over the most dangerous task to Qin Mo.

After Su Yun conquered Xiakou Mountain, he actually felt that there was something wrong with Li Shilong's strategy.

Su's luck was stable, but if it hadn't been for Qin Mo this time, all the [-] troops would have been lost on the grassland.

If it affects the whole body, Li Daoyuan will suffer disaster, and Qin Mo will also suffer disaster.

10,000+ elite items are all discounted.

And if the Beinu people captured their weapons, it would be easy to counterattack.

Even if he doesn't counterattack, with such a weapon, would Daqian still dare to attack easily?

He told this analysis to Li Yue, but Li Yue did not dare to say anything.

After all, he was blaming his own father. As a son, how could he say that easily?

"Why don't you say anything? If you are wrong, you should say it. There is a problem with his strategy, but no one is allowed to say it?

If Jing Yun hadn't been brave and careful, it would have been a joke for him to go on a personal expedition! "Li Yuan snorted. "Grandpa Huang, the battle situation is changing rapidly. No matter how good the strategy is, it can't cope with unexpected situations! "Li Yue said.

"Okay, don't ask him to explain!" Li Yuan said: "It's thanks to Jingyun that he's fine. If something happens to Jingyun, I won't be done with him!"

Li Yue touched his nose and said, "Grandpa Huang, my grandson will go to the Qin family first to announce the good news!"


Li Yuan stopped him, "Now that the war in Beinu is about to end, when do you plan to use troops against Gao Li?

Hurry up, isn't your father-in-law already on standby in Bohai Bay?
Your father will be back in a few months. Before he comes back, you have to kill Gao Li, right?
Otherwise, you would be too boring to supervise the state! "

Li Yue stopped his steps and said, "My grandson also wants to fight, but I'm afraid he starts a war rashly."

"What are you afraid of? What are you afraid of?"

Li Yuandao: "Jihe and Shidan all have troops stationed there, and Wozhou has its own people.

The military officials also surrendered. They were all their own people, and Gao Li was the turtle in the urn.

Your father-in-law passed by the Bohai Bay, which was only a dozen days' journey by sea.

With his ability, it would take less than two months for good news to reach the capital.

After Gao Li is wiped out and the peninsula is pacified, your father will be the emperor of the ages.

Jingyun knows how to help his father-in-law, but you don’t know how to help your father? "

After leaving Qinzhuang, Li Yue has been chewing on Li Yuan's words.

Suddenly, his body shook violently, "I understand what Grandpa Huang means. Helping my father achieve great achievements is the best reason.

With great righteousness, who dares to say no?

Father asked Shi 56 to assist me in supervising the country. It was not just a simple test of me.

More importantly, having the two of them help me share the stress.

If I were to raise this matter alone, all the pressure would be on me alone.

If the 56 and [-] stand together, even if I am not the prince, I will have a reputation for justice and justice.

Not only does it share my pressure, it also prevents me from being known as a belligerent king.

My father worked so hard, but now I am able to understand it! "

Li Yue knew that he was not as good as Li Xin in handling political affairs, and he was not as smart as Li Zhi, but he could listen to advice, reflect on it, and correct his mistakes.

This is his strength.

He looked back at Li Yuan's house, feeling indescribable gratitude in his heart.

Grandpa Huang was Grandpa Huang. He saw the problem at a glance and got to the root of it.

He is still too young and needs more experience.

After leaving Li Yuan, Li Yue did not return to the palace, but ran to Li Xian's experimental field.

This kid is sitting under a tree, and there are many agricultural students beside him, recording various data.

Seeing Li Yue coming, Li Xian ran away, "Brother, please spare me, didn't you say you wouldn't let me go back?

Why are you going back on your word? "

Li Yue was stunned when he saw Li Xiansha Yazi running wildly, and immediately chased after him, "Fifteen, come back, I'm not here to take you back. Dad sent a letter and said that you and Sixteen can do whatever they want from now on. What.

I will never force you again! "

Hearing this, Li Xian stopped. He runs between heaven and earth every day, and running is his strong point. "Swear, you said you didn't lie to me!"

"Really, I'm not lying to you. Come here quickly. I have something I want you to help with. It's very important!" Li Yue's stomach hurt when he ran. This guy must have been running too fast.

Seeing this, Li Xian said: "If you lie to me, I will never trust you again in this life!"

(End of this chapter)

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