big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1155 I’m afraid he’ll catch me and inherit the family business!

Chapter 1155 I’m afraid he’ll catch me and inherit the family business!

Li Yue also had a headache, so he coaxed Li Xian over.

"Tell me, what's the matter? It's definitely not possible to let me return to the palace. If you arrest me, the person who can get me will not get my heart!" Li Xian gritted his teeth.

"It's nothing. I want to fight Gao Li. Tomorrow happens to be the small court meeting. I'll start. Just agree to it!" Li Yue hooked his shoulder, "After you finish this, you don't have to enter the palace until my father comes back." ,real!"

"That's it?" Li Xian breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought it was such a big deal. You can just send someone over to tell me no?"

"Isn't it a big deal to fight against Gaoli?"

"Beinu has already been fucked by us, Gao Li is nothing!" Li Xian was still very proud of this aspect, "If you are a sure winner, just do it."

Li Yue was immediately embarrassed. He thought he would have to waste a lot of time talking.

Unexpectedly, Li Xian didn't care at all.

"Do you have anything else? Don't delay my studies. Don't do anything small by yourself in the future, so as not to make my classmates suspicious." Li Xian always uses a pseudonym when he is outside and does not reveal his identity. He still prefers this kind of simplicity. Pure life.

"I'm leaving!" Li Yue sighed, "Then don't be late for the morning meeting tomorrow morning!"

"I know, Bage, you are such a big deal!" Li Xian ran back.

His classmate asked: "Your brother is looking for you, why are you running?"

"Oh, I'm afraid he will take me back and inherit the family business, which will be very annoying!" Li Xian sat back, "Okay, leave him alone, let's continue!"

Everyone didn't think much about it, they just thought that Li Xian was the son of a businessman, and now the imperial court gave them very preferential treatment to agricultural students.

If you have excellent academic performance, you can directly become an agricultural officer in the future, and report directly to the Ministry of Industry.

A businessman may have money, but how can he have an official position?


After Li Yue left Li Xian, he went to find Li Xuan, but he didn't even see anyone.

He could only talk outside, and finally threw a note from under the door, "I know, go back, don't delay my experiment!"

Is this matter settled?

Li Yue sighed. Sure enough, he had to hit his brother early. When he gets older, it won't be so easy to deal with.

Back in the palace, it was already ugly time. Li Yue was hungry, his chest pressed against his back, and he was about to eat something to fill his stomach.

Gongsun Wuji came over and said, "I have met His Royal Highness the King of Yue!"

"Uncle, no gift!" Li Yue ate half of the cake and quickly put it down, "Uncle, is something wrong?"

"This time we defeated Bei Nu. I came here to ask His Highness the King of Yue if he has any plans to entertain the ministers!"

After taking office in the Ministry of Household Affairs, Gongsun Wuji became the No. 1 civil servant again, and his status was even better than before.

"Isn't this not appropriate?" Li Yue was actually quite taboo about this area in his heart. There were some things that crossed the line, and he would never touch them if he could.

"A great victory should be enjoyed by all officials and all the people. You might as well invite the Queen to preside over it in a reasonable and compliant manner!" Gongsun Wuji reminded.

Li Yue thought for a moment, and when his father was here, he would always have a banquet for any great victory.

"Then I'll trouble my uncle. I'll go to the Lizheng Palace to ask my mother for her opinion. Later, I'll invite Grandpa Huang back to the palace to have fun with everyone!" Li Yue said cautiously.

Gongsun Wuji has been trying to gain Li Yue's trust these days. He does not flatter or deliberately flatter, but just does practical things and makes up for his mistakes.

The effect was very good. At first, Li Yue was very wary of him, and there was a sense of estrangement.

But now, this estrangement and alienation has faded away.

"The humble minister has resigned!"

"Uncle, wait a minute!" Li Yue stopped him and stepped forward to hold his hand. "My nephew wants to ask uncle about something!"

Gongsun Wuji hurriedly said: "I am all ears!" Li Yue brought a stool and said: "There is news from the Bohai Bay. Huang Luo lost to Gao Li and Wanji and sent an envoy to Da Qian for help. Do you think I should come down? ?”

Hearing this, Gongsun Wuji understood that Li Yue wanted to defeat Gao Li. He pondered for a moment and said, "Does Huang Luo recognize me as the suzerain of Dagan?"

"This. Never!"

"Since we haven't, then what reason do we have to send troops?" Gongsun Wuji reminded: "If there is no reason and no reason to send troops, it is an army without justice!"

Li Yue did not expect this, "What do you think, uncle? At this time, my father's Northern Expedition has laid the foundation for victory. I don't want my father to hear the news of Gao Li's rebellion when he comes back!"

Gongsun Wuji thought for a moment, "Gao Li attacked us in the Bohai Sea earlier, but Da Qian was experiencing natural and man-made disasters at that time and was unable to take care of it.

Now the time is ripe, it is time to avenge the soldiers who died tragically!
Gao Li is extremely evil and has committed many crimes.

The crown prince must be destroyed, the country must be destroyed, and all the people of Gaoli must be moved out, undergo labor reform, and wash away their sins! "

Gongsun Wuji was Gongsun Wuji, and he found a suitable reason for war in just a few words.

It's just that Li Yue can't mention this matter, at least he can't be allowed to say that he wants to fight Gao Li.

This is the most basic way to govern your subordinates.

"My uncle is right, this Gao Li is really hateful." Li Yue said angrily: "They must know that the power of Heaven cannot be violated.

In this case, let's take advantage of this opportunity to attack Gao Li.

When my father comes back, he will definitely be happy if he knows that Gao Li has been pacified.

We ministers must also consider our king and father.

When the time comes, capture all the rebels like Ge Suwen and make them kowtow and repent in front of their father! "

"The king of Yue is wise!" Gongsun Wuji said with clarity in his heart. This was to remind him that the emperor had almost defeated Beinu in more than a month, and it would only be a few months since his return.

There is not much time left for Li Yue, so he must do it as soon as possible.

Tomorrow happens to be the Umrah meeting.

It's a good opportunity.

Moreover, Li Yue almost made it clear to him that he wanted to be a good son to his father, and he wanted to be a good minister who shared the emperor's worries.

Yes, after these years of experience, Li Yue has indeed gained some authority, and he has become more experienced in doing things.

I have mastered some of the essence of the emperor's mental skills.

The so-called emperor's trick is to state it clearly without revealing it. If you guess it right, it's up to you.

If you guess wrong, you are unlucky.

This is what he wants too.

Li Yue asked him to play, which means that he can be used.

If he does this well, Li Yue will not neglect him.

Even if Li Yue is not his nephew, he will still use him and value him.

Being a veteran of three dynasties can protect the prosperity and wealth of the Gongsun family for three more generations!

"I will go back and write the memorial right now!" Gongsun Wuji stood up, "Then I will not disturb His Highness in handling official duties!"

"Uncle, go slowly. Could you please inform the others? Remember to go to the banquet on time in the evening. It will be in the Tai Chi Palace!"

"Sir, obey the order!"

Gongsun Wuji left the side hall and couldn't help but smile, "Your Majesty, you are really thoughtful!"

(End of this chapter)

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