big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1156 No one knows marriage better than me!

Chapter 1156 No one knows marriage better than me!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Li Shilong is paving the way for Li Yue.

This is also a long way for Li Yue. Who would have thought that a prince who was born as a commoner and was not favored could reach his current position step by step?

During Li Xin's reign, he only supervised the country once.

And there are many restrictions set.

Now, Li Shilong has almost given all his power to Li Yue.

First, he was the general manager of the three Dao, who helped restore the reputation of these three Dao, making Li Yue famous in the south, and the name of the wise king spread throughout the world.

You need people, you need money, you need power, you need credit, you need credit.

If Gaoli is captured, it will make up for Li Yue's last shortcoming.

Liu Chenghu is holding the military headquarters, and the new generation has Qin Mo carrying the banner. These are all Li Yue's people.

New laws have become popular, and new learning has become one of the mainstream.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Li Yue is determined to cause trouble, Li Shilong will have to come down if he shakes his arm now.

It's a pity that Li Yue is not Li Xin, and Li Shilong's mentality has also changed.

Time is also life.

After all, it was all because of Qin Mo.

Using a small trend to reverse the general trend, you can always get the right timing to turn things around.

Li Yue, who was not a destined person, was forcibly carried up.

Thinking of this, Gongsun Wuji shook his head with a smile and strode out of the palace.

It was night, the Supreme Emperor was in charge, and Queen Gongsun just showed her head and returned to the Zhengdian Hall. After all, the turmoil over political interference in the harem had subsided a few days ago.

She is not suitable for showing up much.

Li Yue sat below, but the position where he sat was very intriguing.

He sat neither among the generals nor among the civil servants, but in the middle.

In addition to the highest dragon chair, there is also a platform above the Dragon Court, where the queen or prince usually sits.

Li Yuan did not sit on the dragon throne, but sat on the left side of the platform.

Li Yue sat in the middle position under the steps, neither a military general nor a civil servant.

It was the position assigned by Li Yuan.

Li Yue is not yet a prince, and does not have the layout of the East Palace, so it is not suitable for him to be a civil servant or a civil servant.

It is most appropriate to sit in the middle, so that those below will not have to guess the thoughts of those above.

Everyone is an old fox, so they can't help but marvel at Li Yuan's sophistication in handling things.

After the banquet.

Li Yue left the palace to show respect for the emperor and did not live in his former palace.

Received unanimous praise from everyone, Li Yue's reputation suddenly became higher.

The next day, at the Xiaochao meeting, Gongsun Wuji presented the memorial, and dozens of people immediately agreed.

Li Yue agreed to everything, and Li Xian and Li Xuan also agreed.

It only took two quarters of an hour to decide on the use of troops against Gao Li.

"The crusade against Gao Li is the will of the people and the general trend." Li Yue sat at the top of the side hall, with the sleepy Li Xian and Li Xuan sitting on both sides. Gao Li."

"The king of Yue is wise!"

Everyone worshiped one after another.

At this time, a wedding was being held by the small seaside.

Qin Mo was wearing a wedding dress. Although it was not a dress unique to Taoist weddings, the grassland was poor in resources and there were not so many requirements.

Today is July [-]th, and the day is not so good.

But Fang Shun insisted on marrying Qin Mo today because it was her birthday.

She didn't know the year of her birth, she only knew that this was the day when Master took her back.Qin Mochuan was beaming with joy, and there was a little more joy in the stern military camp.

The soldiers of Daqian and the soldiers of Ji Ta Shi Dan sat side by side, sitting together, and a huge bonfire was lit in the middle.

The most indispensable thing on the grassland is cattle and sheep.

Fat cattle and sheep were placed on the fire.

Jihe, Shidan's soldiers, danced their national unique dance and sang blessing songs.

Although I couldn't understand it, the singing was melodious, sincere and full of blessings.

Qin Mo allowed them to drink. Although each person only had two mouthfuls, it was enough to make everyone happy.

It's not enjoyable, but paired with Qin Mo's roasted beef and mutton with secret sauce, everyone will enjoy it.

This was not the first time Qin Mo got married, but he was particularly anxious.

"Idiot, don't be impatient!" Dou Yiai said, "Look at me, how calm I am!"

"Damn, it's me getting married, not you, you know nothing!"

Qin Mote wanted to see Fang Chun wearing new clothes and applying rouge.

"No one knows how to get married better than me!" Dou Yiai patted her chest and said, "I have also taken in twenty or thirty concubines. I am much better than you at this point!"

"I have more sons than you!"

One sentence instantly shattered Dou Yiai's pride!
Then, he squatted in the corner, smoked silently, and pulled grass from the grass, "It hurts so much, where does the pain go!"

After a while, Dou Yiai pulled out the bald patch.

At this time, in the tent, Gao Yao was washing and dressing up Fang Shuan, "You said you haven't recovered yet, why are you in such a hurry?
Don't you die?

I know you really want to marry the young master, but you have to keep yourself in good health, right? "

"Fake eunuch, you know, you can't wait to marry someone."

Looking at himself in the bronze mirror, Fang Shun smiled and said: "Besides, this is a small sea and deep in the grassland. No one knows whether the enemy will come.

How could I let him risk it here?
I know very well about my own body that after half a month of recuperation, I can travel without any problem.

Just like you, even if you died, you wouldn't want Miaoyun to get hurt, right? "

Gao Yao was silent. She looked at Fang Shen, who was lightly applying pink and white. She looked so heroic. However, when this heroic spirit came into contact with Qin Mo, it was polished and smoothed, becoming more gentle.

Even when she smiles, she is more gentle and charming.

At this moment, Fang Shun smiled very happily.

What woman doesn’t have a child?

She really envied Fang Shu.

"Fake eunuch, if there is peace, will you tell him the truth?"

"Me?" Gao Yao shook his head like a rattle, "I can't do it."

"How do you know if you don't tell me?"

Fang Chun said: "Miaoyun said that he is going to seal his heart. If you don't say it, you will have no chance!"

Gao Yao's heart suddenly tightened, and then he pretended to be careless and said: "I am a slave and he is the master. My godfather gave me to the young master in the hope that I can protect the young master at all times.

I will be content if the young master lives a safe and happy life.

As for my identity of following the young master and guarding the young master, it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that I can continue to follow the young master.

That is my happiness! "

Fang Shun could feel the speed at which the grate was combing her hair, so she didn't say anything more and just said: "With your skills, if you regain your true form, you will definitely dress yourself up beautifully.

Miaoyun might not be able to take her eyes away when she sees you! "

Gao Yao was filled with sadness and some expectations, but more of he was confused and afraid, "You are such an unreasonable woman, today is your wedding, why are you encouraging me?
Do you really want me to leave the young master? "

(End of this chapter)

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