big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1157 Extremely wronged!

Chapter 1157 Extremely wronged!

"I haven't recovered yet. Miaoyun takes pity on me and won't touch me. Tonight is a good opportunity. You must seize it!"

She has an unparalleled affection for Qin Mo, and even more so for Gao Yao.

Even she can't compare.

It's just that Gao Yao is too inferior.

Just like she used to be.

Therefore, she wanted to help a group of high-ranking officials.

Once Beinu is pacified, there won't be many wars in the future.

Master said that after Miaoyun has passed this tribulation, things will go smoothly in the future.

Gao Yao's heart was pounding and his face turned red, "You, you are so shameless, do you know what you are talking about?"

Her head was spinning. She had followed Qin Mo through life and death for so long. What scene had she not seen before?

However, Fang Chun's words made his palms sweat.

"You understand!" Fang Chun said with a smile: "Just do me a favor, okay?"

"How can anyone do such a favor? It's ridiculous, it's extremely ridiculous!" Gao Yao's voice was trembling, "You're such a shameless lady!"

"do you want?"

"No, I don't want to!" Gao Yao said.

"Really? This is the best opportunity. If you don't seize it, you will really have no chance!" Fang Chun secretly laughed.

Fang Shun's laughter made Gao Yao jump up like a cat whose tail was stepped on, "What's so funny, that I'm so pitiable?
Need your charity? "

"Are Miaoyun's feelings a thing? Are they useful if they are given as charity? Then you must be looking down on Miaoyun and me!" Fang Chuan said in an irritated voice, "Anyway, I've said it all, it's up to you whether you listen or not. It's your business, and it's also your business whether you want help or not.

There are feet on your body, rouge and gouache, and women’s clothes. No one can force you whether to change clothes or put on makeup! "

After saying that, she paused and added: "After all, I have always been bare-faced, and I have never liked makeup.

This time I was able to marry Miaoyun beautifully, thanks to you, the fake eunuch, who carried the rouge and perfume with you.

Otherwise, what man would like the smell of medicine and blood all over my body?

My face has not been red for half a month, and it looks sickly. After using your rouge, it looks much better.

I want to thank you for using your rouge to marry my lover! "

"You!" Gao Yao was almost furious, "Young lady crown, if the young master hadn't told me to give you more time, I would have taken action!"

"I am no match for you now. If you take action, I will call you my husband!"

Seeing the smell of tea in Fang Xuan's tea, Gao Yao gritted his teeth angrily, "Okay, today is your special day, I don't share your experience.

From now on, when you marry the young master, you will become the mistress, and I won't be able to quarrel with you. "

Thinking of this, she felt even more sad.

When Fang Chun saw this, she secretly sighed, what a silly girl.

He was trapped in his identity as a fake eunuch.

She carried rouge, gouache, and perfume with her, and it was obvious that she hoped to regain her true form.

"Then you should serve me from now on. I will tell Miaoyun that I will bully you every day if I ask you to come over.

If you do me this favor, I won't bully you!

After all, I don’t want to disappoint my husband on the big day, can you understand? Gao Yao said with red eyes: "I don't understand. If you keep talking, I will go out!" "

Seeing that Gao Yao was on the verge of tears and his pretty face turned pale, she not only did not stop, but instead said more aggressively: "If you dare to go out, I will tell Miao Yun that you can try it!" Fang Shun acted like a villain, " You can tell Senior Sister Miaoyun what happened. Anyway, you did it with me. Miaoyun will definitely forgive me, but she may not forgive you.

You know, he hates people lying to him the most, and when the time comes, he will drive you away in a fit of anger.I don’t want you anymore.

No matter how much you say, it's useless to beg your godfather.

At worst, if I pretend to be aggrieved and act coquettishly while holding Miaoyun's thigh, no matter how much anger he has, it will definitely be gone! "

Hearing this, Gao Yao burst into tears. When he thought of Qin Mo driving her away and not wanting her anymore, what was the point of her?
"So, listen to me and do me this favor. Anyway, you and I are similar in stature. Miaoyun didn't know if I blew out the candle.

I used your perfume, and the scent is the same as yours. As for the wound, you have your breasts wrapped, so Miaoyun won't detect it. "Fang Chun followed and guided.

Gao Yao lowered his head, tears falling to the ground, "I'll help you, but only this time!"

"Okay, please help me this time. I won't bully you or hold you hostage in the future. I, Fang Chun, will keep my word!"

Seeing that Gao Yao was still crying, she quickly said: "Don't cry. If Miao Yun sees it, he will think that I am bullying you. Take your tears back!"

Gao Yao sniffed quickly and wiped away his tears.

At this moment, she felt extremely wronged!

I wanted to cry but didn't dare to cry loudly, so I held back my tears.

I just regret that I didn't bully this stinky female crown before, but I just got into her way today and let her rub her round and flat!
But what can be done?

She is now the mistress.

And she is just a fake eunuch!

Seeing Gao Yao's frustrated little daughter-in-law look, Fang Shun nodded with satisfaction, "Remember, pretend to be more like me. If you ruin my plan, see how I bully you in the future!"

Gao Yao endured it silently, but did not dare to neglect helping Fang Chun wash up.

"I'm not afraid of you, I'm just afraid of leaving the young master!" Gao Yao choked and said: "You stinky female crown, if you bully me, bully me. In the future, you should bully the young master less.

He's a nice guy, so don't hit him, scold him, or pull his ears.

If you have any anger, just take it out on me! "

Hearing this, Fang Chun sighed even more, how could there be such an infatuated and loyal person in this world.

He really gave up his heart, his soul, and his people, leaving nothing behind.

"That depends on your performance tonight!" Fang Chun smiled, "As long as Miaoyun is satisfied, I will be satisfied!"

Just as he was talking, Fang Shun saw a figure on the tent, and heard Qin Mo say: "Good senior sister, can I come in and take a look?"

"No, it can't be done. Master, the bride hasn't put on her makeup yet. We can't meet her before that. You have to abide by the rules!" Gao Yao quickly wiped his tears and tried to make his voice sound normal.

Qin Mo rubbed his hands outside the tent, feeling anxious.

"Okay, Xiao Gao, you have to make my senior sister look more beautiful!" Qin Mo secretly opened the curtain, but was pulled back by Gao Yao.

He smiled bitterly and took a few steps back.

At this time, Dou Yiai hummed and said, "You want to see the bride, but you are obviously eager to enter the bridal chamber!"

"Go, go, you know a basket!" Qin Mo saw the aggrieved look on his face and said, "Okay, I'll ask Lao Zan to give you the secret recipe for giving birth to a son, okay?"

Dou Yiai quickly hugged Qin Mo's thigh, "Brother, you are the best!"

(End of this chapter)

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