big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1158 Terribly nervous!

Chapter 1158 Terribly nervous!
"Get out of the way." Qin Mo knew Dou Yiai's face very well and kicked him to the ground.

Dou Yiai patted her butt and said, "Idiot, these women have captured many Northern slave nobles. They all have round faces and big butts. At first glance, they are good candidates for giving birth to sons.

I'll get some and serve you two tonight! "

"You come back to me!"

Qin Mo clenched his fists and punched deliberately, causing Dou Yiai to squat down with his head in his hands.

"Bullshit, my brother is going to be a good man, and you still force me to be a scumbag?"

"I'm afraid you can't do it and want someone to push you from behind!"

Qin Mo's nose was so angry that he said, "Please save me some trouble!"

"Are you afraid that they can't push well? It doesn't matter, I will teach them!"

Qin Mo was angry and helpless, but then he thought, God had given him the talent of taking concubines, giving wives, and fighting, but it would inevitably close a door for him.

"If you like them, just pick two and take them back to the capital. Stop clicking on me here!"

Dou Yiai grinned to the back of his ears, "Thank you, idiot!"

After saying that, he ran away.

By the end of the afternoon, Fang Chun finally came out.

Qin Mo stood guard at the door, while Dou Yiai and a group of generals served as best men.

Gao Yao took Fang Shu's hand and walked out. Dou Yiai said loudly: "Is the bride handsome?"

"Jun!" everyone shouted loudly.

Then Dou Yiai said again: "Do you like it?"


Everyone grinned.

Although Qin Mo is usually not serious, his prestige in the military is extremely high, even surpassing Liu Chenghu for a time.

Especially these new troops were almost created by Qin Mo. Who dares to joke with Qin Mo on weekdays?

At this time, everyone took the opportunity to catch Qin Mo and have fun with him.

"Do you want to take your sister-in-law home?"

"miss you!"

At that thought, everyone shouted hysterically.

Fang Shu did not choose to cover her head, but held a fan in her hand.

Although his face was covered, his profile was enough to make these wolves in the army drool.

But no one dared to think anything wrong. They all admired Fang Chun's loyalty in their hearts.

"My mother, love sister-in-law?"

Qin Mo laughed and scolded, stepped forward and held Fang Shu's hand: "This is my wife, won't you marry her yourself?" "Array!"

Dou Yiai shouted again.

The soldiers from the three sides stood in a row and paved a way for the two of them.

The red carpet on the ground was patchworked together. It looked simple and not gorgeous, but it was what everyone wanted!

"Let's go!"

Qin Mo said with a smile.

As the two walked on the red carpet, people kept congratulating them, "I wish General Qin and Miss Fang a happy marriage!"

Those blessings made the two hold hands and walk to the end of the red carpet.

There was an incense table placed at the end of the red carpet. Instead of fruits and melons, there were the heads of cattle, sheep, horses and animals, as well as the tablets of the Lord of Heaven and Earth, his parents and master.

Dou Yiai was serious now.

The two of them first worshiped heaven and earth, then worshiped the ancestor's tablet, and finally the couple worshiped each other.

Normally, they would have to play small games and the like, but Fang Wan was injured, so no one dared to mess around.

Gao Yao came over with a bowl of noodles, "After eating this bowl of Tongxin noodles, husband and wife will never be apart!"

"Come, senior sister, let me feed you!" Qin Mo took the bowl and looked at Fang Shun, "Senior sister, you are so beautiful. I have thought about how you look in wedding clothes many times, but I never expected you to be so beautiful." Fang Shun. Looking at Qin Mo affectionately, he opened his mouth and ate the noodles Qin Mo fed him. He felt that all the hardships he had endured before were worth it.

At this moment, she suddenly understood the so-called love and freedom.

Seabirds and fish, either the seabird caught the fish, or the fish dragged the seabird to the bottom of the sea.

Love and freedom are not in conflict.

Don't be trapped in your heart, don't be confused by your emotions.

This marriage was very simple, but Fang Chun was indeed very satisfied.

"Senior sister, I, Qin Mo, Qin Miaoyun, swear in front of the gods and Buddhas filling the sky, the ancestors of the Ziwei Star Sect, to marry Fang Miaowen today.

From now on, no matter whether you are rich or poor, in good times or bad, I will love you, protect you, love you, and pamper you. If there is any violation.

Call me Qin Mo and you will die! "

"I, Fang Miaochun, swear in front of the gods and Buddhas in the sky and the ancestors of all generations that I will marry Qin Mo today.

No matter whether he is rich or poor, whether he is sick or dead, I will never leave him and will accompany him in life and death.

If there is reincarnation, I would like to be his wife forever! "

"Well said!" Dou Yiai clapped her hands hurriedly, this marriage is interesting, these little words are perfect.

In the future, he will also find a way to find a female crown, and he will also try to get married.

Everyone also made friends one after another.

Some even shouted: "Kiss me!"

"Yes, kiss one!"

Fang Chun had a low reputation, Qin Mo said: "I can show you my own wife, go ahead, don't start here."

While the word 'coax' was still in his mouth, Fang Shun hooked Qin Mo's neck, stood on tiptoes, and kissed him.

Qin Mo was stunned and hurriedly squatted down slightly to avoid Fang Xuan's effort in kissing him.

After a long kiss, everyone winked at Qin Mo, "General, it's getting dark, it's time for the bridal chamber!"

"You fart, it's so bright, is it dark over there?"

This is the bad thing about Xiaohai. The days are very long and the nights are very short. It is not dark until midnight.

He can't just show off in broad daylight, so he can just give everyone a personal show, right?
How embarrassing!
Fang Shuan lowered his head and blushed. He really couldn't get married now.

She glanced at Gao Yao next to her.

Gao Yao looked calm, but his eyes were extremely tangled. His hands were holding clothes, and his knuckles were turning white.

Everyone also knew it, so everyone tried their best and displayed all kinds of martial arts. Everyone watched and cheered.

It was not until Xu Shizhong that Fang Shun was sent into the camp, but Qin Mo had not yet entered so quickly.

Pulled by Dou Yiai, they tried various ways to torment Qin Mo, but Qin Mo couldn't get angry yet, so he had to let them go.

In the camp, all the noble women from Beinu who were hired as maids were driven out of the camp by Fang Shun.

She said to Gao Yao: "It will be dark in another hour, and Miaoyun won't come in so soon. You still have time to dress up. Remember, you have to comb your hair like me!"

Gao Yao was very flustered, "I, I"

"What am I? Go quickly!"

Fang Shun deliberately said with a straight face: "You're not going to go back on your word, are you?"

"I didn't mean that!"

"Then what do you mean?" Fang Shun pretended to be displeased and said, "You have to think carefully about the consequences if you don't follow the agreement!"

Gao Yao bit his lip so hard that blood began to ooze.

"Don't bite your lips. If Jing Yun tastes the blood on your mouth, he will definitely light a candle!" Fang Chun refused to let go of any detail.

Gao Yao quickly let go of his teeth and his breathing became rapid.

She felt her heart jump into her throat when she thought that she would soon replace Fang Chuan with Li Daitao.

Can it really work?
But ladies know how to tell stories, will the young master also let her tell stories?
(End of this chapter)

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