big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1159 Gao Daifang is dead!

Chapter 1159 Gao Daifang is dead!

She raised her doubts, "If the young master asks me to tell a story, won't I be exposed?

Also, I, I. I seem to want more than you."

"What do you want?" Fang Chun frowned.

Gao Yao lowered his head and looked at Fang Chun again, "It's one or two levels behind!"

Fang Chuan's face also turned red, but immediately felt unconvinced, "How do you know you're one or two levels behind?"

"Don't worry about the size of what the young master gave you, I know it!" Gao Yao said embarrassedly: "The young master is very smart!"

"Don't worry, I'm injured and he won't be rude. He's just telling stories. It's indeed a bit troublesome!"

Fang Chun knew Qin Mo. He went to Nanfan to have his head shaved before, so he pulled her every day to tell the story of Jun Monk Xiao Mo, as well as the story of young Xiao Mo and Nu Guan.

There were so many versions, but she still had to remember them.

It can really kill people.

"Yeah, I said it won't work!" Gao Yao was scared.

"In that case, you take off your clothes to me, I'll put on your clothes, and I'll be waiting on you when the time comes.

He asked you, "Don't say anything, I'll come." Fang Shun gritted his teeth and said, "It's dark. If I don't light a candle, he won't know!" "

Gao Yao's eyes widened, "Is this okay?"

"Anyway, just listen to me!" Fang Chuan said: "They must be drinking Miaoyun wine, and when Miaoyun is drunk, his reaction will definitely not be as sharp as usual.

He believes in you and me so much, so there must be no doubt about him! "

Gao Yao was forced to have no choice but to take off his coat, and then plunged into the nearby tent, hesitating.

She took off her hat and untied her hair.

Let the black hair fall away.

The grate dispersed some tangled hair.

Even if she doesn't apply makeup, even if the sun tans her skin a little bit, she is still pretty and pretty.

It doesn't change just because you become black.

In fact, following Qin Mo in the military camp all year round, she had a hint of fortitude that ordinary women did not have.

"Do you want it?"

Gao Yao was very nervous, and his whole body was trembling because of his nervousness.

Finally, the sun sets.

Qin Mo had a headache from being drunk, but he was not very drunk. Firstly, he was afraid of emergencies, and secondly, he was afraid that he would be drunk and hurt Fang Shen.

He also ordered that no one was allowed within 30 meters of the tent.

To save Fang Xuan from embarrassment!
Entering the camp, he was a little surprised, "Senior sister, where is Xiao Gao?"

"Oh, I asked her to come back later!"

Qin Mo only thought that Fang Shun was embarrassed and didn't think much about it, "No one is better. Anyway, this is a military camp. Tens of thousands of people are guarding us. We are not afraid of anyone!"

He sat on the edge of the bed, but made no further movements. He just touched Fang Shuan's face distressedly, "I originally wanted to take you to gallop on the grassland, and I also wanted to take you to go boating on the lake, but you were too impatient. I wanted to wait until you were fully recovered and organize a better and grander wedding for you!"

"You can do those things at any time, but my birthday is only once a year!" Fang Chun said: "This time, you won't be afraid that I will run away, right?"

"Don't be afraid anymore!" Qin Mo hugged her and pressed his face against her belly, "Senior sister, I have married you home."

Fang Shun gently touched Qin Mo's head, feeling extremely peaceful in his heart.

"Come up here and let me serve you tonight!"

"No, senior sister, you"

"listen to me!"

Fang Shuan blushed and said: "Don't talk, don't let me tell stories, don't light candles, don't do mischief."

After saying this, she glanced outside the tent and said, "Those people will definitely come and listen to the corner. You have to save some face for me, otherwise I won't have the shame to meet them in the future!"

Qin Mo saw Fang Shun's shy face and said worriedly: "But your body!"

"I have been practicing martial arts with my master since I was a child. I have a strong body. Although the injury is serious, it will not be a serious problem after I recover. I don't want to leave any regrets tonight, and I also don't want you to regret it!" Fang Shun blew out the hold and camped. He suddenly fell into darkness, "You wait here, I'll call Xiao Gao to guard him!"

Qin Mo was helpless. It was not easy to compete with Fang Chun at this time. She just wanted to be happy.

There is no way, senior sister is just too stubborn!
Fang Shun walked to the entrance of the camp tent and shouted softly: "Xiao Gao, you can come here!"

Gao Yao trembled when he heard Fang Shun's cry.

At this time, she had recovered her daughter's body.

"Xiao Gao?"

"Come, come!"

Gao Yao replied bravely, turned around, blew out the candle, and plunged into Qin Mo's tent.

As soon as she entered, Fang Chun took her hand. When she touched it, her palms were all sweaty.

She whispered in Gao Yao's ear: "I have already made an agreement with Miaoyun. He is not allowed to talk, he is not allowed to force me to tell stories, and he is not allowed to light candles. The whole process will be quiet. Don't be nervous!"

No wonder you're not nervous!

Gao Yao couldn't help but tremble.

When Qin Mo saw that Fang Shun hadn't come over yet, he asked, "Senior sister, what are you two muttering about?"

"I tell Xiao Gao that anyone who dares to come over will be beaten away with sticks!" Fang Chun snorted.

"Oh!" Qin Mo said, "Come here, I'm ready!"

This is the first time Qin Mo has been so quiet, and Qian Shuan has not been like this before. It must be because he is too nervous! "


Fang Shun pushed Gao Yao.

Then he sat at the door of the camp, where there was a lounge chair prepared by Qin Mo for Gao Yao.

Does she feel bad?

It's not uncomfortable, it's a lie.

Women are always duplicity.

But she is also a woman, and she can understand Gaoyao's suffering better.

If Gao Yao doesn't take the initiative to live up to his expectations today, it will be more troublesome in the future.

Moreover, she actually had one thing hidden in her heart. She couldn't do it alone and had to ask Gao Yao for help.

She doesn't have many good friends in her life, Gao Yao is her only good friend.

In addition, it was indeed inconvenient for her now, and her injury was actually more serious than Qin Mo imagined. She managed to finish the wedding today.

Now, I can finally rest.

Gao Yao stood there, as if his feet were filled with lead.

"Senior sister?" Qin Mo looked at the blurry figures in the darkness and patted the bed, "Don't be nervous, we'll talk about it back to the capital in the worst case!"

Gao Yao wanted to run away now, but he didn't dare when he heard Fang Shu coughing at the entrance of the tent.

At this moment, she was in a dilemma, like an ant on a hot pot.

"Ahem!" Fang Shun coughed a few more times to remind Gao Yao, and even the coughing sound had a hint of threat.

Gao Yao turned his head with difficulty and walked step by step to the bed.

Does she fit?
She couldn't help but ask herself!

Just as she was thinking about it, she felt her body lighten up, and Qin Mo hugged her directly.

Just as she was about to exclaim, she remembered Fang Shun's explanation and quickly covered her mouth.


Come, let me help you untie your hair! "

(End of this chapter)

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