big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1160 People can’t be too greedy!

Chapter 1160 People can’t be too greedy!

Qin Mo was a little excited at this time, but he was drunk and his hands and feet became clumsy.

He touched Fang Chun's hair accessory and untied it gently, "Senior sister, don't be afraid, Xiao Mo will take care of you!"

When Gao Yao heard this, he was nervous and scared, and held Qin Mo's clothes tightly.

She was already trying very hard not to get short of breath.

But Qin Mo's warm breath fell on her face, making her head buzz.

As a result, his body began to tremble uncontrollably.

She hummed involuntarily.

It was this hum that directly excited Xiao Mo.

Qin Mo untied Fang Chun's hair accessories and said, "Senior sister, today is your most beautiful day. I really want to keep looking at you!"

Gao Yao panicked and became extremely nervous. Is he lighting a candle?
But then she thought about it, and quickly pretended to be brave and grabbed Qin Mo's ear, not daring to use any force, and let Qin Mo feel a little pain before letting go.

Qin Mo grinned deliberately, "Okay, okay, I understand, can I just stop talking? Senior sister, I actually don't mean anything else, I'm just afraid of touching your wounds!"

Fang Shuan, who was guarding the entrance to the tent, also had a look of helplessness. He didn't know why he liked this smelly thing so much.

Smooth talker.

She could hear this plan clearly even sitting here!
Seeing that Fang Chun didn't say anything and even put his hands in front of him, as if he was a little resistant to him, Qin Mo suddenly became more awake and didn't dare to say anything anymore.

When Gao Yao felt his lips were a little warm, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and his whole body became extremely stiff.

My heart was about to jump out of my throat, and I even shed tears.

My head feels dizzy, my heartbeat speeds up, and my limbs feel weak, as if they have been drained of energy.

She was too dumb to move and allowed Qin Mo to do whatever he wanted.

She decided long ago that she would dedicate everything to Qin Mo.

But when the day came, she found it very uncomfortable.

It's not that Qin Mo feels uncomfortable because he is close to him, but he feels that he is too pathetic.

Today is Fang Chun's wedding.

But she became the heroine.

You pity her, right?
What if you get this kind of happiness today, but don’t get it again in the future?
She will be greedy and dissatisfied.

It's better not to get it, and let her stay with Qin Mo as a fake eunuch and call him brother-in-law.

Listen to what he said, the inner words that even the mistress has never heard.

He had seen all of Qin Mo's emotions, which were complex emotions that had never been revealed in front of outsiders.

She was the only one who had touched the softest part of Qin Mo's heart.

She just carefully guarded the space that belonged to her, and that was all.

After all, she is just a 'little eunuch' with a humble status, even if her godfather is Gao Shilian.

When she felt that Qin Mo was getting closer, she hurriedly pushed Qin Mo away.


Qin Mo was pushed by 'Fang Shu' and his body became unstable and he fell directly from the bed to the ground.

It hit the head impartially.

"Senior sister, did I injure you?" Qin Mo bared his teeth and gasped.

Gao Yao didn't say a word, quickly put on his clothes and ran out.

Before Fang Chun who was guarding the door could react, Gao Yao disappeared!
She was stunned.

Did this fake eunuch escape during the battle?
She laughed angrily. She had worked so hard and was doing the wrong thing, yet she actually ran away?
Isn't this a mess!
"Senior sister, ouch!" Qin Mo was a little dizzy and yelled a few words on the ground before reluctantly getting up.But immediately after, I found that the tent was lit up.

He saw Fang Shuan standing there in disheveled clothes, biting his lip and looking at him with some annoyance in his eyes.

"I told you not to drink so much. How strong are your hands? Why don't you count?"

Fang Shun deliberately pretended to be hurt by him and gently covered the wound.

Qin Mo didn't care about the packing on his head. He was so frightened that he ran over to see Fang Shu, "Let me see if the wound is broken."

Fang Shun slapped Qin Mo's hand away, "It's okay, it just hurt too much!"

"No, this is not a joke!"

Qin Mo was sober now and insisted on checking Fang Shu's wounds.

Fang Chun had no choice but to do the whole show.

After confirming that there was no problem with the wound, Qin Mo breathed a sigh of relief and slapped himself on the face, "I made you anxious and asked you to drink!"

Seeing Qin Mo's self-blame expression, Fang Shu said: "Okay, it's getting late, let's rest!"

This time Qin Mo was honest and did not dare to do anything, so he hugged Fang Wan carefully and said, "Senior sister, wait until you are completely recovered before returning to the capital.

There are so many people here, we can’t let go. When we go back, I want you to tell the story of Xiao Mo and Nv Guan! "

Fang Shun begged in a low voice in Fang Shun's ear.

Fang Shuan blushed furiously, "You're killing someone!"

However, Fang Chun felt bad about not being able to give Qin Mo a happy wedding, and then whispered: "Once upon a time, there was a girl named Xiao Chun, who was innocent and lovely. She lived in Ziwei Star Gate and devoted herself to practicing Taoism. Until one day, Xiao Mo came here."

Hearing this, Qin Mo was extremely excited.

Fang Shuan was also ashamed, but before the story was completely finished, snoring could be heard in his ears.

This stinky thing is really tired!

She tucked Qin Mo's mattress, put on the pajamas Qin Mo made for her with a sleeping bag, and walked out.

Gao Yao was not in the camp.

She hurriedly called to the patrolling soldiers. When they saw Fang Shun, the soldiers were stunned and quickly saluted, "Hello, sister-in-law!"

"Did General Xiao Gao prepare food for General Qin?" Fang Shun asked.

"Yes, she was afraid of disturbing the soldiers, so she took the things to the lake to do them."

A patrolling soldier said worriedly: "Sister-in-law, you haven't recovered yet, it's windy here at night, please be careful.

Today is also a happy day for you and the general. If you need anything, just call us! "

"Your general is drunk and has a headache. I'm going to get him some hangover soup. Thank you for your hard work!" After saying that, she walked towards the lake.

Looking at Fang Shuan's back, the patrolling soldier couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "My sister-in-law is so virtuous. Not only is she unparalleled in friendship, but she also made soup for the general to wake up after he was seriously injured. In the future, when I look for a wife, I will look for her in the same way as my sister-in-law!"

"Stop dreaming. Which brother has yellow urine? Wake him up!"

At this time, Fang Shun stared at the big lake in a daze. The lake was sparkling, and big fish jumped out of the lake from time to time.

Tears slid down my cheeks, one drop at a time.

She tightened her clothes, touched her mouth, and then her neck.

She knew without looking that this place was stamped by the young master.

Just for a moment, she felt like she was becoming greedy.

But the godfather said, don’t take anything that’s not yours!
She is lucky enough to be with the young master!
You can't be too greedy and want everything!

(End of this chapter)

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