big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1161 Drinking the horse Xiaohai, sealing the wolf to live in Xu!

Chapter 1161 Drinking the horse Xiaohai, sealing the wolf to live in Xu!
Hearing the footsteps behind her, she quickly wiped away her tears and looked back, "Are you here to scold me?"

Fang Shun didn't speak, but sat next to her.

The moonlight was very bright, especially the tear stains on her face and swollen eyes.

"You are so timid, what's the use of scolding you." Fang Shuan sighed, "Let's make a bowl of hangover soup, it will be dawn soon."

"I know you pity me, but the things that are given to you are not mine." Gao Yao said, "My godfather taught me since I was a child that if others don't sincerely give it to you, you can't take it."

Fang Chun lay directly on the grass and looked at the stars in the sky, "You said I didn't really give it to you? Which woman is so generous and willing to let other women share her man?
I just feel that it is difficult for me to take good care of Miaoyun. You are more considerate than me.

You know his preferences.

I love Miaoyun, and I also love freedom.

You are different, you only love Miaoyun, and your freedom and joy are all given by Miaoyun.

Whether it is the third princess or the seventh princess, I know all the stories between them.

I also understand that it is a luxury to hope to take away all Miaoyun's love from them.

Who told the man I love to be an unparalleled hero?
Is there any woman in this world who doesn’t love heroes? "

Fang Shun was a little tired, so she closed her eyes and said, "I never give charity to others. Although the purpose of Ziwei Star Sect is to benefit the people, feelings are personal.

And feelings cannot be given away.

You might as well find an opportunity to confess to Miaoyun. The deeper you go into some things, the harder it will be to get out. "

Gao Yao just said: "It's windy, you should go back, the wind and cold will aggravate your condition.

I don't want to see the young master worrying about you. "

"Fake eunuch, you are too timid. Maybe you should be bolder!"

Fang Shun did not stay any longer. She stood up slowly, tightened her pajamas and put on her hat. She felt that no matter how strong the wind was, she could not feel the cold.

When Qin Mo woke up, it was already dawn. Looking at Fang Shuan beside him, Xiao Gao was coming in with breakfast and sober soup.


Qin Mo made a silent gesture to signal Gao Yao not to speak. He lowered his head, secretly pecked Fang Gu, and then got up on tiptoe.

Gao Yao was envious in her heart, but she felt that this was the normal state of her life.

Her happiness is to see Qin Mo happy, guarding him in the corner, watching him, and she is satisfied.

"Xiao Gao, thank you for your hard work!" Qin Mo knew that Gao had to stay overnight. Seeing that her eyes were red and swollen and she looked a little haggard, he said, "Go and have a rest. There is nothing important today!"

Gao nodded and left the camp.

Qin Mo recalled what happened last night, feeling a little regretful and a little self-blame.

In fact, if you think about it, you will know that the senior sister suffered a penetrating injury. How can she withstand the torture?

After eating, Qin Mo put on his armor, left the camp, and called the women of the Beinu nobles to guard Fang Shu.

Arriving at the military tent, Qin Mo was about to deal with the troops when a scout hurriedly came to report, "General, what a great victory!
General Chai went south and happened to encounter Huyan Anda and Ashina Shi who were fleeing, and the two sides fought on the grassland.

In the end, General Chai Rong defeated the enemy's 3000-strong army in one battle, beheaded [-] people and captured more than [-] people.

We had more than [-] casualties! "

Qin Mo hurriedly took the urgent report and read it. He had been here for so long, and this was the first urgent report sent back.

At this glance, Qin Mo learned the cause and effect, but he did not expect that Chai Rong actually ran into King Heng's troops.

This battle was beautifully fought.

King Heng was also very effective, defeating the ambush troops in Beinu Longting and almost annihilating them all.

Calculating this way, the entire Beinu Army was completely destroyed. In addition, Chai Rong cut off the remnants of Huyan Anda, and the Northern Expedition came to a complete conclusion!
However, Su Yun suddenly changed from the main force to the auxiliary in this wave.

Cheng Sanxu didn't even drink the soup.His insertion was wrong, but he became the main force among the main forces.

I'm so bored!
Accidentally, he was both the first and the main attacker. How should Lao Liu reward him for such a great contribution?

He must find a way to deny this credit.


He hurriedly conveyed the good news to all the generals, "The Battle of the Northern Expedition has ended successfully, and all the elite Northern Slaves have been annihilated and captured.

Of course, we cannot take it lightly. There are still those remaining tribes on the grassland, and they still need to be regulated and not give the Beinu people any chance to breathe!

So, I'm announcing a months-long mop-up operation here.

As far as the map is concerned, there are no more Beinu people! "

Everyone is overjoyed.

It was only mid-July, and the battle against Beinu had already ended.

When it came, no one thought it would be so soon.

Moreover, they still interspersed troops, but fought the toughest battles.

They made a fortune this time.

Qin Mo was completely relieved now. The war was over, so he just stayed here to finish it off. The reason was suitable and justifiable.

It also allows senior sister to have a good rest here.

He quickly wrote several letters and asked the scouts to send them to Ganzhou immediately.

After doing this, the whole camp was filled with joy.

Qin Mo also ordered everyone to drink freely, kill cattle and sheep, and sing and dance.

The joyful atmosphere also woke Fang Shun up.

She slept so late last night that when she woke up, it was already noon. But when she opened her eyes, she saw Qin Mo standing next to her, "Miaoyun, what's going on outside?"

Qin Mo hurried over, "It's nothing, it's just that we have completely won the battle. This Northern Expedition is over."

"Did you receive a letter from Ganzhou?"

Qin Mo smiled and handed over the good news. Fang Chun was also very happy when he saw it, "Great, the soldiers can go home!"

"Not yet, we have to wipe out the remaining tribes here in Xiaohai, and we can't give Beinu a chance to breathe this time.

It's mid-July now, and I'll probably leave in August or September, and I'll be able to return to Beijing around October. "

Qin Mo was extremely lazy. How could he not know what his temper was like?

Fang Chun knew very well that Qin Mo wanted to give her a good rest, so he made an excuse to stay here longer!

"I'm fine. I can go home in the next two days. Don't let the soldiers continue to run around on the grassland!" Fang Shun felt very sorry.

"Someone has to stay and guard. Even if we go back, we have to wait for the new team to come over and change the defense.

Xiaohai, Beinulongting, Xiakou Mountain, these places are important passes and must be guarded by someone.

Let's just wait here with peace of mind.

When you feel better, I will take you to Fenglangjuxu. Qin Mohao said angrily: "We have already restrained Shi Yanran, and now we are also in Xiaohai. We are just missing the last one!" "

Leshi Yanran is located next to Wusubu Lake.

Drinking horse Xiaohai is also one of the highest honors for a military commander.

But the highest honor recognized by the world is to be granted the title of Xu!

(End of this chapter)

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