big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1162 How can you bring luck if you are born with ink!

Chapter 1162 How can you bring luck if you are born with ink!
"That's a man's business, what does it have to do with me?" Fang Chun said.

"You are a share of my credit. Without you, I would have died a long time ago!" Qin Mo hugged her and said,

"Bah, bah, bah, what the hell!" Fang Shun tapped his forehead with her finger, but her heart felt sweet, "You are the only one who speaks well!"

"I always only tell the truth!" Qin Mo chuckled, and immediately picked her up and kissed her fiercely.

"Well, I haven't rinsed my mouth yet."

In early August, the army gradually escorted prisoners of war back to Ganzhou.

The generals also held their heads high.

Li Daoyuan pulled Qi Xinbu and the prisoners of war, and walked proudly in the middle of the avenue. It was too hard to pull him like that.

Chai Rong kept a relatively low profile, walking in the middle with more than 2 prisoners of war.

Su Yun had a slumped face. Although he had captured more than 2 prisoners of war, damn he felt so aggrieved.

He worked hard to capture Xiakou Mountain, but what was the result?
The real elite actually took advantage of Chai Rong.

Still ten thousand versus fifty thousand.

This great victory was won with more than [-] casualties.

What about him?

Just the capture of Xiakou Mountain resulted in more than 6000 casualties.

The arrogant Qin Mo led an intersecting team of 5000 people and killed more than 10,000 people. The casualties were only two-thirds of those who attacked Xiakou Mountain.

This was an unprecedented victory. Looking back at the founding of Daqian, this battle has always ranked among the top five.

Among them, Mingyue Mountain Feitian's surprise attack, Three Days under Japan, Lingnan quelled the rebellion, wiped out the clan, and Tianxiang Kingdom's thousands-mile surprise attack, all ranked high!

Collapse, Su Yun's mentality completely collapsed.

If ink is born, how can luck be born!
Everyone, including Su Yun's main force, had their heads hanging down, not at all happy.

It's good to have merit, but compared with Li Daoyuan and Qin Mo, that's the difference between grandson, father and grandfather.

At the prisoner presentation ceremony, Li Shilong also wore a special bag.

Li Sixun and the royal family were also beaming with joy.

From now on, there will be no war in the north.

Longyou can also truly recuperate.

This battle was so good that the foundation for victory was laid in less than a month, and the army was defeated in two months.

The great enemy in the past was now crushed under the iron hoof of Daqian.

"The humble minister Chai Rong, on the orders of General Qin, raided Xiakou Mountain. On the way, he encountered the remnant army led by Huyan Anda and ambushed and attacked them.

More than [-] people were beheaded, more than [-] people were captured, countless baggage and [-] war horses were seized!

We had more than [-] casualties! "

After Chai Rong finished speaking, he placed the general talisman above his head.

Immediately afterwards, Li Daoyuan came out of the queue and knelt down on one knee, "My subject, Li Daoyuan, killed more than [-] enemies and captured more than [-] people. Beinu people, old and young, and all [-] people were moved out.

The Qixin tribe realized that they had lost their way, abandoned the darkness and turned to the light, and led more than [-] tribesmen to join Daqian.

The minister took the decision without authorization and asked the Qixin Department to establish the Qixin Army.

During this period, Ashina Tumen, king of Youguli under Shanyu, also contributed a lot.

I hope your majesty will reward you!
In this battle, there were more than [-] casualties in total! "

As he spoke, he imitated Chai Rong and placed his military talisman above his head.

Su Yunshen was in a panic. Chai Rong and Li Daoyuan were far inferior to them in terms of military equipment and numbers.

Especially Chai Rong, who was in Qin Mo's team. After several consecutive battles, Qin Mo's armaments were severely depleted.

Even so, Chai Rong won the battle with minimal casualties.

Although it was an ambush, it was still his skill.

Thinking of this, he knelt down directly on the ground, "The humble minister Su Yun is unworthy of your majesty's trust. He led an army of [-] people and captured Xiakou Mountain in the past month. He suffered more than [-] casualties, beheaded more than [-] people, and captured [-] people. Remain.

As the main force, Wei Chen is neither as good as King Heng, nor as good as the Commander-in-Chief of Qin.What you get is incomparable.

Your Majesty, please punish! "

He put his head on the ground and took out the tiger charm that symbolized the coach. He was really shameless!
"Xiakou Mountain is naturally dangerous. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack. There is no place to gain a foothold. It is normal to be unable to attack for a long time." Li Sixun on the side quickly came out and said: "Your Majesty, please be merciful. This battle is not the fault of General Su Yun. It is actually the fault of General Su Yun." King Heng, the Qin Prince Consort and the Commander-in-Chief’s military exploits are too dazzling!

Without General Su Yun to hold back the enemy's main force and defeat it, this battle would not have started so easily! "

He looked at Su Yun and knew very well that Li Shilong wanted to train him to be the second man in the army.

Two days ago, Li Shilong talked to him and hinted at him.

Therefore, he must stand up to protect Su's luck.

Su Yun looked at Li Sixun and was secretly grateful.

At this time, he was the only one to stand up and speak for himself.

Li Shilong nodded, "You are not guilty in this battle, so don't plead guilty.

If you plead guilty, where will you put those who are born into death?
Their death has no value.

In war, whoever kills more people does not necessarily achieve great success. "

Su Yun choked up and said: "Thank you for your kindness, Su Yun will definitely reflect on it and will definitely not disappoint His Majesty's expectations in the future!"

Li Shilong nodded.

He also sighed in his heart. Li Daoyuan and Qin Mo were both men with outstanding military exploits.

This was because he deliberately opened Cheng San's axe, otherwise Su Yun really wouldn't be able to drink the soup.

It was his expectations that were too much.

What would happen if these 10 people were given to Qin Mo?
I'm afraid the war would have ended long ago, right?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but said: "By the way, where is Jingyun, where did he go?"

Not long ago, he received the third letter from Qin Mo, saying that Mao Dun died.

If you die, you will die. Although you can't let Modu dance, your head will be sent back.

Li Shilong was also happy in his heart. Although he didn't come back alive, he could still be dead.

He also fulfilled the promise he made to himself a few years ago.

"Your Majesty, Qin's Prince Consort has not come back!" Chai Rong stepped forward awkwardly and took out a letter from his arms, "Your Majesty, please read it!"

"Didn't come back?"

Li Shilong frowned, and Gao Shilian on the side quickly took the letter and presented it to Li Shilong.

Li Shilong opened the envelope and took a look at it, and couldn't help cursing: "This piece of shit is really good, leading 5000 people to sweep up Xiaohai.

Just come back after winning the battle, what's the point of mopping up?

Can't someone else do such a small thing?
Don’t leave any credit to others!

Do you need him to do everything by himself?
So infuriating! "

Hearing Li Shilong's scolding, everyone shrank their necks.

It has to be Qin Mo. On this great day of offering prisoners, he won't come back even if he doesn't say hello.

He won the first prize, but he didn't care at all.

Stay in the grassland to clean up?

Who believes it!
Just those stragglers and a group of old, weak, women and children need you, General Qin, to mop them up?

Isn’t it enough to just leave two thousand riders?

Doesn’t this make it clear that you don’t want to come back to teach!
Don’t you want to be too high-profile?

When Su Yun thought of this, his heart became even more blocked.

What he can't get is what others don't want.

It's too heartbreaking.

(End of this chapter)

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