big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1163 I am here waiting for him to come!

Chapter 1163 I am waiting here for his return!

Li Daoyuan strongly agreed with Qin Mo's approach.

This military exploit was so dazzling that it overshadowed the military exploits of Liu Chenghu and others.

However, Qin Mo need not worry too much.

Liu Chenghu is Liu Chenghu, and Qin Mo is Qin Mo.

One is a minister and the other is a son-in-law. The difference between them is huge.

If Li Shilong had not intended to support the King of Yue, Liu Chenghu would not have been allowed to take charge of the Bohai Navy alone.

However, coming back now is indeed not a good thing.

After Li Shilong cursed a few words, he was helpless.

"Forget it, if you don't come back, you won't come back. This bitch first strangled Shi Yanran, and now he's drinking from Ma Xiaohai. He even said he wanted to seal the wolf as Xu.

Okay, I'll let him have fun! "As he said that, Li Shilong also showed a look of pride on his face.

If this kid wants to be No. 1 in the current era, let him do it.

He didn't feel that Qin Mo was evading, but rather that this boy was trying to help him gain prestige.

Li Shilong is the Khan of Heaven, and Qin Mo is the best general in history.

In the past few thousand years, no military commander would have collected the highest honors of military commanders so comprehensively.

The two sons-in-law are destined to be remembered in history for eternity.

However, others are so jealous that their teeth are shattered.

Le Shi Yanran, drink the horse Xiaohai, seal the wolf to live in Xu.

A person who combines military commanders with the highest honor of all military commanders!
Li Daoyuan clicked his tongue.

Chai Rong was excited.

Li Ankang admires and admires him.

Su Yun chose to lie down.

Qin Mo has the qualifications and ability to do this.

His contribution is enough to hold up these three highest honors!
"Soldiers have worked hard and are resting in Ganzhou. I have given a big banquet.

Wait for Jingyun to come back from the grassland and return to the court in class! "Li Shilong said.

Everyone was envious of Ma.

How much dignity does this have to allow the emperor to wait here for Qin Mo to return to the court with his troops?
Li Sixun was secretly envious, but he knew that Li Shilong didn't want to go back so early.

After all, the war on Gaoli's side is not over yet, and we have to wait for the good news to come from there.

Otherwise, what will Li Yue do when he goes back?
Therefore, Li Shilong also took this opportunity to delay his return to the court.

He was even wondering if Li Shilong had made an agreement with Qin Mo in advance.

After everyone thanked them, they suddenly felt that the military achievements they had received were no longer good.

They vaguely felt that there was someone riding on their heads, weighing them down so that they could not lift their heads.

When Qin Mo comes back, he will be a living legend.

The only person who can defeat a living legend can only be a dead legend.

But when Da Gan looked around, he was already invincible.

Oh, there is still Yi Zhixie.

But even if Yizhixie is defeated, so what?
Nan Fan estimates that he will return in the next two years.

This matter was also led by Qin Mo.

Thinking of this, many generals felt sad.

Even the steps became heavier.

At this time, the capital.

Li Yue felt a little anxious. Counting the days, Liu Chenghu should lead his team to attack the Gaoli Peninsula by now.

I don't know what's going on.

If it goes quickly, good news should come back by the end of this month.

In the days when Li Shilong was away, he became more and more skillful in handling political affairs.The first thing I do when I enter the palace every day is to go to the Lizheng Hall to greet the queen and then make arrangements for work.

Liu Ruyu has now also joined the Women and Children's Protection Association, serving as a female official under Empress Gongsun and in charge of treasury expenditures. This is a very important and training position.

Just as he was thinking about it, the good news that the prisoners of war entered Ganzhou came to the palace.

"Report, the Northern Expedition was a great victory. On August [-], King Heng and General Su surrendered more than [-] prisoners in Ganzhou City. His Majesty announced the victory of the Northern Expedition in Ganzhou. The Northern Expedition is now completely over!"

After hearing the news, Li Yue was overjoyed at first, but then his heart sank.

Bad bad bad.

How long has it been since he actually sacrificed himself as a prisoner?

After offering the prisoners, doesn't it mean that the father is about to leave?
It's August [-]th now, five days have passed. Doesn't it mean that my father's chariot has left Ganzhou?

He hurriedly took the good news and read it, but it didn't say when Li Shilong would come back.

"There is only good news. Father didn't say when he would come back?"

"Report to the King of Yue, His Majesty said that he will wait for Qin's consort to return with the captain in Ganzhou!" said the scout.

"Didn't you come back from the grassland?"

"Yes, Qin's Prince Consort is leading 5000 troops to mop up the remnants of the Northern Slaves in the grasslands!" the scout said respectfully.

"Did you say when you'll be back?"

"This... No, but the grassland is vast, it will probably take a month or two!"

"Did he do this on his own initiative?"

"Yes, the Prince Consort could have returned a month ago, but he felt that he could not give these remnants a chance, so he led his people to sweep up the grasslands!"

"Okay, you've worked hard, go down and rest first!"

After asking the scouts to retreat, Li Yue breathed a sigh of relief. Great, this way, he would have enough time to deal with it.

"You fool, you must be doing this because of me!"

Li Yue was filled with gratitude. When did Qin Mo become so active in meritorious service?
That doesn't exist.

He must have known that he hadn't captured Gaoli yet, so he deliberately delayed his time.

The letter said that Qin Mo had already strangled Shi Yanran and drank from Ma Xiaohai, and next, Qin Mo would go to seal the wolf as Xu.

Not to mention that there were no such fierce men in Daqian, there were no such fierce men in the past few thousand years either.

As expected of his brother.

Just hanging!
He quickly summoned the ministers of the six ministries and told him about the matter, "Father is still in Ganzhou, waiting for Jingyun to come back together.

There is not much time left for us, so we must go all out to support the battle of Colliers.

I don’t want the battle of Gaoli to be unresolved when my father returns to the capital.

In addition, my father wanted to wait for Jingyun to return from the grassland before returning to the court with his troops, so he had to prepare a welcoming ceremony in advance. "

"Yes, His Highness the King of Yue!"

Everyone bowed their hands together.

After leaving the side hall, everyone walked together.

"Damn Qin Hanzi, it's not enough to restrain Shi Yanran by drinking the horse from Xiaohai, but you also need to seal the wolf as a coward?" Yuchi Nobuxiong's teeth chattered, "Now, old Qin's dog's tail must be raised to the sky?"

He is currently working as an errand in the Ministry of War and has to come over every day.

"This time Su Yun has completely become an escort." Qu Tuba smacked his tongue and said: "The main force, led by a hundred thousand people, only captured Xiakou Mountain and suffered more than [-] casualties.

It's more than King Heng and Qin Mo plus one, but its military achievements are not comparable at all, and it even seems to be a drag! "

Everyone nodded.

Everyone has been through the battlefield, and no one expected that the final result would be this.

Dou Jianming said: "Don't criticize the war. Are you questioning His Majesty's strategy?"

"I'm talking about Lao Dou, are you ready to go on the line? Now that the battle is over, it shows that His Majesty's strategy is completely fine. Don't blame everyone here!" Yuchi Nobuo said unhappily.

"Don't forget that I am now the imperial censor!" Dou Xuanling snorted, "If you keep talking nonsense, I will kill you. Do you think you are Qin Xiangru, begging me to join him?"

(End of this chapter)

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