big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1164 Beheading Tactics!

Chapter 1164 Beheading Tactics!

Yuchi Nobuo was panting like an ox, and even if he was being pressed down by Qin Xiangru, he was still being held down by Dou Xuanling.

But there was nothing he could do. This time the imperial commander went on a personal expedition, but he didn't even get a single follower.

A closer look shows that almost all Li Shilong brought with him were generals of the new generation.

He is suffering.

"Come, join me, I will look down upon you even if you don't join me!" Yuchi Nobuxiong said with wide eyes.

"Okay, very good." Dou Xuanling snorted coldly.

However, his words made everyone stop criticizing the war.

Then the scene changed and everyone started scolding Qin Mo.

"Damn Qin Hanzi, can't you keep a low profile?"

"Damn it, aren't you comparing yourself to the big guys?"

"You are less than 30 years old, and you have gathered the highest honor as a military commander, and you are my mother!"

Each of them scolded them more than anyone else, but each of them envied them more than anyone else.

There's nothing I can do, I'm really stupid!
Thinking of this, everyone felt panicked.

I couldn't help but quicken my pace. I had to go back and hang up those useless things at home and beat them!

At the same time, Liu Chenghu led the Bohai Navy to land directly from the middle of the west side of Gaoli.

The [-]-strong army encountered Gao Li's navy at sea. Facing the tall ships and cannons, they could only be defeated.

Coupled with Liu Chenghu's sudden attack, he caught the opponent off guard and directly destroyed nearly [-] warships, killing [-] enemies, and the remaining people fled.

Liu Chenghu led his troops in pursuit and landed on the west side of Pyongyang.

As for Gaisu Wen, he was worried because of Huang Luo.

At this time, Huang Luo had cut off the connection between Gao Li and Wanji.

Although Ji Ta Shi Dan secretly sent them weapons, Huang Luo's weapons were always better than theirs.

Nowadays, Daqian is engaged in the Northern Expedition to Beinu, and I don’t know what the situation is like.

If the Northern Expedition succeeds, Gao Li will be in big trouble and may be in danger of annihilation.

Daqian is different from Northern Zhou.

Li Shilong has great talents and broad strategies, and he has many soldiers and generals under his command.

The Bohai Bay Navy shocked the surrounding countries.

Wozhou, Jihe, and Shidan have firmly locked up Gao Li.

The military officials betrayed, defected to Daqian, and established themselves as new northern slaves.

This directly blocked Gao Li's only escape route.

Gaisu Wen considered himself a man of great talent and strategy, but now, without even meeting Da Gan, Gao Li was dragged into the abyss of war.

Half a year ago, he called out to stop, but Huang Luo didn't give him a chance at all.

Now Wanji is treated like a grandson.

Gao Li also dragged his finances into deficit because he could not attack Huang Luo for a long time.

If this continues, let alone defeating Huang Luo, those untouchables may not be able to survive.

While I was sipping my wine, someone ran in anxiously, "Da Mo is in disarray. Da, something bad is going to happen!"

Gesu Wen was furious, "Why are you so flustered?"

"Da, the Da Gan people are calling." The visitor stuttered: "General Doufang was sailing on the sea two days ago and encountered the Da Gan army. There were more than [-] people, and only less than [-] came back. .

General Doufang was killed in the battle and more than [-] battleships were lost.

The Dagan people are in hot pursuit and have now landed on the coast! "

These words made Gesuwen tremble all over, and all the alcoholism disappeared at this moment.He slammed the document and said angrily: "Did Doufang get greedy when he saw the caravan and ran to rob it?
You bastard, I told you not to mess with the Dagan people at this time. Their frigates follow the caravan every day.

Along the road are their strongholds, with 8 troops stationed, and their defenses can be changed at any time.

If you mess with them now, are you looking for trouble? "

Not to mention Daqian frigates, even ordinary caravans are the latest ships, larger than theirs in terms of speed and size.

The country is large, the country is powerful, and there are countless shipyards. They are simply incomparable.

"No, no, these people are coming directly towards Gao Li. If they encounter them, they will fight immediately. If they hadn't escaped quickly and the wind direction was good, none of them would have been able to escape!"

The man said with a mournful face: "If it takes more than half a day, the Dagan people will probably rush out of the city!"

Gesuwen looked stunned, with fear flashing in his eyes, "Then what are you still doing? Go and notify them and prepare for battle.

Close the city gate, no entry or exit is allowed, and leave those outside alone alone! "

Gaisu Wen quickly stood up and asked someone to call the minister over.

Everyone trembled when they heard that Dou Fang died in battle and that Da Gan people were attacking.

"Da Mo Zhi Li, how dare the Da Gan people attack us at this time? Aren't they afraid of losing in a two-sided war?"

Gaisu Wen said with a solemn expression: "Two months ago, I heard from the Bohai Bay about the personal expedition of Emperor Daqian. Since the other party dares to make a surprise attack, there are two possibilities.

One is to catch us off guard.

Second, the progress of the Northern Expedition is gratifying.

No matter which one it is, it is very detrimental to us! "

Afraid of Daqian's surprise attack, most of their infantry and cavalry were pressed to the north and east, while the navy was to the west.

To the south are Huang Luo and Wanji, so there is no need to worry too much.

But even so, there are still more than 30 troops.

There are about 15 elites around Pyongyang, and the others are scattered in various places, most of which are not elites.

Although 60 people were cobbled together, Gesuwen knew very well that only half of them were truly elite.

Emperor Zhou Yang conquered Gaoli three times. Although he failed to capture Gaoli, it also shook the foundation of Gaoli.

Still haven't recovered.

After fighting Huang Luo for a year or two, basically all the capital accumulated in the previous years was consumed.

"Although the Dagan people are powerful, we are not vegetarians." There are still [-] troops on the coastline. The Dagan people must be exhausted after crossing the ocean. If they come up rashly, we will definitely be caught off guard.

"Yes, Da Mo Zhili, I am willing to lead my troops there!"

Ge Suwen shook his head, "Defend the city, don't go anywhere, get the surrounding troops back as soon as possible, and ask all the men in the city to go up to the city wall to guard for me.

Even if you die, you can't let Da Ganren go any further! "

If the Dagan people came from the north, he would definitely not be so panicked.

At this moment, the other party launched a surprise attack on Pyongyang, which was undoubtedly a beheading tactic.

Any tactics are fake. Now the opponent is dozens of miles away. Only if you can resist the enemy outside the city, you are qualified to talk about tactics!

Seeing Gesu Wen like this, everyone was helpless.

His eldest son, Gai Boyan, even angrily scolded everyone, "Da Gan's infantry are unparalleled in the world, and Mo's swordsman can even kill Beinu's cavalry from their horses.

Even Bei Nu was afraid.

Didn't you go to death in the past?

We are blocked by a tall city wall, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The advantage is ours.

Now send people to mobilize troops to return reinforcements. As long as they can hold out until reinforcements arrive, they will definitely be able to defeat the opponent in one fell swoop! "

Gaisu Wen nodded in agreement and affirmed his son's words, "As long as we can defend for three days and wait for the army to return to defense, Gao Li will win!"

(End of this chapter)

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