big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1165: A huge scar in the heart!

Chapter 1165: A huge scar in the heart!
The Bohai Navy has long since matured after four or five years of development.

Powerful town all over the world.

After the boat docked, a steady stream of war horses came out of the horse boat.

When Qin Moyuan attacked Wozhou, this horse boat played a huge role.

Otherwise, simply relying on walking to capture Japan in three days is no less than a dream.

Moreover, the navy's treatment is very good. Although the training intensity is very high, the weapons are elite and the food is very good.

There was plenty of fish and meat every day, and everyone was as strong as an ox.

"Quick, quick, move forward, follow the scouts, don't go alone, be careful of the traps left by the enemy!"

The commander held a loudspeaker in his hand and kept urging and reminding them.

The navy wears the latest steel plate armor and a steel helmet on its head.

Carrying an improved second-generation Qin rifle behind him, it has faster shooting speed, higher accuracy and greater lethality.

However, the second-generation Qin rifle has not yet been mass-produced.

The first batch was also used by the Bohai Bay Navy.

War is where weapons are tested.

There are still horizontal knives across their waists, both of which are forged from hundreds of steel.

Under his feet were combat boots made of Kun leather.

Wear-resistant and non-slip.

There are only a limited number of horses and ships, and only [-] war horses.

Five thousand riders went ahead to clear the way.

Clear the obstacles ahead.

Artillery and siege troops followed in the rear.

Liu Chenghu got off the boat and stepped on Gaoli's land, thinking that this was probably the last battle in his life.

Using Gao Li to seal the sword is quite interesting for Li Shilong.

He got on his horse and looked at the excited soldiers, "Let's show Gao Li's bastards how powerful their ancestors are!"

Qin Mo could conquer Japan in three days, but Liu Chenghu could conquer Pyongyang in one day.

Like Qin Modu, he had never been defeated and both had great achievements in battle.

Although he is very low-key, he is an extremely proud person at heart.

It was inevitable that he would start to compare himself with Qin Mo.

The war horses were running wildly on the dirt road in Gaoli, and everyone was a little uncomfortable with it.

This kind of road can only be seen in farmland in Daqian, right?
This is Pyongyang, around the royal capital of Gaoli.

It's so shabby.

The low and dilapidated houses along the way are not even as good as large toilets.

But no one is taking it lightly.

Everyone in Dagan has a scar in their heart.

That was left by the Northern Zhou Dynasty.

Now, it is up to them to uncover this scar.

The advance team encountered an assault fifteen miles away from Pyongyang City.

However, before going ashore, a large amount of intelligence was used to figure out the troop layout around Pyongyang, and a pair of scouts were used to explore the route first.

It didn't cause many casualties.

After several cavalry charges, the Gaoli soldiers stationed here were killed and cried for their fathers and mothers, retreating steadily!

"Report, report to Da Mo Zhili, the first line of defense was torn apart by Da Gan's army!"

"Report, the second line of defense was torn apart by Daqian's army."

Almost every half an hour, a scout would come to report, and every time, it was bad news.All the garrison troops on the front line were defeated, and they were not even able to stop one more group of cadres.

All the men in the royal capital were driven to the top of the city, or were carrying supplies to defend the city from behind.

Gesuwen was very nervous. He knew that Daqian had many novel weapons, but he had never really seen them.

But he thought, they had the grenades they got from Ji Ta Shi Dan, so they should be able to kill them, right?
However, they are not called grenades, but thunder.

Externally, they claim that this thunder was developed by themselves to inspire people.

Although the people at the top can't hide it, they can hide it from the people below.

He stood on the city wall and vaguely heard the sound of horse hooves ahead.

Guy Gai on the side also had sweaty palms, and he said: "Father, if we defeat the Da Gan people, can I take people out to hunt them down?"

Seeing how brave his son was, Gaisu Wen was also very pleased and couldn't help but said: "Okay, if you can kill the enemy general, I will make you the big brother!"

Hearing this, Boy Gai was very excited, "Thank you, father!"

The eldest brother's official position is second only to Da Mo Zhili, equivalent to a prince.

However, Gaisuwen's attempt to usurp the throne did not abolish King Gaoli's position.

After killing Gao Wu, he made his son King Gao Li and used him as a puppet.

He originally wanted to ask Gao Zang to give in after destroying Huang Luo.

It's a pity that man's calculation is not as good as God's calculation, and it will never be perfect.

However, Gaisu Wen's second son Gai Nanchan (that's what they call him) and his third son Gai Nanjian are extremely jealous.

The two of them stepped forward one after another, "Father, we also want to lead the troops in pursuit!"

Gaisu Wen likes bold, courageous and resourceful people.

Although the second son and the third son are very similar to him, they are still a little worse than the boys.

"Okay, no matter who is able to capture and kill the enemy general, I will make him my big brother!"

Gesuwen is still young, in his 40s, at the time.

Anyway, the eldest brother is not a prince, it is just an official position.

When Gao Zang abdicates, will he still have the final say on who will be made the prince?

It's better to let the three brothers have a good fight!
"Thank you, father!" The two brothers raised their hands in unison, with excitement in their eyes.

The three brothers exchanged glances and sneered tacitly.

Soon, the army of Dagan people appeared in sight.

"Quick, prepare the trebuchet!" Gaisu Wen ordered quickly.

Gaoli has a trebuchet. With this trebuchet, as long as the Dagan people dare to come over, they will be able to smash their heads and bleed.

However, far away, the Dagan people stopped.

That distance is simply beyond the reach of a trebuchet.

"Why did Da Ganren stop?"

Everyone was puzzled for a while.

Gai Nanchan sneered: "Is it possible that you are afraid and don't dare to come over?"

"Stupid, the Dagan people are not even afraid of Bei Nu, so how can they be afraid of us?" Boy Gai snorted coldly, "The other party must have a conspiracy. This time the Dagan people are raiding, we don't know the number of the other party.

I expected that there wouldn’t be too many people there, and their purpose was just to lure us into opening the door! "

As soon as these words came out, Ge Suwen also nodded, "It is possible, but it is said that the Dagan people have a weapon called a thunder cannon, which can damage the target from a distance of three to five hundred feet.

A few years ago, Doufang led the navy to encounter Ganjun in the Bohai Sea, and encountered a ship carrying a thunder cannon, which was very powerful! "

"Father, although Pyongyang City is not the most majestic gate in the world, it is difficult to destroy with manpower!" Guyan Gai said: "This city wall is more than ten miles in circumference. The narrowest part of the city wall is seven meters, the widest part is ten meters, and the city height is five or six meters. Mi, even if the thunder cannon is true as rumored, it will not be able to blow up our city wall easily!
Besides, when they launch a surprise attack, they will eventually run out of shells, right?

At that time, it was the opportunity I was waiting for! "

Hearing this, Gaisu Wen nodded, feeling more confident and appreciating his eldest son more and more, "It makes sense. When they run out of artillery shells, it's time for us to counterattack!"

(End of this chapter)

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