big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1166: Scold this bitch to death!

Chapter 1166: Scold this bitch to death!

The cavalry leader was Liu Rushao.

After capturing Wozhou, he joined the Bohai Sea Division.

This time he attacked Gao Li and was appointed as the vanguard.

He was under great pressure from his father.

Far bigger than when he was under Qin Mo.

He took out his telescope and looked ahead. The location was very good, very suitable for artillery fire.

He quickly ordered people to cut down the surrounding trees to clear the view.

Qin Mo's thinking is very similar to Liu Chenghu's, to achieve the greatest strategic goal with the least casualties.

The role of cavalry is not to attack the city, but to charge.

He placed the felled trees on both sides of the road, which not only acted as a blocker, but also prevented them from escaping at critical moments.

They quickly took out their engineering shovels and dug holes for the artillerymen in advance to facilitate them to set up the artillery.

The latest thunder cannon weighs less than fifty kilograms and is very lethal, allowing a single soldier to fight.

The farthest distance is about [-] feet.

Stable and safe.

Subsequently, a large number of landmines were buried in the surrounding area.

When the people in Pyongyang saw this scene, they were a little anxious. They didn't understand why these cavalry were cutting down the trees.

I don’t understand why they dug a hole, let alone why they didn’t attack the city?

Could it be that he planned to postpone the attack until night?

Or are they waiting for the infantry behind them?
A tense atmosphere is circulating in Pyongyang, especially the people, who are in panic.

"What the hell are they trying to do?"

"Why haven't you come to attack the city yet?"

"At such a long distance, the trebuchet is useless. There is no way to suppress them!"

"How about we open the city gate and rush out to fight!"

Everyone's uneasiness is increasing, making people's hearts restless.

At this time, curls of green smoke came from the distance.

Gesuwen held his hands on the wall and stared straight ahead, "What are they doing?"

"Da Mo Zhili, they seem to be burying pots to make rice!" Gai Suwen's younger brother, Gai Pure Land said!

This person is also an extremely smart person, and he plays an important role in Gaisu Wen's successful plan to usurp the throne.

He looked ahead and said solemnly: "These big officials should be very tired, so they should bury the pot and make rice.

But it is not normal to cook food under the city walls of Pyongyang. This is obviously trying to lure us there.

Therefore, don’t be fooled by their appearances! "

Ge Suwen felt aggrieved.

They fought all the way outside the city of Pyongyang, but they refused to attack the city and took their time to make rice.

Now they seem to understand why these Dagan people cut down trees.

It seems to be used as firewood!
So annoying.

Didn't take them seriously at all.

This is not a conspiracy, it is an outright conspiracy and contempt, but you still dare not open the door and go out to fight.

Just when Gaisuwen was secretly sulking, Liu Rujian shot out a group of people. Each of these people held a loudspeaker in their hands, ran to a relatively safe position, and then shouted loudly: "Gaisuwen, you... What a son of a bitch.

If you seek to usurp the throne, you are a treacherous minister among treacherous ministers, and a thief among treacherous ministers.

Today, your grandpas are here. Why don’t you open the door quickly and welcome me?
Are you afraid that your grandpa will not recognize you, the grandsons of you who are rebelling against Tiangang? "

A dozen people shouted in unison, the sound was extremely loud.

Gesu Wen gritted his teeth angrily, his eyes bloodshot.

After hearing this, Boy Gai cursed: "He Li Shilong is the biggest traitor and traitor in the world!"

"Father, open the city gate. I am willing to lead my troops to fight with them!" Gai Nanchan quickly knelt down on one knee, "They humiliated my father and my king. Even if they die, I will bite off a piece of their flesh." ." This is a good opportunity to show your loyalty.

Gai Nanjian scolded him in his heart for being cunning, and he also followed suit and knelt down to ask for a fight.

The same is true for the remaining ministers.

Gesuwen's face looked a little better, "The more Da Gan people are like this, the more it means there is a conspiracy ahead.

I would rather suffer some humiliation than let my subjects fall into the enemy's trap in vain. "

After hearing this, many people knelt down and cried bitterly, cursing that they were incompetent and could not kill the enemy for Gaisu Wen!

It's all just a show, it just depends on whose acting skills are better.

"Gaisu Wen, your parents are in trouble, why don't you quickly reply to your grandfather's words?"

It is very easy to see someone scolding someone and calling it a war.

It's just that this Gaisu Wen is really a tortoise, he doesn't dare to open the door, let alone accept the challenge.

"Turtle bastard, you don't even dare to show your turtle head. Just wait, grandpas will chop off your bastard's head with a knife and smash your bastard's shell!"

When a group of people get tired of scolding, they will be replaced by another group of people.

Three groups of people were changed in a row, but no one dared to come out.

Liu Rujian held the heated can in his hand and ate it happily, "These bastards are quite cautious."

"General, the infantry and artillery will arrive in five miles!"

"Well, find out the surrounding situation, wait for them to come over, and start attacking the city!"

At this time, it was getting late.

Liu Rujian's purpose of doing this was also to delay.

Attacking at night is their specialty.

The city wall of Pyongyang is not the tallest, but it is very wide and cannot be destroyed by thunder cannons.

That would only blow open the city gate.

Use the darkness to cover the siege artillery and accomplish the greatest strategic goal with the least casualties.

Soon, the large army arrived here before dark.

Liu Chenghu left 5000 men at the beach to prevent Gaoli's men from attacking behind the scenes.

Once the ship is damaged, it will be very troublesome.

"General, we have thoroughly investigated the situation for dozens of miles around, all traps have been checked, and mines have been planted.

Everything went according to plan! "Liu Rudao reported to Liu Chenghuhui.

Liu Chenghu nodded and looked at the trees blocking the road, blocking the view ahead.

This makes it difficult for Pyongyang to guess how many people they have.

This detail is very nice.

"Let the big guys take a bite of hot food first. Running for more than 60 miles with a heavy load is too exhausting."

The infantry was pretty good, but the artillery was really tired, with a single soldier carrying more than fifty kilograms.

Although their food may be better than that of the nobles, no one will say anything because they are also the most tired.

"It's already ready."

The heated cans were delivered to them.

After everyone had eaten and drank enough, it was completely dark.

At this time, everyone in Pyongyang was even more tired and anxious.

This kind of waiting is eroding their morale bit by bit.

Especially since Da Gan people were still yelling and cursing outside the door, they had already greeted all the eighteen generations of Gaisu Wen's ancestors.

But Gaisu Wen didn't dare to come forward, which undoubtedly made morale worse again!
Gesuwen looked at the sky. There was no moonlight or stars, which meant that tonight, it would be darker than usual!
The moon is dark and the wind kills the night.

He couldn't sit still anymore, "They won't attack the city in the first half of the night, but we will attack in the second half of the night!"

(End of this chapter)

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