big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1167 The battle between hearts!

Chapter 1167 The battle between hearts!
"Father, I am willing to lead my troops in a surprise attack!" Boy Gai said hurriedly.

"Don't worry, this matter needs to be discussed carefully!" Gesu Wen said: "Now we don't care what medicine the Dagan people sell in their gourds, as long as we can get close to them, although we don't have many grenades in our hands, we can definitely kill one of them. Caught off guard.

And I observed them for a long time during the day. Their number must not exceed [-].

However, there must be 4 to [-] people.

If they charged during the day, they would definitely suffer a lot of losses, so they chose to attack at night.

Therefore, this time must be grasped well.

Let people hang from the city gate, sneak over to observe, and then pass the news back. "

Everyone couldn't help but nod when they heard Gesuwen's plan.

On the other side, Liu Chenghu was also counting time.

After two hours of repairing, everyone had completely recovered, and they were all strong and vigorous.

At this moment, explosions occurred one after another on the east side of the camp!

The explosion echoed throughout the night.

"Someone has fallen into our ambush, go and take a look!"

Liu Rudao was stunned, then stood up quickly and asked someone to go over and check, "It must be Gao Li's scout who risked his life to find out the information, but he didn't know that the surrounding area was surrounded by mines we planted.

As many as they come, they die! "

Soon, the scout came back to report, "General Qi, it is indeed Scout Gao Li. More than [-] people were killed and more than ten people were injured in this explosion. I wanted to press for information, but these people bit into pieces hidden in the back molars." The poison sac inside will kill you instantly!"

"Dead soldiers?" Liu Chenghu frowned, "It seems they are planning to fight back against us!"

"You can see this?" Liu Rudao said: "I scolded him for two or three hours during the day, but they didn't dare to challenge him!"

"Gaisu Wen is not a fool. Why did he send people out of the city? Will he lose some meat if he curses twice? Do you think this is the Central Plains and everyone has a backbone?"

Liu Chenghu said: "He sent dead soldiers here to find out. If we don't attack in the first half of the night, they will definitely attack in the second half of the night.

By way of a lob, and then have the lead team come over.

Don't forget, they have the grenades Jihe used in the past. Although they are just black powder in earthen jars and are not very lethal, they can still hurt people.

We are a long-distance attack team. At this time, His Majesty is marching in person, and the frigates have to escort the caravan. With a little calculation, he can guess that our number is not large.

But he didn't know what to do.

Don't dare to attack if you don't know the bottom. "

After hearing Liu Chenghu's analysis, all the generals in the camp couldn't help but nod.

"It's just that after this time, they will definitely not dare to raid again." Liu Chenghu said: "Send people to harass them, according to the general outline of the sixteen-character mantra.

When it gets dawn tomorrow, which is the darkest time of the day and when people are most tired, we will work together to capture Pyongyang!
To make them feel that we are testing, it is best to make them feel that we are afraid of them!
With Gaisu Wen's intelligence, he would have guessed that we knew he had grenades.

In this way, he will definitely be confident and feel that he can delay time and wait for other teams to defend.

In this way, he will inevitably be careless. Even if he is a cunning, insidious and cautious person at heart, it does not prevent him from being a proud person.

Once they let down their guard, that's when we break in. At that time, we can conquer Pyongyang and capture Gaisuwen alive. "

"Yes, General!"

Everyone regarded Liu Chenghu's words as a guide.

This is the God of War, so you are right to listen to him.Liu Rudao whispered to his father: "Dad, I finally know why Qin Hanzi can win every battle!"

"Oh?" Liu Chenghu stroked his beard, "Why can he win?"

"Because Qin Hanzi, like you, has a thorough understanding of people's hearts!" Liu Rudao said: "Not only does he have a thorough understanding of people's hearts, he is also extremely courageous, but he is very thoughtful. He can do everything you want and can't think of. I can think of it all.”

"If you have a tiger in your heart, smell the roses carefully." Liu Chenghu said: "Thousands of generals are easy to get, but a handsome man is hard to find. If you want to be a handsome man, culture, Taoism and military strategy are the basics. If you can achieve the ultimate in people, you will be a handsome man!"

Liu Rudao thought for a while, Qin Mo's writing, Taoism and military strategy were all top-notch. There are not many people who can achieve his level throughout history.

"People like Qin Mo are born to enter the Qing Dynasty and be looked up to!" Liu Rudao sighed: "I am not as good as him!"

"You have to know that when he opens his mouth, he can spread half a thousand miles of brocade, and when he lifts his sword, he can expand the earth thousands of miles. For such a person, you only need to follow him closely.

Don't let yourself fall behind, once you can't keep up with him, you will be marginalized. "Liu Chenghu was quite satisfied with his second son, "After fighting Gao Li this time, I will retreat. From now on, you and your eldest brother must be careful in everything in the court.

You must not be complacent and unwilling to make progress just because your brother-in-law is the king of Yue.

In the future, more talented people will be needed to manage Daqian.

This vast country thousands of miles away needs more generals to guard it.

remember! "

"Yes, the son obeys his father's teachings!"

Liu Rudao knew that this was his father's reminder that after he retreated, there would be fewer people who could help the two brothers.

Liu Chenghu is quite satisfied with the current situation. His son has become a master, and his daughter has a high probability of becoming the future queen.

The Liu family can still be rich for three generations.

This is a hundred times better than the result he originally obtained from Yuan Tiangang!

At this time, the dead soldier returned to Pyongyang and reported the situation to Gesuwen.

Everyone's expressions were particularly ugly, "Dagan people have set up heavy defenses around the area. If they make a surprise attack, they will definitely suffer heavy losses!"

"Then what should we do? With such a good opportunity, can we let Da Gan take the initiative?" Gai Nannan asked.

At this time, Gai Jingtu said: "We can't fight, we can only drag them. If the Dagan people make a surprise attack, we can focus on throwing the grenades out.

The maximum killing effect has been achieved, thus frightening the Dagan people. As long as the first wave is repelled, they will definitely take action!
It only takes three days for the reinforcements to arrive. When the time comes, they will be attacked from both sides and they will die without a place to die! "

Gasuwen nodded, "That's all we can do!"

He knew very well that using a grenade like this would not achieve the desired effect.

Now that the Dagan people have laid such a terrible trap, they can only do the next best thing and focus on delaying.

When the army returns to defense, the situation of the battle will turn around in an instant!

At this moment, the sound of horse hooves and shouts came from outside the city.

Immediately afterwards, a young general rushed in to report, "Qi Da Mo Zhili, Da Gan people have launched an attack on us!"

Everyone was stunned.

Gaisu Wen stood up quickly and said urgently: "Quick, go up to the city wall and let me guard it!"

(End of this chapter)

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