big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1168 This must be a temptation!

Chapter 1168 This must be a temptation!

Ge Suwen was nervous in his heart, but he didn't show any signs of it on the surface.

He had arrived long ago, and Daqian would definitely attack at night.

Now it just confirmed what he had in mind.

"Quickly, bring Hong Tianlei over here!" Gai Nan said.

"Don't worry, we still don't know how many people are coming from the other side." Gesu Wen said: "Even if we have to use thunder, we have to get them all to the bottom of the city wall."

The shouts of death were getting closer, but there was always a dark distance between them.

Everyone waited for a while, and the trebuchet threw the stone.

Arrows stained with kerosene pierced the night, like a meteor shower.

The cry of killing was very close, but no one was seen coming.

After wasting many arrows, the shouting of killing gradually faded away.

Gasuwen was stunned, "Did they escape?"

"Father, they must have been frightened by our weapons." Gai Nansan hurriedly flattered them.

Gai Jingtu said with complicated eyes: "Not really. The other party's shouts of killing were soaring to the sky, but there was no sign of anyone. Even though they were attacking the city, they didn't even light the torch.

This is clearly a feint of intrusion! "

"That's right." Ge Suwen nodded coldly, "This is the conspiracy of the Dagan people, but I don't know who the general is leading the team."

Which of the generals in Daqian is not famous and famous?

Pick anyone out at random, and they are all talents that Colliers rarely encounters in a century.

Gai Quansheng gritted his teeth and said: "These Dagan people are too insidious and cunning, and they don't have the magnanimity of the Heavenly Kingdom at all."

"Calmness means nothing on the battlefield. When the two countries are at war, all they have is Chi Guoguo's interests." Gaisu Wen snorted, "Guard well, don't take it lightly."

"Yes, don't be disorganized!"

Gaisu Wen retreated, feeling very helpless.

Dou Fang was incompetent and harmed the three armies.

If he was given time to prepare, why would he be so passive?

Then, Daqian's army launched an attack every half an hour to an hour.

It made everyone exhausted.

It wasn't until the early hours of the morning when Gai Jingtu said, "Brother, I don't think this is a pure intrusion. Da Gan people seem to be afraid!"

"You mean, the Dagan people know that we have grenades in our hands?" Gesuwen frowned, and suddenly thought of something, "Yes, they are more like a test than an intrusion.

It seems that he is afraid, so he doesn't dare to attack rashly! "

"Yes!" Gai Jingtu nodded, "So I thought that if they come to invade again, we might as well light some grenades to scare them.

When they get close, we attack. "

"Don't you think it's strange? Until now, none of the Dagan people have used the Thunder Cannon!" Gasuwen raised his own question.

"Brother, the thunder cannon is installed on the Daganren's warship. Previous intelligence also said that the thunder cannon is very heavy and needs a warhorse to pull it.

And I’m afraid of rain!
Think about it, how can you run around dragging such a heavy weapon? "

What Gai Jingtu said was old information from a few years ago. After the establishment of the Bohai Sea Navy, the blockade of Gaoli was completed after the aristocratic families were wiped out.

"You're right!"

Gesu Wen touched his chin. Although the Thunder Cannon was very powerful, they found its weaknesses through intelligence a few years ago.

"Okay, then do it your way!" Gaisu Wen quickly ordered.

In the midst of the embarrassment, the Dagan people launched their seventh attack.

This time, everyone in Pyongyang held their breath and concentrated. There was no rush to throw the trebuchet, nor any rush to release arrows.

The vanguard of the feint attack was also a little surprised.what happened?

Stop attacking?
There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!
He asked the infantry to rush over with steel shields and wait for the neighboring city to enter the city.

On top of the city wall, dozens of black eggs were thrown.


The explosion sounded.

"Quick, the opponent has grenades, retreat quickly!"

The general was holding a big loudspeaker in his hand, for fear that the people in Pyongyang wouldn't be able to hear him!

"Hurry, retreat quickly, the stupid Gaoli people actually have grenades!"

They shouted, and the sword struck their armor loudly.

On top of the city wall, Gai Pure Land was overjoyed, "Brother, look, they have retreated!"

"Sure enough, the only thing that can scare the Dagan people is their own weapons!" Gaisu Wen frowned, "You are right, they are testing us!"

"It's a pity that there are too few of these thunders. It would be great if we could crack the secret recipe. If we have endless thunders, we will definitely be able to defeat Daqian!" Gai Pure Land said with regret.

"It doesn't matter, they must have brought Hongtian Lei here this time. When the reinforcements return to the defense, we can eat these people, and their armaments will be ours.

Including the thunder cannon on the battleship, they all belong to us! "

When Gaisuwen thought about defeating the Dagan people and seizing armaments, he felt infinite ambition in his heart!
"With these armaments, we can compete with the Dagan people at sea. When the time comes, we can rob the passing caravans and catch the Dagan frigates off guard!" Guy Gai continued.

"That's right!"

Gaisu Wen smiled and nodded, "Tonight, the Dagan people will not attack the city, but will feign an attack and invade!"

Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"But don't be careless!"

"Yes, don't be disorganized!"

"Don't fire an arrow until you reach the city. Don't waste your weapons!"


After finding out the details of the Dagan people, everyone felt confident that it would not be a problem to defend the city until the reinforcements returned.

"Let's all go rest and remember to take turns changing defenses!"

Gaisu Wen said something and went down the city wall. The guards were Gai Pure Land and Gai Men's Property!
By the time everyone left, it was already the beginning of Yinshi.

After a while, it will be dawn.

In summer, it usually gets bright at the beginning of the morning.

Gai Nansheng rubbed his sore eyes and couldn't help but shuddered, "Second uncle, please squint for a while, I'll watch over you!"

Gai Jingtu shook his head, "Don't close your eyes easily until dawn. Compared with daytime, nighttime is the most dangerous.

In addition, the weather was unfavorable and it was cloudy again, making it darker than usual, making it even harder to catch them!

Don't take it lightly! "

"Yes, nephew understands!"

Gai Nanchan knew very well that if he wanted to compete, he had to win over his second uncle.

So try your best to win over each other.

Gai Jingtu sighed secretly in his heart, his silly nephew still knew too little about his eldest brother.

He is still so young, why should he become a prince so easily?
Unless he is now in his sixties or seventies, that is possible!
Seeing Gai Pure Land without saying a word, Gai Nanchan felt extremely unhappy.

At this moment, the cry of killing came again from the front, and Gai Nanchan got up suddenly, "Enemy attack!"

Seeing his lack of composure, Gai Pure Land looked down upon him even more. How could he not be calm when faced with big events and covet a big position?
"Second nephew, don't worry, it's just a feint attack by the enemy. You are now the commander of the city defense. If you panic, you will definitely cause panic to others!"

(End of this chapter)

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