big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1169 Pyongyang 2 hours!

Chapter 1169 Pyongyang Twelve Hours!

Hearing this, Gai Nansan nodded.

I am not so nervous anymore.

This damn big man really doesn’t let anyone breathe for a moment.

He was afraid that something unexpected would happen while he was defending the city.

But then I thought about it, since the Pure Land is here, why should I be nervous?
He ordered people to prepare arrows in an orderly manner, asked the civilians to prepare to defend the city, and then asked people to hold a few thunderbolts in their hands, ready to drop them at any time.

Killing is not the purpose, scaring them off is!

"That's right, they are intruding, and they are also tired. They are all human beings. It is impossible for them not to be tired. It is just us who are tired, right?

Moreover, they were outside the city, unobstructed and unobstructed, so they were definitely under greater pressure.

This is a tug-of-war, and the competition is about whose mentality is more stable. "Given that he had flattered him so much just now, Gai Jingtu couldn't help but give him a few words of encouragement.

But Gai Nansan was extremely disdainful, "It's an afterthought!"

How could Gai Pure Land know that he would despise him if he taught him well?

He looked into the dark night and could hear the sound of horse hooves galloping, but no human beings could be seen.

At this moment, a voice came from the left, "Quick, the enemy is here, let go of the thunder, don't let them come over!"

Hearing this voice, Gai Jingtu was shocked, "No, they are really coming to attack!"

Gai Nanchan was also frightened. Why did the damn thing really attack him when it got here?

Fortunately, Pyongyang is high and difficult to capture.

However, these people only attacked for a while and then left.

There wasn't even a body left on the ground!
"Retreat, the Dagan people retreat!"

On the city wall, everyone cheered!
Gai Nansheng almost collapsed and leaned against the wall, but he cursed: "Damn Da Ganren, it's a feint attack again!"

"Not really." Gai Jingtu exhaled a breath of turbid air and said: "If we are careless, the other party will really attack by force!
The opponent's general is very smart and has a good understanding of the military strategist's true intentions. He has been pulling the strings. If we are a little careless, I'm afraid..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a shocking loud noise coming from the city.

Even the city walls trembled.

Many people were even knocked to the ground.

Gai Jingtu quickly held on to the wall, his ears buzzed, and he temporarily lost his voice!
Gai Nan was even more miserable. He sat down on the ground, panting heavily, looking like he was scared to the point of peeing.

"Oops, fooled!"

Gai Jingtu shouted loudly, looking at the place where the explosion just occurred, it was clearly the city gate!
Unfortunately, the sound was too loud, and the closer it was to the city gate, the greater the damage.

He ran away.

When the people in the city heard the shocking loud noise, they were also panicked.

Just as Gasuwen fell asleep, he was frightened and woke up. He sat up straight on the bed and his heart was beating wildly.

He looked outside and ran out quickly.

At this time, the gate of Pyongyang City was blown to pieces and changed beyond recognition.

The man who was beaten away by them turned his horse's head and plunged into the city gate.

The rallying horn was sounded.

Liu Rudao had been resting for so long and was waiting for this moment.

"Cavalry battalion, charge!"

More than 4000 wolf-like cavalrymen rode their horses and galloped forward, followed closely by the infantry.

Liu Chenghu sat in the tent with his big horse and golden sword.

This time, even the artillery was spared in the siege.

He admitted that Qin Mo was very powerful, but he, Liu Chenghu, was even stronger.

No one can attack with force, and no one can be more sinister than anyone else. Liu Chenghu has never lost!

"Hurry, hold on!" Gai Jingtu shouted hysterically.

However, it was too late. The first batch of feint attack teams, 2000 people, had already rushed into Pyongyang.

The bullets fired by the second-generation Qin rifle are killing lives.Gai Nanzhen rolled and crawled and ran backwards, "Quick, rush forward, the gangsters are running in."

"It's over, it's completely over, the Dagan people have entered the city!"

Gai Nan's legs couldn't help but tremble, and when he looked at the sparks exploding below, his soul flew into the sky.

Soon, Liu Rudao arrived with his team.

Like a tiger entering the sheepfold.

When Gesuwen rushed out, what he saw was the fire and the ferocious Dagan people.

He was stunned for a moment, and then a cold air rose from the soles of his feet, "Damn thing, what on earth is going on?"

He just squinted for a while, and before he even fell asleep, Da Gan people rushed into Pyongyang.

Gai Nanyan and Gai Nanjian also rushed over, "Father, Da Gan people are rushing in!"

"I know, Nanjian, you lead the men to rush over and kill them!" Gai Suwen looked at Mr. Gai, "You come into the palace with me to serve the king."

Said, turned and ran.

The so-called King Qin is just an excuse.

Guys don't understand.

Before Gai Nanjian could even react, his father and elder brother ran away.

He wanted to catch up, but he didn't dare. Looking at the raging fire and the shrill shouts ahead, he was equally scared!
The Dagan people rushed in, why are they guarding anything?
Escape is the key!
He gritted his teeth, led his troops, and plunged into the alley next to him.

Liu Rudao waved his horizontal sword, and his wish to kill [-] Japanese dogs in Wozhou came to nothing. The current Japanese state is the Japanese state of Daqian.

If you kill again, it will be against the law!
But Gao Li can.

Last time he killed 4000 people, and this time he just continued to kill [-] people.

This time in Gaoli, his wish to kill thousands of people must be fulfilled!
"Go capture Gaisu Wen and enter the palace!"

Liu Rudao did not forget his mission and led the people to run wildly on the road, throwing the white phosphorus grenade as if it was free of charge.

When the infantry entered the city and tens of thousands of rifles were fired, all efforts were in vain.

The sky showed fish belly white.

However, the fire in Pyongyang is spreading, setting almost a third of the city on fire.

The gate of the palace was blown open, and Liu Rudao captured Gaisu Wen alive.

Gao Zang was found hiding in the palace.

The downfall was quicker than they thought.

It only took ten hours from the time the Dagan people landed to the fall of Pyongyang City.

"General, Liu Xianfeng has captured Gaisu Wen and Gaoli Wang Gaozang alive!"

Liu Chenghu stroked his beard, his eyes were full of indifference, he sighed, his whole body was relaxed, "The rest of you, follow me into the city!"

Liu Chenghu got on his horse and led the artillery slowly into the city.

The fire remains.

But the fearful Gaoli people were kneeling on both sides of the road.

The Gaoli nobles and generals were all caught aside.

The huge heads rolled down.

Blood stained the land of Pyongyang red.

Even the horizontal sword forged by a hundred steel refiners was blunted.

Liu Chenghu couldn't help but think of Emperor Zhou Yang's three million-strong army conquering Gaoli.

Now, he only used 5 people to conquer Pyongyang.

Today, he will personally uncover the scars in the hearts of all Da Gan!

Liu Chenghu rode a horse and strolled to Gaoli Palace. He saw Ge Suwen kneeling on the ground and didn't even look at him. "Where is King Gaoli?"

(End of this chapter)

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