big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1170: Takazo attacks!

Chapter 1170: Takazo attacks!
Hearing Liu Chenghu's voice, Gao Zang, who was kneeling in the corner, rolled over and said, "General, general, Xiao, Xiao Wang is here!"

"Are you Gao Zang?" Liu Chenghu looked at Gao Zang, and a fishy smell came from Gao Zang's body.

You don’t need to look to know that this person is an idiot!
"Yes, Xiao, the villain is Gao Zang!" Gao Zang didn't dare to look up at Liu Chenghu. After hearing Liu Chenghu's words, even Xiao Wang didn't dare to call himself.

"Get up and talk!"

Liu Chenghu said.

Gao Zang wanted to get up, but his legs were as soft as a shrimp with soft legs. Feeling the chilling air around him, his body was trembling uncontrollably.

"Pull him up!" Liu Chenghu said.

Two powerful Daqian soldiers, one on the left and one on the right, lifted him up like a chicken.

"Let me ask you, but Gaisu Wen imprisoned you in the palace?" Liu Chenghu asked in a deep voice.

Gao Zang's head was pounding, "Yes, General, it was Gaisu Wen who imprisoned the villain in the palace!"

"A few years ago, we attacked our Dagan Navy in the Bohai Sea, but what do you mean?"

"No, no, general, the villain was not a prince at that time. It was Gesuwen who encouraged the villain's father to sneak attack the Daqian Navy.

Xiao, the villain is against it, and the villain admires Da Qian the most. When his father was still alive, he often advised his father to re-establish diplomatic relations with Da Qian.

Submit credentials to Daqian and recognize Daqian as the suzerain! "

Gao Zang lowered his head, but there was no trace of panic in his eyes. On the contrary, there was a sense of shrewdness. He continued to stumble and said: "It's a pity that the villain was so soft-spoken at the time, and no one listened to what he said.

Later, Gesuwen killed my father, plotted to usurp the throne, and even imprisoned the villain in the palace.

He was named Regent, but he was actually ambitious and colluded with Bei Nu in an attempt to overthrow Gao Li's country Zuo.

Today, fortunately, General Wang Shi of Daqian brought such ambitious people to justice. I am very grateful. "

He broke away from the soldiers, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed to Liu Chenghu.

Knock it on until your head bleeds.

Looking at Gao Zang, Liu Chenghu sneered, pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger?

It seems that Gao Zang is not a fuel-efficient lamp either.

Come to think of it, if not for this, how could he survive until now?

Ge Suwen on the side suddenly raised his head and looked at Gao Zang, who happened to be looking at him too, with deep resentment and hatred in his eyes.

Gesuwen understood that he had been pretending to be crazy and acting stupid.

"You can talk."

Liu Chenghu stretched out his foot and placed it on Gao Zang's forehead, "I will help you restore Gaoli Guozuo. You write a surrender letter and an enclosed letter. From now on, Gaoli will be merged into Daqian.

It is impossible to say that Your Majesty will be happy to continue to award you with a title, but also to let you, Gao Li, die in peace. "

Gao Zang was stunned.

I was angry and helpless at the same time.

Gesu Wen plotted to usurp the throne, and Da Qian actually wanted to directly annex Gaoli!
Does he have a choice?

Rather than doing this, it would be better to happily give Gao Li to Da Qian.

As the general said, maybe Emperor Daqian would be happy and instead of killing him, he would be rewarded with a title?
"Yes, I will obey the general's order. However, general, my royal seal has been controlled by Gaisu Wen, a rebellious minister and traitor!" Gao Zang said.

"Gao Zang, you are a sinner of Gaoli. If you write a letter of surrender today and cede Gaoli, you will be a sinner of Gaoli.

You won't end well! "Gasuwen said angrily.

"If you hadn't been a rebellious traitor who tempted my father to anger Da Qian Tianwei, Gao Li wouldn't have ended up like this.

Am I a sinner?
You are the sinner of Gaoli! "

Gao Zang cursed angrily: "I believe that the envoy of Daqian will definitely record this incident honestly, and the people of Gaoli originally moved to Gaoli thousands of years ago.

It has always been a dependent country of the Central Plains.This time it’s just that the grandson has returned to his grandfather’s arms! "

The surrounding Daqian soldiers couldn't help laughing, "Well said, grandson!"

Not only was Gao Zang not angry, but he was also smiling.

Liu Chenghu knew that Gao Zang wanted to survive, but he didn't think he was like a clown.

This kind of person is extremely tolerant and has a deep mind. If he breaks away from the barriers, he is likely to soar into the sky.

Gesuwen cursed: "Gao Zang is a sinner!"

When Gao Zang passed by Gaisu Wen, he looked at Liu Chenghu, "General, this room killed my father, humiliated my biological mother, imprisoned me in the palace, and angered the great power of heaven. Can you let the villain vent his anger?"

Liu Chenghu said: "How do you want to vent your anger?"

Gao Zang took a deep breath and unbuckled his belt.

The people around him were stunned when they saw a bright yellow arc falling squarely on Ge Suwen's face.

Gesuwen reacted, and just as he was about to scold him, he was choked and coughed.

The smell was simply disgusting.

Gao Zang felt extremely happy. Although he had to rely on the power of Da Ganren, he finally realized his idea.

He trembled all over and pulled up his pants, "Thank you, General!"

Liu Chenghu found Gao Zang interesting and nodded slightly, "Go and write quickly, don't waste time!"

Gao Zang walked to the document and started writing.

Gesuwen coughed violently for a while before he regained his breath.

He was so angry that he was shaking.

He was not humiliated by Da Gan people, but was humiliated to death by a proton, a puppet, and a piece of trash!
The anger almost swallowed him up, and he wanted to hit him head-on and die on the spot.

Guy Gai didn't dare to say anything at all. He pursed his lips and put his face to the ground, for fear that Da Gan people would notice him!

He is also afraid that other people will do this to him!
"Gaisu Wen, do you want to live?" Liu Chenghu asked with a smile.

"Kill if you want, don't make any noise!" As soon as Ge Suwen finished speaking, Liu Chenghu cut off both of his ears with two swords.

The severe pain made Gesuwen scream.

The fear of death made him sober.

"You are considered a hero. You must know that there are many ways in this world that are more uncomfortable than death." Liu Chenghu said lightly: "Prisoners must have the consciousness of prisoners, instead of roaring incompetently.

I brought 5 people here this time.

It's been so long, everyone must have been holding back for a long time.

At that time, I will gather all the people in the city, sink you into an urn, and let one of you urinate for you.

Let you drown in the urn.

You, Gaisu Wen, will surely become the first joke in thousands of years! "

Gaisu Wen was in pain and frightened. What a vicious thought this man had!

If that were the case, then his life would be worse than death.

Even if he dies, he will be infamous for eternity.

That kind of humiliation can really drive people crazy!
"I, Liu Chenghu, always keep my word." Liu Chenghu said: "I will give you ten breaths of time to think about it. After ten breaths, I will drown all of your Gai family members in the urine."

Liu Chenghu!
Is he Liu Chenghu?
Gaisu Wen stared at Liu Chenghu. Until this moment, he didn't know who the general of Daqian was!

(End of this chapter)

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