big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1171 The consequences of offending Qin Mo!

Chapter 1171 The consequences of offending Qin Mo!
Daqian Army God Liu Chenghu, no wonder he lost so completely.

Gaisu Wen looked at Liu Chenghu and once wanted to bite his tongue and commit suicide.

But I never had the courage.

If Gaoli was annexed by Daqian, then his death today would be meaningless.

If you surrender, you may have a good death.

The most important thing is that Gao Zang's arc completely transferred Gesu Wen's resentment.

Even if he was going to die, he would kill all of King Gaoli's lineage before he died.

"Okay, I surrender!" Gasuwen said.

"He who knows the current affairs is a hero." Liu Chenghu laughed.

This Gaisu Wen is indeed a smart man, and this will save him a lot of time.

As soon as Gaisu Wen surrendered, Gai Nanjian, who was escaping, was also caught.

In Pyongyang City, except for Dagan people, no one is standing.

At this time, including the landing of Daqian's army, it was exactly one day and one night!
Liu Chenghu completely killed the courage of the people of Pyongyang in just one day.

Facing the Dagan people, the Gaoli people seemed to have a kind of honeyed self-confidence.

But now, they are all wiped out by blood.

The heads and the blood that gathered into the stream completely crushed the Gaoli people's self-confidence under their feet.

This is Liu Rudao's fourth beheading sword. So far, he has only collected more than 200 people.

Not even half of it.

But even so, the bloody smell and murderous intent all over his body were enough to scare the strong men in the army.

One look can make one's heart tremble.

But he still didn't realize it.

He raised the knife and dropped it, and a huge head rolled down.

"My father is also serious. Why are you recruiting people to surrender? Gao Li has hundreds of thousands of troops. How can it be so easy to surrender?"

Liu Rudao didn't think that others would just surrender.

Moreover, Liu Chenghu's strategy was to disperse Gao Li's troops, move them to Daqian, and arrange for them to undergo labor reform.

Build railroads, build bridges, and offset corvee labor.

"Liu Xianfeng, the general is calling you!" a deputy general said in Liu Rudao's ear.


Liu Rudao inserted the beheading knife into the ground, and regardless of the bloody smell all over his body, he mounted his horse and headed towards Gaoli Palace.

Seeing Liu Rudao covered in blood, Liu Chenghu said: "Are you crazy to kill?"

"No, Dad!"


Liu Chenghu frowned: "You look at me with murderous intent, haven't you gone crazy yet? I'll give you a knife, are you going to chop me down?"

With that said, he went up and kicked Liu Rudao to the ground.

After being kicked, Liu Rudao was shaken all over, and his eyes gradually regained their clarity.

"Dad, why did you kick me?"

"Let you wake up!"

Liu Chenghu said: "A general who can kill the enemy is indeed good, but killing indiscriminately is not good. A general who kills indiscriminately without restraint will definitely lose himself in the killing and eventually be destroyed!"


"What am I? How can I harm you?" Liu Chenghu snorted, "Why was it that I was not willing to let you go when there was a war before, but forced you to read and write at home? Wasn't it to resolve the violence in your heart? gas?

If you can't resolve the anger in your heart, sooner or later you will hurt others and yourself! "

After listening to Liu Chenghu's words, Liu Rudao gradually calmed down, "Dad, why did you call me here?"

"I originally wanted you to stop the ambush halfway, but now, you are not suitable for this task!" Liu Chenghu frowned.

"Didn't Gaisu Wen surrender? Why did he still block the ambush?" Liu Rudao asked in confusion.

"After Gesuwen surrendered, did the others surrender? When the Zhou Dynasty fell, which of those generals with heavy troops did not respect themselves as mercenaries?
Did you see them surrender?Some people use mercenaries as a way to get ahead, while others fish in troubled waters to pursue their dreams.

If they didn't kill all the troops who were returning to the defense, they wouldn't know how powerful Daqian's troops were!
Moreover, Gao Li's strategy and Japan's strategy are two different things.

Qin Mo was in Wozhou, killing and establishing his authority at the same time.

Whether it is His Majesty or the King of Yue, they all hope to clean up the entire Gaoli.

Move all the people in Gaoli back to Daqian to offset the corvee work of the people in the north.

This is also something that Dr. Dou Yushi is in charge of and has been approved by the three provinces and six ministries.

There are nearly 70 households in Kaoli, which is more than 300 million people.

Excluding young and old, men and women of appropriate age can serve as labor force, accounting for at least half of the population.

That is between 120 million and 150 million.

These more than 100 million people can exempt more than 100 million households from corvee service for 20 years!
In addition to the prisoners of war from Wozhou, the prisoners of war from Tianxiang Kingdom, the prisoners of war from Niboluo, and the prisoners of war from the previous Lingnan pacification, it was enough to last for 30 years.

The three southern provinces will not pay taxes or do corvee labor for five years.

With more than a million people, there is simply no way to use them all.

Those under the age of 65 will be sent to the court's own fields to farm. "

"What about the children?"

"Be slaves for three generations, and after three generations, give them the status of civilians!"

"So cruel?"

"It's not enough to be ruthless. It's also my fault that they are looking for death. It was Qin Mo who touched him a few years ago. If it were anyone else, they wouldn't be so ruthless.

If they meet Qin Mo, they can only deserve it. "Liu Chenghu has no mercy for these people.

The prosperous age created by great generals is what everyone yearns for.

A unified dynasty that did not do corvee work or pay for food.

Just thinking about it is inspiring.

Liu Rudao was silent, and he said: "Dad, I used to think that being a slayer of ten thousand people was the strongest general.

But now I feel that I am still too young.

Is someone like Qin Mo, who can decide the fate of millions of people with just a few words, the truly strongest military commander? "

"You actually only regard him as a general?"

Liu Chenghu shook his head and said: "That is one of the decision-makers. Even if he steps down from all official positions, he is still one of the few people in the world who can decide the direction of the world.

Offending him would only be considered bad luck for Gao Li.

It is remarkable that a military general massacred tens of thousands of people in a city.

Like Qin Mo, in just a few words, the fate of nearly millions of people has been decided.

Live if you want them to live, die if you want them to die, nothing is up to them.

This is the real power.

Although your father and I are great at leading soldiers and fighting in wars, we have never dared to get too involved in political affairs in our lives.

Qin Mo is different.

He not only led troops to fight, but also participated in political decision-making.

Daqian was established on the basis of the Northern Zhou Dynasty.

Qin Mo, let Daqian bloom for the second time.

What bloomed was a flower that was not at all similar to those of previous dynasties.

So he is much more powerful than your father and me! "

Liu Rudao nodded. This was the first time Liu Chenghu said that he was inferior to others.

"The number of people I can kill alone is really limited. Qin Mo didn't kill anyone, but he killed the future of Gaoli people.

One by one, not giving them the slightest chance. "

"As long as you understand." Liu Chenghu said, "Take over the city defense. From now on, you are not allowed to kill anyone again!"

(End of this chapter)

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