big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1172 Capture

Chapter 1172 Capture
The first thing the army does when entering the city is to kill the enemy, the second thing is to take over the city defense, and the third thing is to rob!
In any battle to destroy a country, the soldiers below must be well fed.

However, Liu Chenghu is more ethical and does not allow them to defile women.

On the only way, a large number of mine traps have been laid out, and 2 people are ambushing them.

On the afternoon of the third day, the defenders from several important city-states such as Jili City, Shicheng, and Liaodong City gathered together, totaling 15 troops.

Gaoli's heavy cavalry reserves are comparable to those of the Central Plains Dynasty.

Heavy cavalry with both men and horses is the main force of Gaoli's army.

This type of heavy cavalry is clad with tall iron collars to protect their necks and cheeks. They fight through charges and hand-to-hand combat.

In addition to heavy cavalry, heavy infantry is also the main battle force of Gaoli's army.

The more common ones are soldiers wearing armor and armor, holding spears and square shields.

Secondly, there is a kind of soldier who wears a crown on his head, wears armor and carries a heavy sword and shield on his shoulders.

Therefore, although Gaoli is a small country, its standing army is no less than that of Nanfan and Beinu.

Coupled with the abundant metal resources in the country, it was able to maintain heavy cavalry that was on par with the Central Plains Dynasty.

Of course, their iron smelting technology was completely incomparable to that of the Central Plains Dynasty.

But in another world, from the Sui Dynasty to the Gaozong period, it took a full 70 years and the army was launched nine times before Gao Li was completely destroyed.

This shows how resilient this small country with a population of more than 300 million is.

This 15-strong army includes 4 heavy cavalry and heavy infantry.

The rest are the core output team composed of sword and shield soldiers, archers, and spearmen.

Fortunately, Gaoli's land area is small, otherwise these heavy cavalry and heavy infantry would have difficulty reaching Pyongyang within three days.

The army stopped fifteen miles away from Pyongyang City, waiting for scouts to gather information.

"Report, the army of Dagan people is still guarding outside, and they are currently sending a small group of cavalry to attack in an intrusive manner!"

Hearing the news, Dou Zhong, the general of the Dou family who took the lead, was overjoyed and said, "Okay, God help me, hurry up, move forward at full speed, go around from behind, and catch them off guard!"

Everyone was overjoyed and couldn't help but work hard and march faster.

However, about ten miles away from Pyongyang, a sudden explosion stunned everyone.

This happens to be a place similar to the mouth of a mountain gorge. The hills on both sides are not too high, but they just form a horn.

The middle is like a basin that sinks downward.

The explosion made everyone dumbfounded, "How could this happen?"

Douzhong Hushen in the crowd broke out in a cold sweat, "Damn it, the Dagan people have set a trap here!"

Their 15-strong army can be said to be the best among the best, and it was built with the efforts of the whole country.

Once you are hit hard, there is no other option but surrender.

Although the heavy cavalry even has armor on their horses, this is a mine. You can't tie armor on the horses' feet, right?
No matter how powerful the heavy cavalry is, they can only wailing on the ground without their legs, right?
Daqian's army, which had been lying in wait for a long time, quickly opened fire!
Whether it is a new thunder cannon or an old version of the thunder cannon, it is enough to cause tons of damage to them.

Especially the fire that forms when a white phosphorus grenade explodes.

Let the heavy cavalry and heavy infantry become a big furnace, forming iron-clad meat.

Once this armor is put on, it is difficult to take it off, even without the help of outsiders.

"Enemy attack!"

Douzhong shouted at the top of his lungs.

However, it is useless.

In this inconspicuous basin in front of us, there are no less than five thousand mines.

Moreover, it is a new type of landmine, both in terms of lethality and concealment, which is a higher level than the original landmines.

It's also to blame that Douzhong was too impatient and wanted to go around and deal with Daqian's army.

Only then did he plunge into the trap carefully prepared by the Dagan people.

The violent explosion had already drowned out his voice.

The team has become a mess.

But they were elites, and after a brief panic, they began to retreat.However, the war is decided.

Two hours later.

Douzhong was tied up like a rice dumpling and thrown aside like garbage.

What caught his eyes were the wailing soldiers.

Da Gan raised his sword and chopped off all the heads of his generals.

The voices of the soldiers who were still wailing before they died suddenly stopped.

"How could this happen? Why would this happen?"

Douzhong couldn't believe his eyes, and he couldn't accept this fact.

These are 15 elites, the most elite in the entire Gaoli!

He was actually beaten to death by these people.

He doesn't understand that the world has changed a long time ago.

Daqian is not the Northern Zhou Dynasty it once was.

Both national strength and military capabilities have improved a lot.

In this battle, Gaoli's 7-strong army was killed and [-] captured.

The heavy cavalry and heavy infantry received special care from the Dagan people, and no one was left alive!
Soon, the good news reached Pyongyang.

Liu Chenghu ordered the troops pretending to attack the city to enter the city.

Soldiers who, deception also!
At his level, the use of military tactics and tactics has reached its peak.

With a little trick, the 15 troops fell into the trap.

After destroying these 15 elites, plus tens of thousands of elites in Pyongyang City, the entire main force of Gaoli has been completely destroyed.

The rest are rabble.

Some soldiers didn't even have a complete armor.

Coupled with Gaisuwen's surrender, Gao Zang wrote a letter of surrender and an attached letter. It only took half a month for Gaoli to surrender.

The news also reached Xuanzang County, and the Daqian army guarding the border entered.

Even Wanji in the east was scared to death.

Wanji King Fuyu Mingwang quickly summoned ministers to discuss.

All the ministers were in panic all day long.

General Zhizhong of the Left came out and said: "King Shengming, the Dagan people have captured Pyongyang City and captured Gaisuwen alive and Gaoli King Gaozang. Gaoli has surrendered.

We also have Huang Luo behind us, and Huang Luo and Da Gan are of the same mind.

It is better to send an envoy to find out what the Dagan people mean.

If the other side is tough, we will surrender.

With Da Qian mediating, the battle will inevitably stop, and Huang Luo will not be able to disobey Da Qian's will. "

Fuyu Mingyang had long since wanted to fight. In the past two years, he had lost dozens of cities in the war with Huang Luo, and he felt miserable.

If Wozhou had not been captured by the Dagan people a few years ago, they would still have a way out.

But now, Wozhou is also doing something big, and Wanji has no backer.

If you want to survive, the only way to go is to join Daqian.

This is also no way!

"Okay, then I will order you to go to Pyongyang as an envoy to the general Dagan in front of you. You must let the Dagan people know Wanji's sincere loyalty." Fuyu Mingjing said.

Everyone also breathed a sigh of relief.

They are afraid that Fuyu Mingyang will not bow his head!

(End of this chapter)

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