big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1173 The power of Heaven is unstoppable!

Chapter 1173 The power of Heaven is unstoppable!

Zhizhong knew very well that once Gao Li collapsed, Huang Luo and Wan Ji would be nothing more than playthings in Da Gan's hands.

Gaoli has 60 troops and nearly 70 households, while Wanji has about 24 households and less than 20 troops.

But now one-third of the land and population are occupied by Huang Luo.

The fundamentals have been damaged.

If the Dagan people unite with Huang Luo, Wanji will have no other choice but to perish!
Half a month later, Gao Li was included. What does this mean?
This shows that Daqian far surpassed the Northern Zhou Dynasty in both national and military strength.

There is no other way out than bowing your head.

The next day, Zhigao took more than a thousand people and a large amount of treasures from Xiongjin City to Pyongyang.

The journey from Ungjin Castle to Pyongyang is about a thousand miles, and it would take less than ten days and a half to reach it.

And it also has to pass through Huang Luo.

Huang Luo would definitely not allow them to use the road, so he could only lead the team to the seaside and take the sea to Pyongyang, which was faster and safer.

In mid-August, the first batch of strong men loaded onto ships and left their hometown.

And Zhigao's ship also approached the seaside,

After identifying themselves, the Daqian soldiers guarding the dock escorted them to Pyongyang.

Along the way, he saw many strong men digging and widening roads with bare boards.

If they dare to be lazy, the Dagan people will use that weapon called a "gun" to send them back to the west!
The people of Daqian said that the Gaoli people were guilty of a surprise attack on King Daqian's army and angered Tianyan. His Majesty allowed them to forgive their sins. The third generation pardoned their status as sinners, and the fifth generation could give them the lives of common people in Daqian.

Before that, they all have to leave Gaoli and go to Daqian to undergo labor reform!
Zhigao was particularly scared.

The Dagan people wanted to evacuate the entire Gaoli.

Not only did they want money and land, but they also wanted people packed away.

If there is no one left, who will have so much land left?

The soil is barren and unsuitable for growing crops.

He didn't understand what the Dagan people wanted to do.

However, he didn't dare to ask.

There were often reform-through-labor prisoners lying on the ground on the road, which made Zhigao frightened.

Soon, their group came to Pyongyang with the treasure.

Outside the city is a large Jingguan mountain built with human heads. These heads have been pickled with lime, and their faces are distorted, making them look very ferocious.

But now it is summer, and when the wind blows, there is a smell.

Some timid people were so frightened that their legs became weak, and they couldn't walk without the help of others.

"Here, how many people did they kill?"

"Oh, it's not that much, just less than 10 people!" said the leading Daqian soldier.

"Less than 10 people?"

Zhigao smiled bitterly, these people are all strong men and are top-notch soldiers.

If Wanji loses so many people, his vitality will be severely damaged, and he will not be able to recover in less than 70 to [-] years!
Entering Pyongyang City, it was also devastated, with dried blood everywhere and burned-out ruins.

The group of people bowed slightly involuntarily, and all of them were covered in sweat.

Is this still the royal capital of Gaoli?
How did it become like this!
"The general is receiving Huang Luolai's guests at the palace. Wait here!" The soldier who led him said impatiently and left.

Hearing this, Zhigao's heart trembled, and the people around him said: "What a shame, General Zuo, the Huangluo people actually came one step ahead of us!"

“The Huangluo people have blocked our road, bordering Gaoli, and are only more than 500 miles away from Pyongyang, so they will definitely be one step ahead of us.

Don't be afraid, what Dagan people want is an attitude. As long as we admit our mistakes quickly and our attitude is sincere enough, there will definitely be no problem.After all, it was Gao Li who attacked Daqian Navy in a sneak attack, and it was not my fault, Wanji Kingdom! "Zhigao said.

Everyone else kept nodding.

After waiting for about half an hour, Liu Chenghu finally saw them.

The sun was scorching hot, and these people were standing in the sun, but no one dared to complain!

Zhigao wiped the sweat from his forehead and walked in with the letter of surrender written by Fuyu Mingjing.

There were many people inside, led by a tall general, and there were many young generals standing next to him.

On the right side is a woman wearing a symbol of royal clothing.

Zhigao was stunned, "Queen Deshan?"

Queen Deshan took over the throne from King Jinpyeong, and was also known as the "Holy Ancestor Queen" and her reign name was Inpyeong.

He has only been in charge for less than two years, but he is still quite capable.

What he didn't expect was that the queen actually came in person.

Queen Deshan is twenty-five years old. She is not pretty, but at first glance she is not someone to be trifled with. "Who was I at that time? It turned out to be General Wanji Zuo. I didn't expect that Fuyu Mingwang actually sent you as an envoy." !”

Zhigao also did his part, "The queen came in person, and the young general didn't expect it. Originally, my king also planned to come in person, but the road to Pyongyang was blocked by Huang Luo.

In addition, the hurricane passed through the country a few days ago. For the sake of the victims, my king had to bear the pain and missed the general who asked to see the heaven! "

As he said that, he walked up to Liu Chenghu and said, "Young General Wanji Zhigao came here to ask for an audience with General Liu, along with a letter of surrender and four treasures from the ship!"

Liu Chenghu looked at Zhigao. He was also famous in Wanji and was a man who was good at fighting.

He nodded slightly, and Liu Rushao on the side stepped forward to take the letter of surrender and the gift list.

Liu Chenghu looked at it and smiled, "I'm afraid this letter of surrender and four ships of treasures will not be able to mediate the war!"

When Zhigao saw Queen Deshan, he knew in his heart that he would shed his skin even if he died today.

Da Gan people will definitely not show off their nobles easily.

He quickly cupped his hands and said: "General Liu, Wanji sincerely surrenders to you and is willing to make Daqian the suzerainty. In the future, he will pay homage to you every year and give you generous gifts.

Look with Da Qian and Ma's head in mind and never have any second thoughts! "

"It's still not enough!" Liu Chenghu said.

Zhigao bit the bullet and said: "General Liu, Wanji is a small country and the people are weak. From now on, I am willing to offer eight large ships of treasures every year!

General, please take pity on me, Wanji! "

"What you are saying is as if we in Dagan are bullying you!" Liu Rudao sneered, "To tell you the truth, Queen Deshan has decided to have Huang Luo attached and will go to Dagan to see His Majesty soon.

I'm not afraid to tell you that His Majesty's personal expedition has defeated Beinu and captured Maodun.

Soon the teacher will return to the DPRK.

From now on, Huangluo will be Huangluo County of Daqian. Half of the people of Huangluo will move to Daqian, and the other half will stay in Gaoli and Huangluo to mine! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhigao's heart felt cold.

Huang Luo is actually included!
Do they not even want their ancestors?

He looked at the smiling Queen Deshan, his head felt like paste.

If the Huangluo people migrated to Daqian, then Wanji would be the only one left. Looking around, the land of Daqian is covered in all directions.

They were caught in the middle, which was worse than death.

Moreover, Daqian also conquered Beinu. Daqian's power of heaven is now unstoppable!

(End of this chapter)

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