big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1174 Destined fate!

Chapter 1174 Destined fate!

The meaning of Da Gan is already very clear. Queen Deshan is attached to Da Gan. From now on, the two families will be like one family.

If Huang Luo wanted to attack Wanji, would Da Qianyan have any reason not to do so?

The result still went in the direction Zhizhong least wanted.

The momentum is rolling and no one can control it at all.

Daqian's ambition is also obvious.

They want to annex Wanji and let the peninsula fly the Great Qianlong flag!

"I, I" Zhizhong hesitated for a long time, speechless.

"I already know Wan Ji's thoughts. Let's go down and rest first." Liu Chenghu said, "I will report to His Majesty for your decision."

Hearing this, Zhizhong hurriedly knelt on the ground and said, "Please General Liu mediate the war between Huang Luo and Wanji. Don't let people make fearless sacrifices. From now on, let's all live together and don't fight or kill." Got it!"

"What kind of family?" Liu Rudao regurgitated: "Our Majesty has not accepted your surrender, how can you, a young general like Zuo, make decisions for our Majesty?

Besides, Queen Deshan came over in person a few days ago when she learned that our general was here again.

Where is your King Wanji?
What, you still want to go to Wazhou to ask for help? "

Liu Rudao's sarcasm made Zhizhong feel angry and sad, "How can a young general have the courage to make decisions for His Majesty the Emperor Daqian?

I just don’t want my own family to beat my own family.

Huang Luo can be included inside, and so can I, Wanji! "

He knew very well that if he didn't say this, he might not be able to get out of Pyongyang alive!

"You can't make the decision. Let Fuyu Mingming come and say it in person." Liu Rudao said, "Get down!"

Seeing that Liu Rudao had drawn out the sword, Zhizhong said quickly: "General, calm down, young general, please retreat now!"

With that said, he left the room in two or three steps backwards, not daring to turn his back during the whole process.

After leaving the room, Zhizhong was covered in cold sweat, and the scorching sun could not warm his body.

Everyone in Wanji rushed over, "General, how are you?"

Seeing their eager expressions, Zhizhong swallowed his saliva and said, "This time it's troublesome. Huang Luo is attached to Dagan. We, Wanji, may be in danger of losing our country and destroying our species!"

Da Gan relocated all Gaoli people. If Huang Luo refused to let go, Wanji's fate would probably not be better than Gaoli's.

Queen Deshan came forward in person and attached Da Gan, and the two families became one family from then on.

If Queen Deshan marries the Daegan royal family, there is a high probability that Huang Luo will rule the entire peninsula.

Thinking of this, Supreme's heart was like a burning fire cooking.

"Ah, what to do then?"

"Huang Luo Shu Dian forgets his ancestors!"

"Now I finally understand why Huang Luo has so many high-quality weapons, all of which are aided by the Dagan people behind their backs.

Maybe, a long time ago, they had already included Daqian, but we didn’t know it! "

The crowd reacted.

But so what?
The wood is done.

They are now high-ranking people. They are just foreigners. If you make them unhappy, they will give you a knife in front of you, but you still want to smile and let her get two more blows to enjoy!

Queen Deshan said at this time: "General Liu, Wanji's ambition, even if it is attached to him in the future, it must not be sincere.

I also ask the general to think carefully. The enclosed document has not yet been sent to the capital. If it is sent to the capital, Wanji's conspiracy may succeed. "

Liu Chenghu stroked his beard. He knew Queen Deshan's thoughts very well, but it was a pity that Huang Luo was the first to get it.

But their fate has long been decided by Qin Mo.

Qin Mo likes to call the Huangluo people "bangzi" (it was a typo before Gao Li was called "bangzi"), saying that the Huangluo people are shameless and like to steal, especially stealing culture to increase their heritage and add gold to their own faces.

Chinese people are arrogant and blind, and they like to recognize their ancestors. They are typical wallflowers.Do not give them preferential treatment.

All the women from Huang Luo Kingdom were brought into the country and distributed among them by the government.

Men must serve as corvees and work across the country for 20 years before they can obtain the status of a Dagan person.

After the working period is extended, the land allocation is only half that of Dagan people. If they have no criminal records within three generations within 50 years, they can be given the same treatment.

By that time, the Huangluo people were spread all over the country and became insignificant.

This was the result of Queen Deshan coming in person.

As for Wanji, there is no need for another Wanji clan.

"I'll give you ten days to capture Wanji." Liu Chenghu said, "When the time comes, if you come back to Beijing with me, His Majesty will definitely grant you a good marriage!"

"Thank you, General Liu!" Queen Deshan bowed and then left.

Liu Chenghu wants to use the help of Queen Deshan to destroy Wanji. It doesn't matter whether Huang Luo has the strength or not. He will take action at the critical moment!

As for Huang Luo, he only stayed to make His Majesty happy.

Otherwise, the crime of stealing Daqian Zhenguo's artifact can make them die without a place to die.

Will Shidan and Jihe people stand up and explain for them?

And won't!
At the end of August, Huang Luo captured Wanji. During this period, Liu Chenghu only assisted 5000 people before he captured the capital of Wanji and captured Fuyu Mingfan and a group of royal children alive.

Zhizhong was beheaded.

Then, it only took five days to completely wipe out the remaining remnants of Wanji.

Wanji Kingdom was destroyed.

Liu Chenghu completely pacified the Gaoli Peninsula in one month.

Countless gold and silver were seized.

The Bohai Bay Navy, who received the news, also used their connections to find nearly a thousand ships from private caravans.

It is also very fast to get here from the Bohai Bay. The speed of sea-going ships is now more than 1000 yuan. With the maturity of sea transportation, the time of maritime trade has been greatly reduced.

After capturing the peninsula, the supply line in the middle was greatly increased, and even the frigates could reduce the number of ships.

From the Bohai Bay, to the peninsula, to the coastline of Wozhou, Jihe, and Shidan, there are garrison points in Daqian.

Shipping costs have been reduced again.

In mid-September, good news came to Beijing!

"Gaoli's great victory, General Liu broke through Pyongyang in one day, captured Gaisu Wen and Gaoli Wang Gaozang alive, and beheaded 15 Gaoli's elite.

Gao Li has all returned to work, and General Liu has established the Andong Protectorate!
Queen Huang Luodeshan attached herself to Daqian and borrowed troops from General Liu to defeat Wanji and achieve a great victory.

Colliers Peninsula, everyone returns! "

After the scouts disembarked from the Gyeonggi River, they mounted their fast horses and headed straight for the capital.

This hysterical sound of joy was undoubtedly a bombshell, and it directly made everyone in the capital unable to control themselves with joy.

For a time, the capital was boiling.

When the news came to the palace, Li Yue was still worried about why no good news had come back.

From August to September, it lasted more than 40 days.

If there is no news, the father will be back.

You can't go from early summer to cold winter just for him, right?

"My father-in-law, my father-in-law, please reply quickly!" Li Yue's face was expressionless, but he was extremely anxious in his heart.

Now many people in the capital say that he is good at starting wars and adding burden and pressure to the court for no reason!
If he can't attack for a long time, he will really lose face!

(End of this chapter)

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