big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1175 They are not gregarious enough!

Chapter 1175 They are not gregarious enough!
His father gave him the most relaxed environment to use his skills. If he still couldn't do it, he would not have the face to be in prison in the future.

The emperor's father personally led the army to conquer the north and conquered the northern slaves. They were pacified in one month.

It's been more than two months now, why hasn't the news come back yet?
Just when Li Yue was secretly anxious, news came to the palace.

"Report, Gaoli was victorious, Zhu Guogong defeated Gaoli and Wanji, beheading nearly 20 people.

Capture Gaisuwen, Gaozang and Fuyu Mingjing alive.

Queen Huang Luodeshan has attached great importance to her country, and will soon enter Beijing with her army to congratulate her! "

Li Yue was so happy that he ran out quickly without waiting for the scouts to come over.

"Quickly, give me the good news!"

Taking the victory report from the scout, Li Yue immediately laughed and said, "Okay, okay, you are worthy of being Duke Zhu. From now on, there will be no Gaoli, Wanji, Huangluo, and only the Anton Protectorate of Daqian." !

A great victory! "

He was so excited that he was trembling all over. He originally just wanted to defeat Gao Li, but Liu Chenghu actually took care of Wanji and Huang Luo as well.

This is great news and great achievement.

He quickly summoned all the ministers to the side hall and circulated the good news.

The original voice of doubt disappeared, and the compliments came in like a flood.

Li Yue sat in the upper seat and looked at everyone. At this moment, no one dared to question his decision.

When the compliments subsided, Gongsun Wuji came out and said: "His Royal Highness, the King of Yue, with such good news, we should send someone to Ganzhou to report it to His Majesty, and then the whole world will celebrate."

"It should be so!" Li Yue looked at Zhuge Sui, "The Ministry of Rites came out with a charter. I think my father will be back soon in these days, so we must do a good job to welcome him."


At this time, in Ganzhou City.

It is now the beginning of autumn, and the scorching heat of July and August is gone.

Aside from being a little dry, the temperature is on point.

In another month, Ganzhou will gradually cool down.

He has stayed in Ganzhou for so long, and there has been no news from the capital. Li Shilong's affairs in Ganzhou have also been dealt with, and now he is counting the days on his fingers every day.

He was actually a little worried in his heart. Emperor Zhou Yang failed to conquer Gaoli three times, so wouldn't Liu Chenghu also fall in Gaoli?
"Your Majesty, Duke Longyou wishes to see you!" Gao Shilian reminded in a low voice, interrupting Li Shilong's thoughts.

"Let him in!"

Soon, Li Sixun walked in quickly. After receiving the greeting, he reported: "Your Majesty, there is a letter from the grassland saying that the Qin Prince Consort will not arrive in Ganzhou for about seven or eight days."

"This bitch is really good. He stayed in the grassland for two or three months. Is he planning to settle down in the grassland?" Li Shilong could no longer stay in Ganzhou at this time.

I marched in May and did not return in September.

By the time Qin Mo arrived here, it was already the end of September, and he probably wouldn't have to return to the capital until mid-October.

It’s been almost half a year.

"The Prince Consort of Qin has now sealed the wolf and lives in Xu Mountain. I would like to congratulate Your Majesty on getting such a brave and capable son-in-law!" Seeing that Li Shilong was in a bad mood, Li Sixun quickly flattered him.

Hearing this, Li Shilong's face really brightened with joy, "Don't say nice things for him. This bitch is quite capable, but his ability to get into trouble is also top-notch in the world.

I'm so worried about him! "

"Your Majesty, it is easy for mediocrity to worry, but what he can do, others can do too. What Qin Prince Consort Commandery did is something that is difficult for ordinary people to do." Li Sixun said with a smile.

"If that bitch hears you praising him so much, why won't he raise his tail to the sky?" Li Shilong really missed Qin Mo.

He held back a lot of words and had a lot of joy in his heart that he wanted to share with others.

Neither Li Daoyuan nor Li Sixun was willing to share.

In other words, they don't deserve to know the emperor's joy.

He just wanted to share it with Qin Mo.

In other words, he wanted to drink with Qin Mo, and then pull him to talk and catch his breath.But on the one hand, he was worried because no message came back from the capital.

Li Yue seemed to have bad luck. He went to Lingnan and suffered a big loss.

This time, Gao Li won't be in trouble, right?

"Your Majesty, there is a big happy event for this humble minister!" Li Sixun was worried.

"Oh, what's the big happy event?" Li Shilong said.

"I would like to congratulate Your Majesty. The news just came from the capital. Duke Zhu Guo defeated Gaoli. He went to Pyongyang in one day and captured Gaisuwen and Gao Zang alive."

Li Shilong was stunned for a moment, then stood up suddenly and said, "Give me the good news quickly!"

Li Sixun hurriedly delivered the good news. Li Shilong took it and took a look, laughing loudly, "Haha, good. From now on, there will be no more troubles in Northeast China."

He was excited.

What Emperor Zhou Yang failed to accomplish even with millions of troops was defeated by Liu Chenghu with 5 troops.

Not only that, but the entire peninsula was captured.

Moreover, it was his son who killed him during the Northern Expedition.

The big stone in Li Shilong's heart has completely fallen to the ground, and now he can finally return to Beijing happily.

Destroying Beinu and attacking Gaoli, as an emperor, his achievements have reached a level that is unprecedented and unparalleled.

He has no regrets in his life!
"Pass the news and make everyone happy." Li Shilong thought for a while and said, "Go and tell those people that if they are not willing to work and contribute, then let me develop the Gaoli Peninsula.

I will give you a list tomorrow and let them leave Longyou within three days! "

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Li Sixun smiled bitterly in his heart, Li Shilong was here to deal with the Longyou royal family severely.

Especially those playboys, some of whom bullied men and women, had their heads chopped off by Li Shilong.

Serve as a model.

Who dares to neglect now?

"Your son's name is Li Ankang, right?"

"Yes, is the child called Ankang, or is it the name given by the Emperor?"

"Ankang is good." Li Shilong said: "The Anton Protectorate is short of manpower. First go to the Bohai Navy to report, and then go to the Anton Governor's Mansion to be a deputy governor!"

Li Sixun was overjoyed because he wanted to reuse Li Ankang.

When Li Ankang returns from the Andong Protectorate, he will only be around thirty. When the time comes, he will return to the capital to serve as an official, and his future will be bright.

This clearly shows that they are choosing supporters for the new emperor!

"Your Majesty, my son is young, so I am afraid that he will be protected by this."

"Okay, it's settled. When the time comes, Su Yun will be sent to the Anton Protectorate to serve as the Protector.

Although the Northeast is generally stable, there are still Shidan and Jihe.

Now that the new northern slaves have been included, there is no more war in the north.

But Shidan and Jihe were still vassal states.

I think they are not gregarious enough! "

Li Shilong said this, and Li Sixun would be a fool if he refused.

Darling, your majesty is so ambitious that you don't even care about the vassal states now. You want Shidan and Jihe to annex you.

Sending Li Ankang to Gao Li was just waiting to make meritorious deeds.

Thinking of this, Li Sixun knelt on the ground and said gratefully: "The humble minister accepted it for that useless thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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