big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1176 Just come!

Chapter 1176 Just Come Back!

This kind of job transfer is usually not directly informed to subordinates.

However, Li Sixun did a good job, and Li Shilong also planned to reward him appropriately.

After all, the killings in Longyou during this period were a bit ruthless.

So as not to make his clan members think he is unkind.

Therefore, it is better to transfer them away from Longyou and go out to explore.

And Su Yun.

Li Shilong originally planned to make him the governor of any of the three Jiangnan roads.

However, this time, as the main attacker, although there was no fault, there was no great merit.

If Qin Mo hadn't planned ahead and thought carefully, this battle would have been very likely to be lost.

After he reviewed himself, he became a little colder towards Su Yun. He was talented and could be used, but it was not the time to make full use of him yet.

It’s better to continue to go to Anton Protectorate to hone in for a while.

Look at Qin Hei, who single-handedly split the Northern Slaves, saying that the new Northern Slaves are included.

Not even a single soldier wasted, this is a great achievement.

Two days ago, Qin Hei wrote a letter saying that he wanted to work in Honglu Temple, and then go to Jihe or Shidan.

Li Shilong refused without thinking.

If this kid goes over again, I'm afraid it won't be long before the two countries become annexed!

The two countries were originally obedient, and there were troops stationed in the country. After a little intimidation, they obediently handed over the enclosed book.

He was really worried about Su Yun and the Longyou royal family.

Worse than that bitch Qin Mo!

At this time, after Qin Mo left Langjuxu Mountain, he slowly walked back with Fang Shuan.

After two or three months of recovery, the injury was healed, except that I often coughed and my hands and feet were cold.

The military doctor said that he had injured his lungs and needed a good rest.

The temperature in the grassland gradually dropped, and Qin Mo also accelerated his return journey to prevent Fang Shuan from freezing.

What patients with lung disease fear most is winter, but fortunately, Fang Chun was in a good mood, riding a horse with Qin Mo, talking and laughing.

Gao Yao just followed behind. After that day, she became somewhat silent.

"We will arrive at Juyanhai in three to five days, and we will finally go home!" Qin Mo still liked this period of time, galloping on the grassland, lying on the grass and watching the stars in the sky, which he couldn't say was his priority.

The captives were escorted back by others. The tribes on the grassland were also wiped out. Some people may have escaped, but it didn't matter.

There will be no hope for the grassland.

"Although the grassland is beautiful, you will get tired of it if you look at it for a long time." Fang Xuan tucked her wind-blown hair behind her ears. She was really reluctant to leave the grassland.

But these soldiers want to go home, and Qin Mo also wants to go home. He does not belong to her alone.

She knew that Qin Mo wanted to go home. He had always been a lazy person. It was just because she was injured that he would find various excuses to stay in the grassland so that she could rest in peace and recover.

"Senior sister, after we go back, we are holding a Taoist wedding. It needs to be a glorious one and we cannot let you suffer any injustice."

"No need, no one gets married twice. The wedding at the small seaside is what I'm looking forward to.

I am your wife now. I am yours in life and your ghost in death.

Not only in this life, but also in the next life, and the next life after that! Fang Shuan blushed and said, "You succeeded now, are you satisfied?" "

"Let's talk about the next life in the next life. You can't escape in this life!"

Qin Mo sped up his riding speed, and Fang Shun hugged him from behind, hoping that time would slow down and the distance would be longer.

But the journey home is always short. At the end of September, Qin Mo returned to Ganzhou with 5000 people.Before entering the city, the news spread throughout Ganzhou.

"He's back, Qin's Prince Consort is returning to the city with his army!"

This news made everyone in Ganzhou walk out of the city in unison.

They spontaneously stood on both sides of the road to greet Qin Mo.

Li Shilong was extremely happy when he learned that Qin Mo was back. Although he didn't say it, he put on the most slutty clothes and stood at attention.

"Hmph, you bitch, you're finally back. Let's see how I deal with you!"

Gao Shilian smoothed away the folds of Li Shilong's clothes, looked at the corners of Li Shilong's mouth in the mirror and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, you can finally have a solid sleep now!"

"Why, if he doesn't come back, I won't be able to sleep well?" Li Shilong said what he meant, flicked his sleeves, and left, seemingly blaming Gao Shilian for being talkative, but in fact, he walked briskly.

Gao Shilian chased after him, feeling equally happy.

"I'm back, I'm finally back!"

Seeing the welcoming people lined the streets and Li Shilong's dragon chariot, Qin Mo also had mixed feelings.

Going to Beinu this time, there were many dangers and opportunities. He almost lost his life and let his beloved die. It was the most difficult battle for Qin Mo since his debut.

"Jingyun, welcome home!" Li Daoyuan said, standing in front.

"Captain Qin's Consort, welcome home!"

"Brother Qin, welcome home!" Chai Rong said excitedly.

Even Su Yun cupped his hands and said, "Qin Mo, welcome home!"

Not to mention Li Ankang, who looks like a little fanboy.

Qin Mo got off his horse, greeted them one by one, and shook hands.

And Li Shilong also arrived late. When the dragon chariot fell, he originally wanted to show off the limelight and let that bitch come over.

But his feet moved forward unconsciously, as if they were wound up by what Shiliu said.

"You bitch, you're back.

You little bastard, you've made me wait for so long, let's see if I don't beat you to death! "

As he walked, he was cursing. Even though he was wearing a sexy bag, he didn't look dignified. It was like a parent who saw a child who had made a mistake and left home. He cursed harshly, but his eyes were full of concern.


When Qin Mo saw Li Shilong, he ran over all the way, "I'm back!"

"Come back as soon as you come back. Do you need to shout so loudly? Do you think I can't hear you? You say keep a low profile every day. Look at you, do you look a bit low-key?" Regardless of whether Qin Mo could hear it or not, Li Shilong pointed at him and cursed. 's passed.

“You bitch, if you say you won’t come back, you won’t come back. If you come back with such a big name, you only have so much face.

I originally didn’t want to come, but I felt it couldn’t be justified if I didn’t come.

Tell me, can you save me some time every day? "

Gao Shilian chased after him, listening to Li Shilong's cursing without any imperial majesty. He knew very well in his heart that Li Shilong couldn't hold himself any longer.

He was extremely frightened when he learned the entire process of the interleaved mission from Chai Rong.

"You kid, just come here, you are jumping around like a monkey, you are not doing anything right, and you are not afraid of being laughed at by your soldiers!
My face has been completely humiliated by you, this piece of shit! "

Li Shilong became more and more excited as he talked.

Qin Mo ran very fast and didn't hear what Li Shilong said, let alone that he was scolding him. He quickly knelt on the ground and said, "Father, I'm back, do you miss me?"

"I miss you so much!"

Li Shilong looked down at Qin Mo. All the curses were gone. He stretched out his hand and gently stroked Qin Mo's head. His eyes were slightly red, "It's good to come back, it's good to come back!"

(End of this chapter)

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