big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1177 Crazy eye drops!

Chapter 1177 Crazy eye drops!
This scene of the meeting between the king and his ministers, oh no, to be precise, is the meeting between the father-in-law and his son-in-law.

The other consorts were just consorts, but Qin Mo was the son-in-law.

The people around were very emotional.

The emperor always held it in his arms before. When did it become like this now?

This kind of respect and closeness is something that others cannot envy.

"Father, I didn't stop right away and I got mad. Do you blame me?"

Seeing Li Shilong's eyes turn red, Qin Mo felt warm in his heart. Lao Liu still cared about him.

"If you die, you will die!" Li Shilong said nonchalantly: "Six years ago, you did what I promised you!"

Qin Mo chuckled and scratched his head, "Father, do you think I'm sorry?"

"dont see!"

Seeing Qin Mo start to sneer, Li Shilong was angry and funny.

Gao Shilian on the side also wiped his eyes. Qin Mo didn't come back, so he didn't worry too much.

Now his heart has completely fallen back into his stomach.

"I'm asking you whether I'm hanging or not, I didn't tell you to see it!" Qin Mo was speechless.

"Bitch, get up quickly and let me see if there are any injuries!"

Li Shilong pulled Qin Mo up and looked at him carefully.

"Father, I'm fine." Qin Mo said, patting his chest.

"Let's go into the city with me." Li Shilong pulled Qin Mo and walked to his dragon chariot.

"Father, my horse."

"Gao Shilian, go get my son-in-law's horse!" Li Shilong said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Gao Shilian's eyes narrowed with a smile. He flicked his fly whisk and quickly walked, holding Qin Mo's horse.

Good fellow, ride with the emperor and let the prime minister lead the horse.

Who the hell doesn't suffer from molars after seeing this?
"Dad, Qin's Prince Consort is so awesome!" Li Ankang looked admiring, as if he was even happier than he was getting into the emperor's dragon chariot.

Li Sixun sighed and regretted: "It was dad's fault. He shouldn't have stopped you. What a great opportunity!"

Although Li Ankang led the team to capture Xiakou Mountain, it was still a bit reluctant to transfer to the Anton Protectorate.

If he followed Qin Mo, his contribution would definitely be greater.

It's all his fault for being timid.

"Dad, it doesn't matter. I'm still young and I have plenty of opportunities!" Although Li Sixun was also very sorry, he was very happy to be able to fight with his idol.

"Opportunity? Difficult!" Li Sixun muttered to himself: "He defeated Shi Yanran, drank the horse Xiaohai, sealed the wolf as his surrogate, and he alone has collected the highest honors among all generals.

There is no chance for you to fight again.

Everyone will look dull in front of him! "

"Father, how about I go down?" Qin Mo didn't like such a high profile. Originally, he wanted to delay time and let Li Shilong go back first.

But luckily for him, he was actually waiting for him in Ganzhou.

But it’s also my fault that Lao Ba is too stretched. If Gaoli had been captured earlier, wouldn’t Lao Liu have returned to Beijing?
Now the low profile is gone, and it is even more high profile than he thought.

I'm done worrying about him.

"I let you sit, you sit!"

Li Shilong said: "You have the qualifications."

When he looked at Qin Mo now, he was pleased with everything, and he was filled with joy.

"Oh!" Qin Mo didn't bother to pretend anymore, and lay down in front of Li Shilong in an imageless manner, then took some pastries and stuffed them into his mouth, "These are all my favorites!"

Li Shilong hummed: "If I come to pick you up empty-handed, why don't you arrange it to death? Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat!"

"Father, when did I arrange to choke you?" Qin Mo ate too quickly and choked immediately.

Seeing Qin Mo couldn't help but hit his chest, Li Shilong quickly poured water for Qin Mo, "Drink some water!"

Qin Mo took it and drank the water in one breath before sighing, "It's been so long since I've had cakes from home, I'm so worried!"

Li Shilong originally wanted to curse a few words, but when he heard these words and looked at Qin Mo's dark skin, he suppressed his words and said, "How old are you, can't you let me save some time?"

"No matter how old I am, I am still your son-in-law. In front of you, I am still your child.

Why should I carry you around in front of you? How tiring it is. Qin Mo stretched out, crossed his legs, and heard the welcome sounds of the people in his ears, "Father, this is the kind of person I am. If you ask me to hide him, then I can only stay away from you." "

"You brat, you're the only one who can say it!" Li Shilong really liked hearing what Qin Mo said.

When it comes to your closest relatives, if you still keep it secret and say one thing in front of your face and another behind your back, who wouldn't respond?

Qin Mo didn't, he said anything to his face.

As he was before, so he is now.

People will change as their experience increases, but Qin Mo will not!

This is the heart of a child.

To be honest, he was used to it. If Qin Mo carried it in his pocket, he would feel uncomfortable.

"Is it wrong for me to say what I mean?" Qin Mo snorted, "That's okay, then I'll keep it in mind from now on!"

"You dare, I can't beat you to death!"

Qin Mo turned sideways, unable to reach the pastry in front of him, "Who is that, bastard turtle, move that pastry towards me!"

The flesh on Wang Gui's face trembled, and he was so angry that he didn't dare to show the slightest bit of displeasure.

"Captain Prince Consort of Qin, do you want this plate of red bean cake or jujube cake?"

"You won't get it all?" Li Shilong frowned.

Wang Gui was so frightened that he trembled, "Yes, I'll get it right now, slave!"

Wang Gui pushed the cake in front of Qin Mo, thinking it was good, but Qin Mo said: "Father, this bastard is not good, he can't serve others, it's better for me. If I say so, I will send the cakes to you." It came from my mouth.

You'd better ask Lao Gao to come up and let him go down to lead the horse. "

Wang Gui was going crazy.

As soon as this bitch came back, he was given eye drops like crazy.

Li Shilong didn't think much about it. Wang Gui was really bad at serving people. "Go down and replace Gao Shilian!"

Wang Gui dares to say no?
He hated Qin Mo very much.

"My servant is so stupid that I have troubled Your Majesty and the Prince Consort!" Wang Gui knelt on the dragon chariot and kowtowed, then stopped the dragon chariot and went down to replace Gao Shilian.

When Gao Shilian saw Wang Gui coming to replace him with a dark face, his heart suddenly became clear.

He looked at Qin Mo, who was waving to him secretly on the dragon chariot, and felt warm in his heart, "He must be his eldest nephew, he is my uncle who loves me!"

Gao Shilian handed the reins to Wang Gui and got on the dragon chariot happily.

Soon, when they entered Ganzhou City, Li Shilong had prepared a grand banquet, but Qin Mo said he was too tired and just wanted to drink and chat with Li Shilong.

"If you don't want that to be your business, I want to reward the army. You go take a bath first, relax, and then come to my house to drink.

It won’t take too long. I’ll give you an hour at most. If you don’t come, I will ask Wang Gui to capture you! "

"Okay, got it!" Qin Mo was tired of holding bonfire gatherings on the grassland every day.

I don’t want to attend any reward banquet at all.

When the time comes when Lao Liu is happy and gives himself heavy rewards, what should he do?
Is Lao Qin still alive?
(End of this chapter)

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