big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1179 Thank you father for not killing me!

Chapter 1179 Thank you father for not killing me!

Qin Mo knew very well that he couldn't hide the matter with Fang Chun, so he didn't hide it at all. Instead, he wrote out everything that happened, including the time when Maodun was shot in the head with a treacherous arrow. .

But externally, he said that Mao Dun died of serious injuries.

He knew very well that what Li Shilong wanted was an attitude that would not be afraid of meritorious deeds and would not be afraid of getting into trouble.

He will only be afraid of a person who has great merit but also has second thoughts.

"I won't argue with you about shooting Mao Dun. You are the most sincere person. If Mao Dun dies, he will die.

Although I'm a little regretful that I couldn't see Mo Dun dance, I can forget my wish.

You have made your first contribution, but for Fang Chun, you did not care about the safety of the soldiers.

Although thorough preparations have been made, it is the enemy's rear area, and any sudden attack may cause serious casualties. "

Qin Mo knelt down straight.

You should admit your mistakes early, and you should stand firm when you are beaten.

Li Shilong looked at Qin Mo, as if he was thinking about how to punish him. After a while, he said: "Qin Mo ignored the safety of the soldiers and informed the three armies.

Qin Mo will be relieved of all military duties from now on.

and a fine of three years' salary.

I will fine you a hundred military sticks, but since I want to defeat the reinforcements of the Northwest slaves and defeat the Northern slaves in two battles, and the merits and demerits are equal, I will not punish you with the military sticks.

At the same time, he was punished by copying the military regulations a thousand times! "

Qin Mo grimaced, "Father, why don't you just give me twenty sticks and punish me a thousand times without losing my hand?"
The words I write are like ghost drawings. Even if I write them, you can't understand them! "

"Twenty sticks are too cheap for you. You must be punished a thousand times. I will check it when the time comes!" Li Shilong snorted coldly: "Gao Shilian, go and send out my punishment for everyone to see!"

Gao Shilian nodded helplessly. This punishment was not heavy. After all, Qin Mo's first attack was punished without any benefit at all.

But it won't work without punishment. If Li Shilong protects him, others may decide how to organize it in the future.

"I'm telling you, if you dare to let someone copy you, I will make you copy it a thousand times again!" Li Shilong threatened.

Seeing Qin Mosheng's loveless look, Li Shilong felt secretly happy, "Okay, stop making such a stinky face for me and pour me some wine!"

If you make me happy by drinking, maybe I can spare you a thousand punishments! "


"Believe it or not, it's up to you!" Li Shilong actually didn't want to punish Qin Mo, but he was his son-in-law, and although what he did was harmless, it would inevitably attract public attention.

He completed the most tiring and dangerous task, and made the greatest contribution.

Others were rewarded and eaten to their fullest, but Qin Mo was punished when he came back.

Let's see who dares to say that he dotes on Qin Mo.

"Come, father, drink!"

Qin Mo quickly poured wine for Li Shilong. Except that he was a little shocked by being forced to copy the military regulations a thousand times, the rest was not painful, and he was even a little happy.

What a fine punishment!

"You sit too!"

Li Shilong glanced outside and dispersed the people around him, not even allowing Wang Gui to approach.

"Here, I'll pour you a glass of wine too." He picked up the wine glass and filled Qin Mo's glass with wine. "There is no father-in-law today, only father-in-law and son-in-law."

As he said that, he picked up the wine glass and said again: "I didn't think about the tactics well this time. Fortunately, you thought carefully and made arrangements in advance. Otherwise, Yalkin, with [-] elites, would most likely destroy Su Yun's main force. Drag it into the abyss and change the entire battle situation.

So, I offer you a toast! "

"Father, this."

"Stop talking for now, I still have something to say!" Li Shilong finished the wine in the small cup and filled himself a glass of wine again, "Six years ago, you said you would make me sweat that day. Now, I have already God is sweating.

You did it, fulfilled my great wish, and fulfilled your own words.I respect you for this second cup. It is my luck to have a son-in-law like you. "

After speaking, Li Shilong drank the wine again.

Seeing that Li Shilong was still pouring wine, Qin Mo quickly brought him some food, "Father, drinking on an empty stomach hurts your stomach. Eat some food first to cushion your stomach.

This way you won’t get drunk easily! "

"This is Da Qian Chun, not burning knives!" Li Shilong felt aggrieved when he talked about this matter. Ever since he was hit by a knife, Qin Mo did not allow him to drink and burn knives. Not only Qin Mo did not allow it, but Empress Gongsun also did not allow it, and Li Yuan He also issued an order prohibiting him from drinking and burning knives.

It was quite difficult at first, but later I got used to drinking Daqianchun, and it felt good.

Especially in summer, it is very refreshing after being chilled.

"It's all the same." Qin Mo said.

Li Shilong took a few bites of the food and picked up the wine glass again, "I still want to toast you for this third glass.

You once said that Daqian would be freed from hunger within two years, although it was not until last year that Daqian was truly freed from hunger.

But I don’t blame you. In recent years, natural and man-made disasters have all come together.

Even for me, looking back now, I find it too difficult.

Now there are many breeding plants across the country, and people do eat relatively cheap meat.

With sweet potatoes, you can have three meals a day, and you no longer have to go hungry.

We also cured smallpox and typhoid fever, so that all our people no longer have to suffer from epidemics.

It took you six years to do something that others couldn't do in 60 or even 600 years.

Having you is not only a blessing to me, but also a blessing to Daqian.

To be honest, I am very happy. Seeing what Daqian is like now, I can’t even think about it.

There are probably dozens of emperors before me. What they couldn't do, I did it!
So, I respect you! "

Li Shilong drank all the wine again.

"Father, you are so sensational, I won't even know how to do it!" Qin Mo scratched his head in embarrassment, "I didn't do anything, I just messed around. If you hadn't let me mess around, I wouldn't have been able to do this. !”

Qin Mo also raised his wine glass, "Then my son-in-law also proposes a toast to you. This toast, I wish you to trust me, let me, and love me!"

With that said, Qin Mo also drank the wine in one gulp, and then poured himself another glass, "My son-in-law would also like to toast to you for this second glass.

I wish you to marry me my third sister, my sixth son, and my third sister. Thank you for your tolerance and care for me. "

"You brat, I was forced to do nothing!" Li Shilong scolded with a smile.

Qin Mo raised a third glass of wine and said, "This third glass of wine, my son-in-law would like to pay you a tribute. I have made a lot of mistakes and done a lot of bad things over the years.

If it were an ordinary person, it would have been a long time ago.

So for this third glass of wine, my son-in-law thanked his father for not killing him! "

Li Shilong was stunned for a moment, not expecting Qin Mo to say that, and then pointed at him and said: "You idiot, I never thought of killing you.

I have said that you and Xiangru are both blessings given to me by God and to Daqian.

Although you made mistakes, they were small and innocuous things.

Both of you, father and son, have their hearts toward me and toward the great cause.

The most valuable thing in this world is a sincere heart.

I have always regarded you as a son-in-law and a close confidant.

There are tens of millions of people in this group, but you are the only one who understands me! "

(End of this chapter)

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