big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1180: Retreat when it’s time to retreat!

Chapter 1180: Retreat when it’s time to retreat!

Qin Mo was not only his son-in-law, but also his confidant.

It is rare to have a close friend in life, so Li Shilong was very happy.

Take the Legend of Dagan Shuanglong as an example. Although Jianyuan is glorified in it, the relationship between the two brothers was really good in the past.

Moreover, there are many aspects of the psychology described in the novel that suit his wishes.

Therefore, Qin Mo understands him.

From novels to the current literary and martial arts, Qin Mo's shadow can be found in every place.

This prosperous age is partly due to Qin Mo.

The stability of future generations is partly due to Qin Mo.

"Father, then I am no longer your equal?"

"You brat, don't give me any skin!" Li Shilong was in a good mood and didn't care about Qin Mo's joke. Instead, he smiled and said: "If there is no one in private, I will let you go, but where there are people, you have to give me face.

Otherwise I will beat you to death.

This is how to be a human being, open the door and be a human being, close the door and be yourself.

I am in charge of such a large family, so it is inevitable that there will be distances between close relatives, and it is impossible for me to cover everything.

If you can manage your own small family well, then everyone in the world will not be able to manage it well.

After taking care of everyone, Yu Xiaojia is also in debt. "

Having said this, Li Shilong sighed softly and drank the wine with a sip, "Whether it's Cheng Qian or Qiming, these are all based on experience.

But fortunately, I have you to help me turn things around.

My body is not as good as before, and my energy is not as strong as before.

Especially now, when reviewing memorials, I often feel sleepy.

Even going to court in the morning felt too early.

Summer is okay, but it's so cold in March and Nine. I often feel a faint pain in breathing. The hidden wounds left by the past expeditions in the north and south have made me suffer even more.

Doesn’t your grandpa Huang have a wind disease?
Zan Ying said that wind disease is a family disease and there is a high probability that it will be passed on to the next generation. I am relatively unlucky and now I am also suffering from wind disease.

You can't be easily angered, and you can't eat dishes that are too salty or spicy. Even drinking is done in small sips.

I feel that life is boring, and the happiness I had in the past has now been reduced by half. "

Qin Mo listened quietly to the Daqian Emperor and complained to him.

It's like complaining that young people don't discipline their children well.

It's like he's complaining that he's in poor health and can't eat a lot of meat or drink a lot of wine.

But Qin Mo could hear pride and satisfaction in his tone.

"Father, my father often said that contentment always brings happiness." Qin Mo said with a smile: "If people think openly, [-]% of the troubles in this world will be away.

Instead of talking about the emperor, let’s take my father as an example.

I lost my mother when I was young, and my father had to go off to war again, so he left me at home. Sometimes he would leave at the beginning of the year and return home at the end of the year.

We didn’t even see each other for a year or two.

So my father always felt that he owed me something, so he turned all his debts into doting and indulgence.

As for me, I didn’t have the guidance of my parents, and I didn’t have a grandfather to teach me, so I made trouble in the capital.

But in the eyes of outsiders, my father is the military god of Daqian, similar to Zhu Guogong, and the patron saint of Daqian.

Without my father, Mr. Zhu Guogong, there would be others who would give up their small family for everyone.

But my father is proud of his country and his father. He says he has a clear conscience and has done what a minister and a citizen should do.

So after I got married, he urged me to have children every day.

Now that my children are all gathered together, my father happily leads the children's army every day.

I know that he just wants to compensate my children for what he owes me.As the old saying goes, children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. I feel that I have described the normal state of life vividly.

There is no way to have both in this world.

It's just that the two powers benefit each other, whichever is more important, and the two powers that harm each other, whichever is less important.

Regarding the country, my father is a good emperor.

Regarding the family, he also fulfills his responsibilities as a big parent.

The dragon has nine sons, each of which is different.

Even the ten fingers are all long and short. "

Qin Mo paused and poured a glass of wine for Li Shilong, "My son-in-law dares to say that he will retire when it's time to retire.

Just like the ministers in the court, they are unwilling to leave the court until they die.

Some people even go to court even when they are about to die, just for the sake of a reputation of serving the country and being loyal.

This is not only a waste of resources, but also blocks promotion pathways.

No matter whether you are an emperor or a minister, you must step down when it is time to step down. "

Li Shilong fell into deep thought, "Is it legislation again?"

"My son-in-law thinks that he can retire between 55 and 60 years old. He is too old to stand in the court, full of old people.

Looking around, they are all white-haired people.

This can easily lead to talent gaps.

Because these people do not retire when it is time to retire, dominate the power, and are easily feared by others, it is better to specify the retirement time and replace them when it is due. "

Qin Mo also needs to prepare in advance. Anyway, he will definitely retire honorably early.

How tiring it would be to work until the age of 55.

He is only 24 this year, and he has to work for another 30 years. It’s scary to think about it!
"What you said does make sense. If there is no fresh blood in the court, sooner or later there will be faults.

Once this kind of dilemma arises, people who are a little bit more prominent will easily become powerful ministers.

However, there is no restriction on the emperor. "Li Shilong knew very well that he just wanted to do it, otherwise, no one in the world could force him.

Unless he is forced into a palace or has a coup, he can stay in this position until his death for any reason.

"I have no intention of restraining the emperor. In fact, think about it, how many emperors lived past the age of 60 before the Great Qian Dynasty?"

Qin Mo sighed, "There are no more than 20 people. If the retirement time is set at 60 years old, they will die before they even reach retirement time.

So I want my son-in-law to say that this retirement time is dispensable for the emperor."

Li Shilong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but if he thought about it carefully, it was indeed the case.

He has not yet passed 50 years old, and his body is in such bad shape that 60 years old seems to be a longing.

Whether we legislate for the emperor or not actually doesn't have much effect.

But legislating for ministers and stipulating retirement time is of great use.

This method is very good. Li Shilong didn't expect it. Unexpectedly, Qin Mo brought it up during this chat.

"This law is very good, but if it is enacted, I am afraid that the court will be empty."

"That's not easy, just re-employ!" Qin Mo said: "Those who have retired at retirement age, if they are in a high position and cannot find a replacement, can re-employ as a consultant or continue to act as an agent.

I'll take my place when I find the right person.

Finally, give them an honorable retirement plaque, or in their clan, add a retirement memorial plaque for them!
For future generations to admire! "

"You're the only one with a lot of clever ideas!" Li Shilong was in a good mood. Even a drink could solve a potential hidden trouble. The drink was worth it.

Thinking of this, he picked up the wine bottle and said, "Here, I'll pour you some wine, and you can continue!"

(End of this chapter)

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