big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1181 Open your eyes and talk blindly!

Chapter 1181 Open your eyes and talk nonsense!
Qin Mo was also in a good mood and continued: "Father, think about how big the territory of Daqian is now, and how many officials are needed to guard and manage it?

The population of Daqian is not that large now, but in a few decades, it will definitely increase dramatically.

How many official officials are there in Daqian currently?
Compared with the 7000 officials in Longjing in 9000, the number has increased to [-] now. "

At first glance, do you think that 9000 officials are very few to manage such a large territory?
Let’s make it clear, these 9000 are officials, not officials and servants.

The former are senior civil servants registered with the imperial court, while the junior officials are civil servants without rank and can be counted as contract workers.

A servant is a temporary worker doing odd jobs, with a very low status.

There are only two or three senior civil servants in a county, while the number of officials and servants ranges from dozens to more than a hundred.

Therefore, the pressure on the court is still very high.

There is also a great demand for officials, petty officials and servants.

The consequence of massive expansion is to increase the pressure on the court, but there are too few people to control it.

This is an inevitable problem.

Before Daqian expanded its territory, these people had trouble managing it. Now that its territory has doubled, one person can almost be used as two people.

"So, if we don't establish the retirement system now while there are few people, then when there are more officials in the future, think about it, it will be troublesome to lay off people."

Li Shilong stroked his beard and looked solemn. This was indeed a big problem.

"Then what are you going to do? Being an official is not that easy!"

"This is also very simple. Give junior officials a chance to get promoted." Qin Mo took a bite of the food and said, "Didn't Lao Du get into big trouble when he changed officials before?

It cannot be changed or urged.

In addition, the territory of Daqian is so large that it is difficult to transmit information.

Although the Lizhi Road has gradually spread across the country, the transmission of information is still slow, which has led to many people doing it in disguise. "

"For junior officials, do you want to open up a path for promotion?" Li Shilong said: "There will be many cruel officials."

"Father, now that the family members are gone, the petty officials and servants are considered the local tigers. If you don't take care of them as soon as possible, something even more terrifying than the family members will appear.

These petty officials and servants are deeply involved among the people, have means and popularity, and their parents are in office. They often need their help to be able to grasp the local situation.

Otherwise, they have a hundred tricks to make it difficult for the parents who take office to do anything they can.

That's because they have no chance of promotion and occupy many resources. For a long time, one family and one surname have firmly occupied the positions of county officials.

You think about it.

The county magistrate is Bailihou. When Bailihou is away, these officials are no different from Bailihou.

Moreover, many people have been passed down from generation to generation and have the power to call the shots in the local area. Their majesty is even inferior to that of their parents and officials.

Think about how many counties there are in the country.

Why can't officials change things? That's why. "

Li Shilong couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. Not only did he bring down the powerful family, there was another trouble that was no smaller than the powerful family.

“In this way, without the suppression of family members, it is easy to become a local tycoon.

If these petty officials interfere, the imperial power will not go to the countryside.

A little further up, officials play with officials, and officials play with officials. Over time, there will be party disputes.

Partisanship is fiercer than tigers.

It would be fine if he had an emperor like his father, but if he met a weak emperor, he would be tricked. "

Li Shilong's expression became more and more solemn, "Is there any way to give the junior officials a way to be promoted?" "Let them take the exam, and if they fail, they will be rejected, so as to cut off their bad habits passed down from generation to generation.

Even if you fail, you can't blame others. Even if they are dissatisfied, it can't stop everyone's enthusiasm for promotion.

These people who have been promoted from the bottom have means, know the pain, and have no roots. If the court puts them in high regard, they will be of great use.

The expansion of open petty officials and servants can allow a steady stream of fresh blood to join and prevent gaps. "

Da Gan people have a deep-rooted stubbornness towards being an official.

As long as you can be an official, even if you are an official, you can give up everything.

"In order to prevent them from being bribed through connections, we will stagger the exams. Those from Jiangnan Road will go to Huainan Road to take the exam, and those from Huainan Road will go to Lingnan Road to take the exam.

The examination room is uncertain, and the invigilator is uncertain. When they arrive, they will know where the examination room is and who the invigilator is.

Then mark the papers anonymously.

You are not allowed to leave the exam venue until you have finished the exam to prevent contact with outsiders!
Now the Lizhi Road is so convenient, and it doesn’t take many days! "

"This is a good idea. I will give them a path for promotion. If they don't take the exam, they can't blame others.

If he refuses to leave, he will be driven away directly. If he dares to cause trouble, he will be tried directly according to law! "

Li Shilong was a little worried when he saw Qin Mo drinking too much, "Drink less wine and eat more food!"

"Father, it doesn't matter, the more I drink, the more energetic I become!"

Hearing this, Li Shilong became even more worried. This was clearly a sign of the outbreak of Soul Leaving Syndrome!
But Qin Mo was talking about a critical moment and was unwilling to interrupt, so he said, "Then if you feel uncomfortable, stop immediately."


Qin Mo smiled and drank another glass of wine, "Then, minor officials and servants are considered reserve officials, so they should be formally recognized.

It can be regarded as recognition for them.

If he fails the exam three times in a row, then he should find another way. It means that he does not have the talent and ability to be an official!
In this way, 20 years later, there will be a large number of talents, and there is no need to worry about talent gaps, let alone no one to manage the huge territory.

Every year someone retires and every year someone replaces them. "

"What a great idea!" Li Shilong also applauded, "Jingyun, I'll give you another drink!"

"Then Father, can I be exempted from the thousand military regulations?"

"No need!" Li Shilong waved his hand and said proudly.

"Thank you, father!" Qin Mo smiled, drank the wine in one sip, rolled his eyes, and poured it directly on the document.

Li Shilong was startled and quickly called Zan Ying over.

After feeling his pulse, Zan Ying said: "Your Majesty, don't worry. The Prince Consort is fine. He was just a little tired from the long journey and drank wine, so he fell asleep."

"Then his soul-leaving syndrome hasn't gotten worse, right?"

Zan Ying looked a little strange, Qin Mocai didn't have Soul Leaving Syndrome, he couldn't be better, and his pulse condition was extremely good.

But this is how the imperial doctors diagnose and treat things, so how can he talk nonsense?

"No, you just need to pay attention to rest, otherwise, the Prince Consort's Soul Leaving Syndrome will worsen. It's best to rest for a year and a half to consolidate the condition!" Zan Ying opened his eyes and lied.

Hearing this, Li Shilong breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, okay, anyway, now that Bei Nu has been beaten and Gao Li is dead, I will not send him to fight Yizhixie again.

Just let him have a good rest! "

Qin Mo, who was unconscious on purpose, heard Zan Ying's words and secretly gave him a thumbs up in his heart, "Old Zan, good brother, well said!"

(End of this chapter)

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