big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1182 The No. 1 narcissist!

Chapter 1182: The number one narcissist!
Li Shilong didn't want Qin Mo's Soul Leaving Syndrome to get worse. This brain was a treasure.

"Okay, I understand. You will stay here with me today." Seeing that Qin Mo had fallen asleep, Li Shilong no longer thought about drinking. He personally brought a mattress and covered Qin Mo's body, "Gao Shilian , go get some mats and mattresses, I will guard Jingyun here tonight."

"Your Majesty, why don't you take the Prince Consort to the room?" Gao Shilian said.

"No, it's quite spacious here. If you lay on the floor here, you can still see the stars outside." Li Shilong said.

Gao Shilian had no choice but to get mats and mattresses.

It was getting dark, and Qin Mo was really sleepy, snoring loudly, "This brat slept soundly, and his snoring was louder than his father's!
Gongming, I have wronged you! "

"I think back in those days, when the Prince Consort came back from Nanfan, I also stayed with the Prince Consort for a while, so I got used to it." Zan Ying was lying down at the moment. If he was alone in the room with the emperor, he would still be a little nervous. Yes, but there was Qin Mo sleeping unsteadily in the middle, so he was no longer nervous.

He thought to himself, Qin's Prince Consort is really big-hearted. He will sleep in front of the emperor as soon as he wants. Most people would have shown their flaws long ago.

"Yes, the Battle of Nanfan happened four or five years ago in the blink of an eye." Li Shilong sighed, with a feeling that time has not spared him, "Gongming, can you cure Jing Yun's Soul Leaving Syndrome?"

"This," Zan Ying said with a bitter smile, "Wei Chen thinks that his medical skills are pretty good, but the Consort Princess's Soul Leaving Syndrome is something he has more than enough ambition to suffer from. The Consort Commander's Soul Leaving Syndrome is a disease that came out of his mother's womb, not a medicine." Treatable.

Moreover, Qin's consort, Duwei, was also quite knowledgeable in the way of medicine. Unfortunately, doctors do not heal themselves.

Probably jealous of Yingcai.

People who are too bright and too perfect will definitely be jealous of God.

It would be better to be like the Prince Consort, who, even though he has a terminal illness such as Soul Leaving Syndrome, will no longer be jealous of God. "

"What you said makes sense!" Li Shilong believed in destiny very much. Zan Ying's words spoke to his heart, "I am too greedy. Hey, every time I see Jing Yun getting sick, I can't do anything. I feel really sad." Uncomfortable."

Seeing Qin Mo mumbling while sleeping, Li Shilong shook his head helplessly. This fool could only tuck the quilt for him.

Li Shilong probably knew that he was going to retreat, so he was mentally prepared and talked more than usual.

As an emperor, it is impossible for him to say such things to a minister so casually.

It is even less possible to reveal one's innermost thoughts or thoughts directly.

However, Zan Ying saved his life and was his savior, far beyond what an imperial doctor could compare to.

It's okay to chat.

Zan Ying is also an upright old man who speaks straightforwardly. Li Shilong actually likes his frankness.

There are too many ghosts around, and it is rare to meet a few people.

As the night went on, the two of them talked less and less, and in the end, they became completely quiet.

Gao Shilian quietly closed the door and stood in the corner, while Wang Gui silently rubbed the swollen place where Qin Mo kicked him.

Early the next morning, Qin Mo felt something was wrong, and Li Shilong's voice came to his ears, "Does it feel comfortable for me to hold you?"

Qin Mo opened his eyes suddenly and saw that he was holding Li Shilong in a strange posture, especially his left hand, which was placed where it was accustomed to be.

"Oh, let me go, Father, you have bad breath!"

Qin Mo quickly pushed Li Shilong away and climbed up quickly.

Zan Ying on the side was holding back a smile and said, "Captain Prince Consort, did you sleep well?"

"Hey, Lao Zan, are you here too?" Qin Mo pretended to be confused, "How could I sleep here? I remember that I was drinking with my father yesterday, and we said something, and then everything happened. I no longer know"

"You don't know what you said yesterday?" Li Shilong asked.

"I have some impression, but I can't remember much. It's definitely not something important!" Qin Mo waved his hand and touched his stomach, "Father, I'm hungry!"

"Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat!" Li Shilong snorted, "Yesterday you talked about the reform of officials, and also said that I would retire early!"

"I don't even remember my father, please stop bluffing me!"

Qin Mo's thinking is simple, as long as I don't admit it, trouble will never come to me.

"It doesn't matter if you forget, I will remember it for you!"

Li Shilong was about to help Qin Mo remember when Qin Mo suddenly shouted, "I'm so hungry!" and ran away, "Father, you're messing with me while I'm drunk again. As you said, I'm done. This battle will make me retire.

You can't go back on your promise and arrange things for me again.

I retired.

I don't serve anymore.

Love so and so! "

Li Shilong was stunned.

Gao Shilian smiled helplessly.

This ancestor is the most courageous person in the world!

Zan Ying said at this time: "Your Majesty, actually sometimes, he can't remember, which may not be a bad thing.

Many of the things people with leukemia do are not based on their true intentions.

Maybe he will regret it if he remembers it! "

Li Shilong nodded, what Zan Ying said made sense.

Just like when Qin Mo wrote poems before, he couldn't remember even one of them.

Until now, he had not heard Qin Mo write poetry for several years.

In fact, what if you don’t write poetry?

"Gao Shilian, pack your things today and return to Beijing tomorrow!" Li Shilong stood up, his eyes returning to their usual deepness.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The next day, the army left Ganzhou.

Li Sixun led all officials to see him off.

On the way back, Li Shilong was in a good mood. He wrote poems frequently along the way and asked Qin Mo to appreciate them.

It annoyed Qin Mo so much.

It really seemed like I had slapped him in the face with three hundred Tang poems.

Looking at Lao Liu's narcissistic look, I almost vomited.

"Father, please forgive me. I really don't have any literary talent. It's better for you to enjoy this kind of poetry alone.

I can not stand it any more! "

Qin Mo scratched his head and went crazy, "You'd better not retire. If you retire and come to me to compose poems every day, won't I go crazy?"

"B*tch, aren't my poems good enough?" Li Shilong was furious, "I am the only emperor of all time, and I personally conquered the Northern Expedition, why can't I write a poem to praise myself?"

Qin Mo was speechless for a moment, and finally said quietly: "The old man prides himself on being wise and martial every day, but you are even more narcissistic than the old man.

He is simply the biggest narcissist in the world! "

"You have to listen even if you don't listen. Not only do you have to listen but you also have to write and recite. Then you write a novel and include all my poems.

Just treat it as the material I gave you.

Otherwise, how about you write a biography of Emperor Daqian?
You write it down, and I will personally nominate and list it for you! "

Qin Mo trembled, "Father, they all call me Da Gan Licking Dog. If I write another biography of Emperor Da Gan, wouldn't I be the King of Licking Dogs?"

"Who is so bold?"


(End of this chapter)

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