big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1183 Long live His Majesty the Heavenly Khan!

Chapter 1183 Long live His Majesty the Heavenly Khan!
Along the way, they were fighting and fighting, and finally arrived in the capital in mid-October.

Outside the Shili Pavilion, there was already a sea of ​​people.

Its scale is no less grand than the grand occasion when Princess Jing'an was brought back, or even greater!

If Princess Jingan is the regret of Dagan people, then the Beinu people are a knife hanging in the hearts of Dagan people.

Now the sword was melted by the Dagan people and turned into a plow.

When they thought about the defeat of the Beinu people, they were indescribably excited.

In the past, every autumn harvest, these Beinu people would invade the pass and plunder, causing unspeakable misery.

From now on, you don't have to worry anymore.

"Long live Your Majesty!"

Before the large army came close, the cries of the people almost shook away the white clouds in the sky.

Li Shilong had people remove the shelves around the dragon chariot to make it easier for people to see him.

He was extremely excited inside, but on the outside he looked calm.

Li Yue had already led all the civil and military officials to wait here for a long time.

The loud gongs and drums and the melodious horns bring indescribable excitement and joy.

"Here we come!" Li Yue was also very excited, and trotted over without waiting for Li Shilong and the others to come over.

"Your Highness, wait for us!" Zhuge Sui shouted from behind.

Gongsun Wuji has already chased after him.

This time, everyone who can come is here.

Those generals swarmed and blocked the way of the civil servants.

"Start!" Qin Xiangru grabbed Yuchi Nobuxiong's shoulder, pulled hard, and knocked him out of the team.

"Old dog Qin, you are plotting against me!" Yuchi Nobuxiong was so angry, this old dog is so shameless.

Qin Xiangru ignored him. He was going to pick up his son and go home.

Seeing that Qin Xiangru disappeared and he was left behind by the civil servants, Yuchi Nobuxiong's eyes turned red and he rushed forward with all his strength.

Soon, Li Yue led everyone to Li Shilong's chariot, "My sons and ministers respectfully welcome my father's victory and triumph!"

"Your Majesty welcomes your triumphant return!"

Everyone bowed down to pay homage.

At that moment, hundreds of thousands of people knelt on the ground, "We sincerely welcome your majesty's triumphant victory!"

The sound came rolling in, making people's eardrums hurt.

Li Shilong's hands hidden under his wide cuffs couldn't help but clenched tightly.

He stood up, looked around, and said in a deep voice: "Thirty years ago, Beinu was rampant and annexed Tiejue, Ranrou and other grassland overlords.

They have repeatedly invaded the Central Plains, to the point where the people of our Central Plains are in dire straits, and are reminded of it every day.

I have been in power for 12 years and I dare not neglect it even for a day.

Today, the Beinu people have been destroyed, and we, the people of the Central Plains, no longer have to be harassed by the grasslands.

I would like to apologize to my subjects who have been harassed over the years.

It's me, I didn't do it well! "

When the words fell, many people burst into tears at that moment.

Young people may not know it, but older people all know how powerful the Beinu people are.

"Your Majesty protects us people, gives me plenty of food and clothing, gives me land, exempts me from servitude, and gives my children books to read.

This is an eternal feat that even the ancient saint kings have never accomplished. "

"Your Majesty is not at fault, it is Bei Nu's fault!"

Among the crowd, the voices were joined together, and the cries were even louder.


It makes people tremble with excitement.

Li Shilong's body also trembled slightly.

"Long live His Majesty Tian Khan!"

Qin Mo in the crowd shouted.

At that moment, the subjects and people shouted, "Long live His Majesty the Khan!"

This is what Li Shilong wants to hear most.

He held his head high and his chest seemed to be filled with great pride.

The mountain's cry lasted for a full moment before it stopped. "I deserve this title!" Li Shilong said.

Gongsun Wuji knelt on the ground and said, "If Your Majesty deserves this title, who else in the past and present can deserve this title?"

Having said this, he asked loudly: "Gentlemen, is your Majesty worthy of this?"

"Well deserved!"

Everyone shouted at the top of their lungs!

At this moment, everyone is so proud!
Because this symbolizes that Daqian is once again on top of the world!

"I'm so ashamed!" Li Shilong shied away for the second time.

"Your Majesty, you deserve it!"

The crowd shouted again.

The third time, Li Shilong said: "In that case, I will not shirk it. This title was not earned by my own efforts, but by the efforts of all my subjects.

Daqian is what it is today, all thanks to your hard work! "

With that said, Li Shilong bowed to the ground and said, "I thank you all!"

How can such an emperor keep them from giving up?

"Die for Your Majesty, die for Da Qian!"

The atmosphere was heightened to the extreme.

Everyone was extremely excited.

Li Shilong stepped off the dragon chariot and looked at Li Yue and others, "Let's all get back together."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After everyone stood up, Li Yue said again: "I would like to inform my father, Gaosu Wen, Gao Zang and other Gaoli prisoners have been sent to the capital.

There are also captives from Wanji and Wanji who are also being imprisoned together, awaiting the fate of their father!
Queen Huang Luo has also been waiting in the capital for a long time. "

"Okay!" Li Shilong nodded with satisfaction, looked at his increasingly mature son, and said, "While I am away from the capital, you have worked hard to supervise the country!
This battle was fought very well and showed my national prestige. "

"It's all down to the coordination of my father and the help of all the ministers. My sons just followed the script!" Li Yue said modestly.

Li Shilong's eyes were full of appreciation. This is a qualified crown prince. The previous Li Yue was not even close.

But now, whether it is the heat, reputation, or ability, they have all met Li Shilong's psychological expectations.

He took Li Yue's hand and said, "What you do is yours. You don't need to be too humble. Being too humble means you are proud."

"Yes, I have learned a lesson!"

Li Shilong turned his eyes and looked at the others, "You have worked hard too. Let's go to the Ancestral Temple first. I want to pay tribute to my ancestors.

Then, reward according to merit. Tonight, the palace is not locked, and those who are in the capital must come.

For an elderly person over 60 years old in Fanjing, three pounds of meat, three dou of rice, two pounds of wine, and eight meters of cloth! "

Li Shilong said loudly.

"Long live Your Majesty!"

Everyone is excited.

"Let's go, come with me!"

Li Shilong pulled Li Yue towards the dragon chariot.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then lowered their heads even lower.

"Father, Son"

"Come up as soon as I ask you to. Is it possible that I still want to invite you?"

Li Shilong let go of his hand.

Li Yue was stunned and glanced at Qin Mo not far away.

Qin Mo pursed his lips at him. Li Yue gritted his teeth and quickly supported Li Shilong, "Father, slow down!"

Father and son got on the dragon chariot.

Li Shilong was sitting, and Li Yue could only kneel and sit aside.

"Back to the city!"

Gao Shilian shouted loudly.

The crowd parted a way, and the officials followed behind the dragon chariot.

"Dad, get on the horse!"

Qin Mo stepped aside and patted the horse's back.

"You brat, you're going to let my father live, and you'll make the first contribution, and you'll be rewarded based on your merits. Do you want my father to respond or not?" Qin Xiangru said angrily!
(End of this chapter)

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