big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1184 My dad is my biggest supporter!

Chapter 1184 My dad is my biggest supporter!

"Come up first and then talk." Qin Mo said.

Qin Xiangru took a look, it was still a long way from the capital, and he felt sore.

He turned over and got on the horse.

"You kid, don't you know how to take it easy?"

Qin Xiangru whispered.

"Dad, I don't want to either. Who would have thought that I could kill Beinu just by crossing the team?" Qin Mo said helplessly: "After all, Su Yun is too weak. If you give me 10 people, I will kill him directly." Pushed by Bei Nuping!
Even if there is a surprise attack, I won't delay it for a month. "

"Okay, lower your voice!" Qin Xiangru was also very helpless. He had already analyzed this battle.

Qin Mo's interweaving team was the most dangerous.

Mao Dun is also very smart. If it weren't for Qin Mo's good luck, it would be hard to say whether he would win or lose this time.

"Dad, I'm tired!"

Qin Mo leaned behind Qin Xiangru and closed his eyes, "Let me squint for a while."

"You brat, how grown up you are, and you still rely on daddy's back!" Qin Xiangru cursed, but slowed down his horse speed.

"Dad, your shoulders are too narrow, not as wide as before!"

"Nonsense, how old is your dad? You still think I'm young?" Qin Xiangru snorted: "When I was as old as you, I was as strong as an ox.

Those with broad shoulders can ride a carriage! "

Qin Mo was amused, "Dad, that's the road, not the shoulder!"

"Okay, if you want to go to sleep, go to bed quickly and stop talking!" Qin Xiangru said with disgust.

Qin Mo hugged him and then really fell asleep, "Although my dad's shoulders are not broad enough, he is the first place in the world that makes me feel at ease. My dad is my biggest supporter!"

Listening to his son's murmuring words, Qin Xiangru couldn't help but sigh.

Although this kid has not fought as many battles as him, he has fought hard battles, battles to destroy the country.

Every time is more dangerous.

Seeing Qin Mo's tired look, he felt heartbroken.

"Idiot, you are also my father's biggest supporter!"

The son respected his father 30 years ago, and the father respected his son 30 years later. This is the best portrayal of Qin Xiangru and his son.

Dou Xuanling pursed her lips. Du Jingming looked at it and couldn't help but sigh: "Father's love is like a mountain!"

Yuchi Nobuxiong felt an indescribable feeling in his heart and wanted to laugh at Qin Mo for being an unweaned child.

But when I think of those little bitches in my family, let alone getting close to him, I tremble when I see him. How can there be any kind of father-son affection?
Look again, the father and son of the Qin family, one is protective and the other is capable of meritorious deeds. They have a good relationship and are like brothers.

Li Shilong wanted to call Qin Mo over, but when he saw Qin Mo sleeping on Qin Xiangru's shoulder, he couldn't help but said: "This boy is really good at sleeping when he says he wants to!"

Li Yue was a little envious of Qin Mo. He had never tried to be so close to Li Shilong in his life.

It was only later that I slowly got up and experienced some fatherly love from Li Shilong.

Li Shilong entered the city, went straight to the Ancestral Temple, worshiped his ancestors, and after telling God, Li Shilong also returned to the palace.

Because it was still early, he asked everyone to go back and wash off their dust.

Qin Mo also woke up and got off his horse to lead Qin Xiangru's horse.

Fang Shun didn't want to go to the Qin Mansion, so he went to the Qintian Prison after the capital.

When Qin Mo just came back, he would definitely have sex with those wives, and she still couldn't get in with them.

In order to avoid embarrassment, I stopped joining in the fun.

This was agreed upon from the beginning, and Qin Mo didn't force her.

Entering Qintian Prison, Fang Shun searched around but couldn't find Yuan Tiangang. "Sister, where is the master?"

Xiao Yuju said: "Huang Ling, are you going to find him?"

"No way." Fang Chun said, "He has a aunt now, so I won't bother him."

"I heard that you were injured this time and almost died. Is he very sad?" Xiao Yurou asked. "Yes." Fang Shun nodded, then sat on the futon and looked at her, "This time, I have looked away from many things, and I can understand your original mood."

"Me?" Xiao Yuju said, "I really wanted to die at the beginning."

She did want to die at first, but Fang Chun persuaded her to fake her death and escape for the sake of her children.

The state of suspended animation was extremely strange, and she heard clearly what Qin Mo said.

"I can never be a good wife in my life. I prefer to travel around the world instead of raising a husband and raising children." Fang Chun said: "Let me guard him and wait for him to favor me. I feel like a brothel. Sister, it’s like you’re waiting for a guest!”

Xiao Yurou was amused by her words, "Why do you think so?"

But soon, she reacted, "You want to leave? Why?"

"Go find myself!" Fang Chun said, "Go and see the mountains and rivers. I prefer this kind of life."

"Then how long do you plan to leave this time? How long do you plan to let him find you?"

"Come back when you're tired. I won't hide my traces. If he misses me, let him chase me.

Anyway, there are six gates all over the world, so it would be easy for him to find me. "Fang Shun stretched, "I just haven't recovered my health yet. When I recover my body and see my master get married, I will leave the capital.

In the past, when I had worries in my heart, they would always pass by in a hurry.

Even though I am worried about him now, I am no longer worried that he is in danger.

Naturally, you can stop and take a look at the scenery. "

"I'm not as good as you." Xiao Yurou said with envy: "If I were half as free and easy as you, I wouldn't bother trapping myself in the past."

"It's time to come out." Fang Chun looked at her, "I won't advise you to let it go. It's better to have a frank chat.

Just let yourself go.

He won't kill you anymore.

Even though I knew it, he didn't let it go. "

"It's easier said than done!" Xiao Yurou closed her eyes, "For the first half of my life, I lived because of hatred.

For the rest of my life, I plan to live for my son.

When he gets married and has children, I will have no regrets in this life. "

"Then you might as well be yourself."

Xiao Yurou stood up and said, "You have never really seen your own heart clearly in your life. People in Ziwei Star Sect have been looking for themselves their whole life.

Master is like this, I am like this, and you are like this.

Now Master has found his heart.

I've found it too, and now it's up to you.

The world is at peace, and Ziwei Star Sect will also disappear from the world.

Think about it carefully. If you figure it out, I can help you. "

"You can't help me, you are not me, and you don't know my experience."

"Buddha said, put down your butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately. Why can't you?"

"I don't believe in Buddhism!" Xiao Yu said judo.

"So what?" Fang Shun walked out.

Xiao Yurou fell into deep thought. She was immersed in pain and could not calm down for a long time.

Why didn't she want to let herself go?

At this time, Qin Mo returned home, and a grand family meeting was officially held.

When Qin Mo came out of the house, his back was sore and he was shaking when he walked.

Gao Yao handed over a cup of ginseng tea. Qin Mo drank it in one breath, and the feeling of exhaustion disappeared a lot.

"Xiao Gao, I'm going to draw something later. You can have it made by a female craftswoman. Do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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