big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1185: Can someone else bully me?

Chapter 1185: Can someone else bully me?
"Master, is this what you said last time?" Gao Yao blushed furiously.

The last time Qin Mo drank, he chatted with her and Fang Chun, who was still a bearded man, and said he wanted to do something to cheer him up.

It is also important to tell Gao that little Peony should be taken good care of. After all, she is a 'eunuch', so she should pay more attention to this aspect.

"Well, yes, although your young master is very strong, the ladies are getting older.

The young master is unable to resist alone.

But you have to keep this matter a secret and don't spread it. I'm afraid it will become popular in the capital again. Qin Mo hooked Gao Yao's shoulder and whispered: "This thing can easily ruin my reputation. If word really gets out, just say it was taught by Uncle Guo, or Old Dog Yuchi."

Others can say that your young master is rebellious and a prodigal, but they are not allowed to say that I am a robber!

Do you understand? "

"Understood!" Gao Yao nodded mechanically.

"Buy a few more sets and I'll give you one when the time comes. The rest can be used for emergencies or as gifts," Qin Mo said.

After explaining the matter, Qin Mo held his waist and walked to the main hall, "Dad, do you want to enter the palace?"

Qin Xiangru was also very confused.

"Dad, it's okay. I made a mistake this time, and I will definitely not make you a prince." Qin Mo said.

"The few mistakes you made are not enough for your father and me to be demoted one level." Qin Xiangru sighed and said: "It's not possible if you don't go. Your Majesty will definitely punish me when the time comes.

I was afraid that my life would be short-lived when I went there, which was very frustrating.

And your nephew Qin Hei has surrendered to Xinbei Nu. It is estimated that military officials will arrive in the capital in a few days.

When I think about it, I feel dizzy and very sad.

Other people's sons are either playboys or good-for-nothings, or they can't stand up to the wall.

The clan members are all the laggards.

When I, Qin Xiangru, come here, my son Wen can write and mount his horse to kill the enemy.

The tribesmen are all better than the others, and each one is more capable than the last.

Now that I hear people praising me, I feel really hurt.

How about we spend some money to have people spread rumors about our family?
Do you think that you are going to ruin the reputation of our Qin clan and the Qin family? "

Although what Lao Qin said was very Versailles, it was not unreasonable, "Dad, it doesn't matter. In the worst case, you can just resign.

The emperor gives it to you, can’t you resign?
If it doesn't work out, we'll drink more wine tonight, catch a few people and have a fierce fight, and we'll be demoted immediately. "

"Okay, okay, let's do it like this." Qin Xiangru said: "You can't beat military generals, those dogs are relatively strong, you know if you catch civil servants and beat them, there are not many powerful ones.

Moreover, they are very good at saying that ginseng is particularly powerful, so don’t make any mistake. "

The father and son summed it up and immediately became happy.

The two men were eager to get ready and entered the palace on horseback.

The palace was also decorated with lights and colorful decorations at this time, and it was indescribably lively.

Even the ninth-grade Sesame Official has entered the palace, but he is not qualified to enter the Tai Chi Palace, so he can only stay outside.

Along the way, the father and son swept around slyly, sifting through the crowd for suitable targets.

The two men had malicious smiles on their faces, which made people panic.

"Dad, I'm going to beat my uncle!" Qin Mo said.

"I'm beating my uncle again. Can I use someone else to bully him?" Qin Xiangru whispered: "What if the Queen is here tonight and I can't save my face."

"No, if others don't resist beatings, beatings will have no effect!"

"Isn't Queen Deshan here? Why don't you be bolder and propose to the emperor?" Qin Xiangru said.

Qin Mo glanced at Queen Deshan and said, "It's too ugly. She is 25 years old and she has no idea how many faces she has raised in her palace.

No more fans! "

"That's right. Which of the wives in our family is not pure and pure?" Qin Xiangru touched his chin, "How about you tease her?" Qin Mo couldn't laugh or cry, "Dad, I just want to make a mistake, not die!"

"Probably not?!"


Qin Mo jumped to his feet, "If I really tease Queen Bangzi, she will lose all face, and Da Gan will lose all face, and I will definitely be beaten.

Then in order to appease the Queen of Sticks, the best way was for me to marry her.

Moreover, Lao Liu told me before that he would give me Gao Li as a fief.

Dad, are you willing to go to such a remote place? "

Qin Xiangru thought for a while and shuddered quickly, "That's not possible. When your father and I die, we can be buried in the capital or in Guanzhong.

Just can't be buried in Gaoli. Wouldn't that poor place ruin the feng shui of our Qin family? "

"Dad, what you said makes sense." Qin Mo said.

"In this case, you beat Uncle Guo, and I will beat Du Jingming, Dou Xuanling, Yu Boshi, and Zhuge Sui together.

If one fight is not enough, fight four. According to the rules, you will be downgraded to four levels! "

"Dad, it has to be you!" Qin Mo gave a thumbs up, "Awesome!"

When people around saw Qin Mo and his son whispering to each other with evil smiles on their faces, they knew that the father and son didn't hold it in well.

They all took a step back involuntarily.

At this time, Li Yuan was also in Da'an Palace.

When Li Shilong came back, he came from Qinzhuang.

On the big day, he still understands the importance.

However, after Li Shilong came back from the Ancestral Temple, he did not go to Da'an Palace to pay him respects immediately. Instead, he called Queen Gongsun to take a bath and dressed very showily before coming to Li Yuan.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty has come to pay your respects!" Wei Zhong said.

"Humph, you still knew about coming here? Why didn't you come over as soon as you came back from the Ancestral Temple?" Li Yuan was very unhappy.

Just as he was talking, Li Shilong came in and said, "My son, please see my father!"

"You still know how to come here?" Li Yuan glared at him.

Li Shilong hurriedly walked over, bent down, and explained: "Father, my son came back from Ganzhou, dusty and unkempt, how could he come to see you.

As the saying goes, when a son travels thousands of miles, his mother is worried. The mother is gone, but the father is still there, and the son cannot bear to let his father worry. "

Wei Zhong said just now that Li Yuan had been here waiting for him to come and say hello.

As a result, I waited and waited, but didn't get there, so I got angry.

After all, Li Yuan is an old man in his seventies, an old kid, an old kid, that's what he is.

But after hearing Li Shilong's explanation, his expression softened a lot, "I'm too lazy to worry about you!"

Li Shilong knelt on the ground and said: "The father does not miss the son, but the son misses the father.

Even though I was thousands of miles away, I was still thinking about whether my father would be able to eat well and sleep well.

I just wanted to finish fighting Bei Nu as soon as possible, come back to pay my respects to my father, and share these joyful things with my father.

Now that Beinu has been defeated and Gaoli has been eliminated, the troubles in the east and north are completely gone.

I wish I could spread my wings and come back to tell you that your wish has been fulfilled for you.

Let's go to my eldest brother's grave tomorrow and tell him this happy event! "

Li Yuan looked at Li Shilong and touched his head. All the anger was gone. At this time, Li Shilong did not look like an emperor, but like a child who had made meritorious deeds and asked for rewards from his father.

Thinking of this, he smiled and said: "My son, he is the Khan of Heaven!"

(End of this chapter)

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