big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1186 The Qin family’s cards!

Chapter 1186 The Qin family’s cards!
The sound of "Heavenly Khan" made Li Shilong indescribably excited.

This is my father's approval and approval.

It pleases him more than the praise of the world.

He has been proving himself all his life and is extremely eager to be recognized by Li Yuan.

Now, he has finally been completely recognized by Li Yuan.

He overcame obstacles, followed the footsteps of his fathers with great hardships, and finally surpassed him on this day!

"If my son is Tian Khan, then my father is Sheng Tian Khan!" Li Shilong did not compliment him, but said sincerely: "If my father had not always been there to remind me and teach me, my son would not have achieved what he has today. "

It is the common wish of both father and son to defeat Gaoli, destroy the northern slaves, and surrender to the southern tribes.

Now that Gao Li is gone, Bei Nu is gone, Li Shuangan controls the power of Nan Fan, and all the meat is rotten in the pot, he feels indescribably comfortable.

"I am not worthy of being called the Holy Khan." Li Yuan helped him up and said, "You are very good.

The most valuable thing about people is their original intention.

Don't forget the original intention, only then can we always succeed. "

Li Yuan was satisfied. Daqian looked around and saw that there were no opponents.

There is peace in the country, there are no constraints from the clan, there are no natural or man-made disasters, and two years of bumper harvests have basically freed the people of Daqian from hunger.

That kind of rich and peaceful scene is far superior to that of the Northern Zhou Dynasty.

Everyone praised his father and son, calling them "Wude Longjing", a grand occasion of two emperors ruling the world!

That year he was imprisoned in Da'an Palace, committed suicide, and abandoned himself.

He has already thought about his fate.

But now his life is far beyond his imagination.

Li Shilong said humbly: "It's all my father's teachings!"

After saying that, he added: "Dad, tonight my son plans to make a grand ceremony for all the ministers. Please invite dad to go to Tai Chi Palace to participate in the grand event together."

"Is it just a reward for the ministers?" Li Yuan asked.

"I still want Lao Ba to come up!" Li Shilong thought for a while and said.

"This is not a good opportunity!"

Li Yuan's expression became solemn, "Are you going to let him be the prince, or what? Lao Ba did a good job during his time in the capital to supervise the country, and everyone can see it.

Now that Gao Li has been destroyed, both reputation and ability are enough.

But the new law is about fairness.

If you don’t ask 56:[-], will you feel guilty if they ask you in the future?
You are still young, not yet gray-haired.

Even if you really make up your mind to pass the position to Lao Ba, have you thought about it yourself?
Do you delegate power completely, or do you delegate half of it and leave half of it?
If the former is okay, you can follow me to Qinzhuang to take care of your retirement. This world is so big, we can go there as much as we can.

If it's the latter, it's inevitable that there will be a rift between father and son.

We talked that day and you said you thought about it.

But the rule of three emperors under the same dynasty is rare in ancient times. "

After all, Li Yuan is someone who has seen it deeply and thoroughly, "I am very looking forward to it, but I am also unsure.

Power is easy to pick up, but very difficult to put down.

If there is something wrong with Lao Ba, will you take care of it or not? "

Li Shilong considered it carefully and said: "Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. I have done enough. Although the world is not stable, there is peace in Daqian.

There is only one Yi Zhixie left, which is nothing to worry about.

I don't plan to touch Yi Zhixie anymore, I'll leave it to Lao Ba to practice and build up his prestige.

As for 56:[-], this is indeed a problem.

I will call them in soon and ask them in detail. "As long as you know what's going on." "Li Yuan walked out of Da'an Palace with his hands behind his back, his steps brisk.

Li Shilong quickly chased after him and helped Li Yuan, "Dad, please slow down!"

Wei Zhong followed Lao Lao, squinting his eyes.

Ever since Qin Mo was born, there has been a lot of human kindness in this cold palace that was not there before.

It's becoming more and more comfortable to live there.

Empress Gongsun did not go to Tai Chi Palace, but called all the ladies and so on into the palace.

Li Shilong held a banquet for his ministers in the Taiji Palace, and Empress Gongsun held a banquet for all the ministers in the Lizheng Hall.

"Ruyu, come here!"

Empress Gongsun called Liu Ruyu over, took her hand and said, "You need to remember the fateful ladies inside and outside the capital. Although there are many people, you must know their names.

Even if you can’t remember, you still need to know where they come from.

For today's banquet, you are here to entertain these people for me. After the banquet is over, you need to deliver the gifts to them. "

Liu Ruyu was a little nervous, but she also knew what Queen Gongsun meant, and said quickly: "Yes, my daughter-in-law understands!"

Concubine Li on the side was also very satisfied with Liu Ruyu, her daughter-in-law, who was not only virtuous, but also smart, even though she was a little raw at first.

But after Queen Gongsun and her training these days, he has become more capable and is very decisive in handling the affairs of the association.

Quite popular with her.

In addition, her mother's family can give Li Yue a lot of support, and she loves her daughter-in-law here very much.

Liu Ruyu went to entertain the guests. Queen Gongsun was sitting at the top, and Concubine Li was sitting at the bottom left.

It was very lively inside the Li Zheng Hall.

Three sisters, Li Yulan, Li Yushu, and Li Lizhen, were sitting together.

The three golden branches are truly stunning.

Next to them were Li Xue, Li Jingya, and Chai Sitian.

The six bright pearls, wherever they sit, represent the Qin Mansion's card.

The six girls are also elegantly dressed, and there is an endless stream of people coming to compliment them.

Liu Ruyu walked up to the six people and said, "Third sister, sixth sister, seventh sister, please help me receive the guests together.

Sister Xueer, sister Jingya, and sister Sitian, please help me count the guests, so I can prepare a return gift! "

For Liu Ruyu, the Qin family must be close.

If it weren't for Qin Mo, she wouldn't be able to marry Li Yue, and she wouldn't be where she is today.

Qin Mo is Li Yue's younger brother, best friend, and her mother-in-law.

It can help support her.

When Li Yue was not at home, Li Yulan and her sisters helped her hold up the scene.

"Okay." Li Yulan stood up and smiled. She knew almost all the ladies in the capital.

When Qin Mo was not at home, she and Li Yushu prepared gifts and exchanges.

In previous years, Empress Gongsun had prepared all these things. Now Empress Gongsun and Concubine Li had left them alone and did not ask any questions. It was clearly just a test.

Fortunately, Liu Ruyu was smart and knew how to find them, otherwise there would have been a joke tonight.

The daughters-in-law of the Qin family are the most united.

Li Yushu said with a smile: "Ruyu, let me teach you, if you don't know, just make a toast and they will definitely announce themselves!"

Li Lizhen also said: "Don't look at the smiles of these ladies, but some of them are petty. You must follow the etiquette, otherwise you will definitely say nothing afterwards. However, with us here, you will not make any mistakes!" "

(End of this chapter)

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