big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1187 They must be made to apologize!

Chapter 1187 They must be made to apologize!
"Thank you Sixth Sister, Seventh Sister!" Liu Ruyu said gratefully.

The six daughters-in-law of the Qin family are on the move, and everyone will look at them twice.

Li Yulan, the eldest princess!
Li Yushu, the eldest princess.

Li Lizhen, the sixth princess!
The three princesses have made you lose your temper.

Li Xue, behind her is Princess Jing'an, and her elder brother is Nan Fan Zanpu.

Li Jingya, behind is Prince Qi's Mansion, and her mother is the most beloved niece of the Supreme Emperor.

Besides, Princess Qi has such a fierce temperament that if she dares to bully her daughter, she will kill you with one strike.

Chai Sitian is also amazing. Although his son is young, he is also a duke.

His father is the Duke of the country, and his brother is also a famous general in the army.

As for this family, once they stand in front of you, you don't know who to fawn over.

No, at this moment six people were standing behind Liu Ruyu, supporting her.

Before Liu Ruyu could say anything, the ladies who were still trying to show off quickly stood up to say hello and introduced themselves one by one, for fear that others would not know whose family they belonged to!

There was no way around it, Liu Ruyu was surrounded by the most high-end circles in Daqian.

Who wouldn’t want to join this ladies’ group?

If someone from the Qin family gets a little something from their fingers, it can kill them.

Princess Qi, Princess Chengjun, and Princess Heng came together.

"These people are just showing off." Princess Qi curled her lips, "They don't have any eyesight."

"If you don't bully now, you won't have the chance to bully me in the future. Isn't that what happens when a bride comes to your door?" Princess Chengjun said with a smile: "And the results haven't come out, so who can say for sure?

These people are really stupid, but this is also a test for Princess Yue. "

"There is nothing we can do, Qin Mo's wife will definitely help her.

Ordinary people would be great if they had two, but the Qin family had six, and each of them had a status as high as the heavens.

You see, Dou Mei, you are not even qualified to go and help. "

After saying this, the three of them glanced at Li Ling who was not far away.

It should be said that Li Ling became completely honest after returning to Dou's family. After raising her for nearly a year, she has regained her former glory.

Although he looks much older, he has lost the arrogance of the past.

"Poor people must be hateful!" the three of them said in unison.

When Queen Gongsun saw this scene, she also laughed, "She found a shortcut!"

Li Fei smiled and said: "The more people she helps, the more it proves her ability!"

"It makes sense!" Queen Gongsun nodded. She liked to see the family united and felt very comfortable, even if one day she quits.

In such a large family, children and grandchildren can also maintain a good relationship.

At this time, everyone was seated in Tai Chi Palace.

Li Shilong looked at the packed Tai Chi Palace and felt very excited.

The palace is brightly lit.

Even though it's dark, it's still like day.

Ji He, Shi Dan and other envoys from small countries have already seen the big scene. Although they are just guests, they still feel a sense of pride sitting here.

Daqian's strength makes them feel attached, which is also a kind of success.

Not to mention Queen Deshan, she has never been surprised since she came to Daqian.

Such a prosperous and powerful Daqian is a hundred times more powerful than in the book.

But why did he lose to Gao Li?

Especially when she came to the capital, she didn't even know how to walk.

Tall buildings full of Daqian style are lined up in rows.

The population of the capital alone exceeds that of Huang Luo.

She couldn't imagine it, she just felt that her inner decision was too wise! "Today, I am returning to the court with our troops. The grassland troubles that have troubled me in the Central Plains for more than a hundred years have been completely eliminated today.

I’ll give you a cup to congratulate you! "Li Shilong raised his glass, and everyone below raised their glasses together.

"Congratulations to Da Qian, congratulations to Your Majesty!"

That sound spread all the way from Taiji Palace, and the continuous sound even reached outside Chengtian Gate.

This is the largest feast in the history of Daqian.

That kind of grand scene made everyone present feel proud.

Especially the group of people sitting at the front of the Tai Chi Palace.

But among these people, only the Qin family father and son were the least willing to sit down.

"My butt is numb. When can the food be served? I'm so annoyed!"

Qin Mo looked around, annoyed, "It's so crowded, I can't even lie down!"

Just as he was speaking, his expression changed and he cursed: "That bitch farts, does he have any sense of justice? It's so fucking annoying!"

People around him pinched their noses involuntarily. Qin Xiangru was worried that he could not make a mistake, so he seized the opportunity and cursed: "Old Zhuge, is it your fart?"

Zhuge Sui said: "Fuck your mother, I haven't had diarrhea, what's the fart?"

"You bitch, are you calling me a mother-in-law?" Qin Xiangru's eyes flashed with a dangerous light, "Mother Gan Lin, you are insulting your parents and you are irreconcilable!"

Qin Xiangru lightly kicked Qin Mo, asking him to prepare to cooperate.

"It was you who wronged me first. Besides, you're like an old dog. Aren't you also humiliating me?" Zhuge Sui's beard trembled angrily, "It's better for you, the evildoer should file a complaint first.

However, today is a happy day. If I don’t meet you, I’ll treat it as a dog bite! "

As he said this, he snorted coldly and pursed his lips, indicating that he no longer wanted to quarrel with Qin Xiangru.

Qin Xiangru was stunned. How could this be done? Then he was scolding him in vain?

"Old dog Zhuge, you farted first, then you insulted my ancestors, and now you say you don't have the same knowledge as my father.

Do you look down on our father and son? "

Qin Mo rolled up his sleeves directly, "You bastard, you called my father a dog, then who am I? Who is your majesty?"
Rounding it all off, you are humiliating His Majesty!
That's not bad.

You Zhuge old dog, you are so bold! "

Everyone around was shocked by Qin Mo's shameless words.

But this also made some people react.

No, the Qin family father and son are too abnormal.

I'm afraid I'm not trying to cause trouble!

Some people wanted to help, but they all kept their mouths shut.

"Everyone, can you bear it and listen to me?" Qin Mo looked at Gongsun Wuji who was immersed in drinking, "Uncle Guo, old dog Zhuge called you a dog, can you bear to listen?"

Gongsun Wuji pretended to be confused, "Huh? Are you a dog?"

Qin Mo was stunned. Damn it, Gongsun Wuji didn't take the bait at all.

What will happen soon?

"Old dog Zhuge calls you a dog, old dog Gongsun!"

"Oh, your whole family is a dog!" Gongsun Wuji grinned, "Qin Mo, your evaluation of your family is quite fair!"

A bitch wants to cause trouble, can Gongsun Wuji be fooled?

Unexpectedly, Qin Mo turned around and said to Qin Xiangru: "Dad, Uncle Guo called our family dogs!"

"It's okay to scold us, but think about it, three princesses and two princesses are still in our house. If you call us dogs, isn't that just scolding them?

Isn't it the same as scolding Prince Qi's Mansion, Princess Jing'an's Mansion, and His Majesty the Queen?

He said such treasonous and crazy things and asked him to apologize! "Qin Xiangru said angrily.

Qin Mo's eyes flashed fiercely, "Dad, you are right, you must apologize!"

(End of this chapter)

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