big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1188 Happiness came too suddenly!

Chapter 1188 Happiness came too suddenly!
Before the people around him could react, Qin Mo punched Gongsun Wuji in the eye with his backhand.

Gongsun Wuji responded to the end, "Oh, you damn Qin fool, my eyes are like that!"

"Uncle, apologize quickly."

Qin Mo jumped over, grabbed Gongsun Wuji's collar, and took advantage of his unpreparedness to throw him directly towards Qu Tuba.

Qu Tuba was watching a good show when he was suddenly knocked to the ground, "Oh my mother, damn Qin Hanzi, I didn't say a word, what the hell does it have to do with me?"

"Whoever told you not to speak for me should be beaten!" Qin Mo went up and punched him a few times.

Of course, these punches only hurt the flesh but not the bones. They looked cruel, but in fact they didn't cause much damage except pain.

Gongsun Min was stunned. He didn't expect Qin Mo to do it right away, so he quickly stepped forward to pull Qin Mo away!

Qin Mo waved his hand and pushed him away, "Thanks, I can fight it alone without your help!"

Gongsun Min was furious, "Whoever wants to help you, please let go of my father!"

The father and son of the Qin family are so bad. They don't want to be promoted and are afraid of rewards, so they deliberately cause trouble.

Then he can't bully his father alone?
Just as he was about to go over, Dou Yiai hugged him tightly, "Gongsun puppy, sit down and drink together!"

Seeing Qin Mo's bravery, Qin Xiangru shouted loudly and knocked Zhuge Sui over with one punch, "Old Zhuge, you farted first and insulted my parents and my relatives. If I don't beat you to death today, your surname will not be Qin!" "


Zhuge Sui also had some martial arts skills, but compared with Qin Xiangru, he was far behind.

He was beaten and screamed again and again.

Li Shilong above was also stunned. When he saw the fight below, he cursed angrily: "What's going on?"

Qin Xiangru didn't even turn around and shouted: "Your Majesty, Zhuge Sui and Gongsun Wuji called you a dog, not like a human minister. I will help you teach these dogs a lesson!"

"Stop!" Li Shilong knew Qin Xiangru was talking nonsense as soon as he heard this, and quickly asked someone to pull the father and son away.

"Old Qin, stop it!" Dou Xuanling went up to break up the fight, but before he could finish his sentence, his fist fell on his face.

He covered his eyes, his head feeling dizzy.

Du Jingming and Yu Boshi also hurriedly came over.

Qin Xiangru gave him a kick.

For a time, I didn’t know how many people were knocked over.

The Tai Chi Palace instantly turned into a mess.

"You old dog Qin, you are so indiscriminate, sir, I have to teach you a lesson today!"

Yu Boshi was so angry that he jumped over and started fighting with Qin Xiangru.

Dou Xuanling glanced at Du Jingming and pursed his lips.

Du Jingming held his stomach, nodded, and immediately joined the melee.

"Haha, good fight, beat me to death, you bitch!" Yuchi Nobuxiong excitedly rubbed his hands.

It happened that Li Shilong named him to start the fight, which made Yuchi Nobuxiong very excited.

A heart-wrenching punch hit Qin Xiangru in the back of the heart, causing Qin Xiangru to gasp in pain.

But before he could react, another kick was placed on his butt.

Qin Xiangru's two fists were no match for ten, "Idiot, come here and help me!"

"Old Qin, you are confused. Why are you making such a fuss on this big day?" Yuchi Nobuxiong yelled while ruthlessly attacking.

Qin Xiangru was very angry.

Qin Mo caught Gongsun Wuji fighting with Qu Tu, "Dad, I can't spare any time here. Xiao Dou, go help!"

Upon hearing this, Dou Yiai pushed Gongsun Min to Chai Rong, then rushed over quickly and kicked Yuchi Nobuxiong with a whip kick.

"Oh!" Yuchi Nobuxiong put his legs together, jumped suddenly, and his eyes turned white.

"Let you do something evil!" Dou Yiai snorted.

"Son, come here and help daddy!" Dou Xuanling shouted.

Dou Yiai ran over quickly and pulled him out from under the crowd like a carrot.

However, Du Youcheng, Du Jingming's second son, also stepped forward to help, and Yu Boshi's two sons also came over after hearing the news.

Dou Yiai rolled up her sleeves and started fucking with them.

Li Shilong was furious, "Old man, pull them away!"

Li Yue also smiled bitterly, and quickly went over to start a fight, "Idiot, relax!"

When Qin Mo saw Li Yue coming, he was very considerate and let go of his hand, "Dad, if they don't apologize, let your Majesty make the decision!"

Qin Xiangru was also quite embarrassed, with traces and footprints all over his body, but he did not suffer any substantial damage. He quickly pushed Du Jingming and Yu Boshi away, "Yes, let His Majesty make the decision."

Du Jingming, Yu Boshi, and Dou Xuanling were also in as much trouble as they wanted.

However, none of the three of them suffered any serious injuries.

It was Yuchi Nobuo who had his legs together, his face was livid, his mouth was open, and he was breathing in a small mouth. His eyes that were originally a little white slowly recovered.

"Okay, Xiao Dou, stop fighting and let His Majesty make the decision!" With one word from Qin Mo, Dou Yiai stopped and quickly returned to his original position.

Looking at the mess below, Li Shilong stood up angrily and cursed: "What on earth do you guys want to do? Do you want to embarrass me all?"

Qin Xiangru and his son knelt down faster than anyone else, "Your Majesty, please forgive me!"

"My father and my son-in-law also know what day it is, but now Zhuge Sui insults my father and my ancestors, and later my uncle insulted my father, the emperor, and my mother as dogs.

How can sons and sons-in-law tolerate their abuse? "

"You fart, why did I scold Your Majesty!"

Gongsun Wuji suffered a bruised nose and swollen face, his clothes were torn in tatters, and he lost all face.

Qu Tuba also had martial arts skills, but he was suppressed at the bottom and couldn't use them at all.

This time, he was lying on the ground and gasping for breath, and shouted to Chong Tianqu, "Qin Mo, you are not a son of a human being. I have provoked whoever, so why should you beat me?"

Your Majesty, make the decision for me! "

"Your Majesty, please make the decision for me!"

Dou Xuanling and the other three also complained about their grievances.

Li Shilong had a severe headache, but Li Yuan was smiling, not angry, and didn't speak.

The envoys of Jihe Shidan didn't dare to say anything, and Queen Deshan was even more eye-opening.

Is this a high official from Shangguo?

Fight if you don't agree?
Only Li Ankang, who came to the capital with Yu Jia, was upset.

The idol was beaten, but he didn’t know how to help!
So stupid.

"Shut up, everyone." Li Shilong was furious, "Qin Xiangru, Qin Mo and his son, despise the court and me, and openly fight, which has a bad influence.

Qin Xiangru was removed from the title of Duke and Prince, and Qin Mo was removed from all positions.

Tonight, I am going to make a big seal to all the ministers. Since the two of you and your son have made some small contributions, I will defer the fight until later.

If you still don’t repent, Qin Xiangru will be completely removed from the title of Prince. "

The surprise came so suddenly that Qin Xiangru forgot to thank him for a while.

"Thank you for your magnanimity, but my father, Zhuge Sui, and uncle Guo all fought together and cursed my father. They were the ones who started it. Please punish me together!" Qin Mo said: "Otherwise, my son-in-law will not be convinced. !”

(End of this chapter)

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