big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1192 Give her both sweet and salty ones!

Chapter 1192 Give her both sweet and salty ones!

"Help me!" Qin Mo cursed in a low voice, "You didn't even know how to speak up for me just now? When I was fighting, you didn't even know how to help me?"

Li Yue couldn't laugh or cry. What is his current status?
It wouldn't be appropriate to beat someone up with Qin Mo.

Moreover, if he goes, won't it hinder Qin Mo's performance?

Maybe my father will be even more angry and the punishment will be more severe.

"His Royal Highness the King of Yue, do you think the appearance of my concubine Puliu is unsightly?" Queen Deshan said.

Li Yue really wanted to say that she was self-aware, but to say so was a slap in the face.

"Marriage is not a trivial matter, it should be treated with caution." It took Li Yue a long time to hold back a sentence.

He didn't need Jin to hold his thigh at all, there was too much support underneath him.

Queen Deshan was particularly disappointed, but she didn't give up, "Daqian has a saying that goes as follows: Your Majesty has no objection to the orders of your parents and the words of your matchmaker. Could it be that His Highness is shy?
My concubine has been thinking about it for a long time and shamelessly took advantage of this day of universal celebration to woo His Highness.

If His Highness refuses, I will have no shame in staying here! "

Although she said these words in a clipped tone, Li Yue was particularly disgusted.

threaten him?
At this moment, Li Yue said: "Queen Deshan is right, the orders of parents and the words of matchmakers, but the laws of Daqian are very clear. Taking concubines still requires the consent of the royal wife.

This is not only official recognition of the royal wife, but also protection and respect.

Moreover, no matter how you say it, he is also the king of a country. Although Huang Luo is attached, all aspects have not been discussed.

There is a saying that goes well: When it comes to business, talk about business, and when it comes to officials, talk about officials.

If public and private matters are confused, mistakes will inevitably occur.

Therefore, I think this matter should be discussed again.

It is better to discuss the big things first. A personal marriage is nothing more than a small matter in front of thousands of people! "

well said!
Li Yue almost applauded Qin Mo, "Father, I think so too, and Ruyu needs to be informed.

Moreover, when I was supervising the country, I still had many major issues that I had not discussed with Queen Deshan.

Marriage matters should still be postponed in front of the people! "

Li Shilong didn't force it. In fact, it was okay to accept this Queen Deshan, but it was just to win people's hearts better.

However, Qin Mo didn't intend to keep Huang Luo, so it didn't matter if Li Yue accepted it or not.

"Deshan, we will discuss this matter later. Then, I will make the decision for you!"

Queen Deshan secretly hates her, does she look down on her so much?
She was so humble.

Or is he afraid that he will give birth to a prince and inherit the throne in the future?
Although Liu Ruyu is the main palace, Huang Luo is behind her and she has a country as her backer.

If a dragon son is born in the future, according to Daqian's current laws, every prince will have a chance to compete.

Although Huang Luo is possessed, if his son can ascend to power, wouldn't it be another kind of success?
"Yes, Your Majesty!" Although Queen Deshan was dissatisfied, she could only retreat to her original position with a look of regret.

"Thanks, silly!" Li Yue thanked.

"Thank you, if it weren't for the fear of the stick contaminating the bloodline, I wouldn't speak for you!" Qin Mo curled his lips. Queen Deshan was also a decisive and ambitious person.

It’s okay for the meat to rot in the pot, but it’s not the stick’s turn to share it!
"You seem to be very malicious towards Huang Luo." Li Yue leaned over and said, "I'm possessed, why don't you be so cold to me?"

"Do I need a reason to hate someone?"


"That's fine!" Qin Mo snorted: "If you want to take her in, that's fine, just for fun. I'm afraid that your little effort won't be enough in front of others.

How can a little loach enter a crab hole? "

This metaphor is too damn graphic.

Li Yue couldn't help but shuddered, "How can I do that? Do I have such bad taste?"

If Qin Mo said he didn't like it, he definitely couldn't have it.

What Qin Mo didn't know was that Queen Deshan hated him.After the feast.

Qin Mo and Qin Xiangru left the palace arm in arm.

Back home, the wives were asleep.

After resting at home for four or five days, Qin Mo finally recovered.

However, these days, he is not very free and needs to take supplements every day.

Fortunately, all the little things he asked Gao Yao to prepare were ready.

This time, he went on a killing spree, killing everyone in all directions, showing off his power and being extremely arrogant.

He directly turned the tide of the battle and became a real man again.

He washed his hands and hid in the attic.

The weather in Beijing is getting colder in late autumn.

Every time I go out, it’s spring and summer, and when I come back, it’s autumn and winter.

The persimmon tree in the courtyard was full of red fruits. Qin Mo reached out his hand, picked a bunch, and ate one.

"Xiao Gao, try it, it won't make your mouth numb!"

"Thank you, Master!"

"Thank you."

Qin Mo waved his hand and took out a box from the cabinet, "I'll give it to you. Remember to sterilize the items inside with boiling water from time to time."

It contains my specially made 'Love Tiger Oil'. Wipe it frequently to ensure it is smooth and shiny. It will make you smile once you use it! "

Gao Yao took the box, dumbfounded and ashamed, and even his ears turned red for a moment.

"Master, I don't need it."

"Xiao Gao, even if you don't think about yourself, you still have to think about Xiao Mudan." Qin Mo patted her shoulder and said in an experienced tone: "Can the young master still lie to you?"

Gao Yao couldn't refuse, so he had no choice but to accept it.

At this moment, Xiao Liuzi knocked on the door. Gao Yao quickly hid the box and opened the door, "What's the matter?"

"Master, someone from Qintian Prison is here."

"My senior sister?" Qin Mo was a little surprised. Didn't she go to the imperial mausoleum?
"No, it's the person called by the princess to ask if you are free to come over?"

"My aunt?"

Qin Mo frowned. He came back and went to Chai's house, Princess Jing'an's house, and Prince Qi's house. He hadn't gone to the imperial mausoleum yet. "Did you say anything?"

"No, I just asked you to come over for dinner." Xiao Liuzi said.

"Understood, I'll be there in a while."

Ever since Gangzi and Xiao Xuanji reconnected, they have been inseparable, and it is said that they are very fond of each other.

"Xiao Gao, go and prepare some gifts. You'll be there soon."

Gao nodded and went down to prepare the gift.

Qin Mo rubbed his hands. Fang Shuan was at the imperial mausoleum and had been recuperating for three or four months. There should be nothing serious.

You can complete things that were not completed before.

Thinking of this, he quickly drank a bowl of ginseng soup and took a shower, washing up and down very carefully.

Senior sister likes something more fragrant, this time, sweet and salty, all for her!
Waiting for Qin Mo are twin sisters.

These two sisters were the first to be with Qin Mo. In the past few days since Qin Mo came back, they had very little time and looked at Qin Mo with some resentment.

Qin Mo also knew that he was a little biased. He sighed and opened the treasure box, "Here, you two can choose whatever you like!"

(End of this chapter)

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