big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1193 Big liar, big bastard!

Chapter 1193 Big liar, big bastard!
Shameful, so shameful!
The two sisters, Xia He and Qiuyue, blushed. Although they were both experienced, the female training they learned in the palace was deeply rooted in their bones.

Qin Mo really likes him, otherwise they would be too embarrassed to touch him.

Seeing that they were silent, Qin Mo said: "The latest treasure box is still being made. When the time comes, each of you will have a set and your names will be engraved on the treasure box."

The two women lowered their heads and did not dare to speak, but Xia He said: "It's all up to the husband to make the decision!"

Qin Mo nodded and looked at the treasure box, "I remember that you two sisters have telepathy."

Half an hour later, Qin Mo dressed neatly and left.

Xia He Qiuyue followed out shyly, but her steps were slow, and her face was white and rosy whether it was steamed by the steam or something.

I can't wait to let someone take a bite.

Back in the backyard, Li Yushu asked the two women: "Where is the smelly thing?"

"Out." Qiuyue said.

"Did you go to see the little nun?" Li Yushu pouted, "She's married to a stinker, and she doesn't even know how to come in. Are you afraid that we'll eat her?"

The two sisters smiled bitterly.

At this time, Li Jingya said: "A wife is not as good as a concubine, a concubine is not as good as stealing, and stealing is not as good as not being able to steal. My mother told me, and I think it makes sense.

Brother Silly likes this kind of variety. How about we each go back to our respective homes and find our own mothers, and let Brother Silly come to us? "

"Goodbye, what if Brother Qin gets angry?" Chai Sitian said quickly when she saw Li Jingya fanning the flames.

"It's better to say goodbye," Li Lizhen said, "Fang Nuguan risked her own life to save her husband's life. Our whole family must remember this kindness." "

"Sixth sister is right." Li Yulan nodded, "If she doesn't come, then we will go pick up gifts to see her and invite her home.

Our whole family owes her more than we can ever repay in this lifetime.

Lang Jun said that she has a free and easy temperament and loves freedom, and does not like to be bound by red tape, which is normal.

We are all our own people and cannot be excluded. "

When Li Yulan said this, others naturally wouldn't say anything.

Everyone has a steelyard in their hearts.

Qin Mo's favorite was Li Yulan, and he would pamper her first when he came back. She and Li Yushu were also in charge of the family's power and wealth.

Others are untouchable.

Li Yushu is Qin Mo's happy enemy and likes to argue with Qin Mo. Qin Mo also likes her unconvinced spirit the most.

Therefore, she gets the most every time.

The third one is Chai Sitian, Qin Mo likes her sweet storytelling the most.

Fourth is Li Jingya. Although she is a bit unruly, she is also the most open-minded and surprises Qin Mo every time.

The fifth one is Li Lizhen. Qin Mo even made a special extra chapter for her about ripe peaches, and she always asked her to talk about it.

It can really make people ashamed.

The sixth one is Li Xue, after all, she is the youngest.

Among the concubines, Qin Mo still likes Chu Rui the most. After all, Qin Mo is a nostalgic person.

Xia He Qiuyue was often pulled into experiments by Qin Mo.

As for Soga Sachiko, she usually kneels beside the bed to serve her.

Subi Mojie has returned to Subi, so she is not ranked, but when she was here, Qin Mo especially liked to take her to ride horses in the wild, and her clothes would be different every time she came back.

Therefore, Li Yulan is the eldest son in the family, which is an indisputable fact.

She knew the temperaments and characters of the sisters in her family very well.

Fingers have different lengths, not to mention they are all people with unique personalities.

"Don't go today. In two days, we will go to Qintian Prison again to invite Fang Shun back and give Lang Jun a surprise. Before that, no one is allowed to be a spy or leak the news. Do you understand?" Li Yulan asked. Outnumber the crowd.

"I know!" The girls nodded.

At this time, Qin Mo, who was wearing a sexy bag, got off the carriage carrying large and small bags.There is a small lake not far from the Imperial Tomb of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. Next to the small lake, there is a wooden house.

Li Shilong gave Xiao Xuanji an imperial village and a mansion, but she didn't want any of them.

The wooden house is not big, but it has yards at the front and back and has walls.

There are also some flowers and plants planted inside.

"Master, aunt, senior sister, I'm here!"

Qin Mo shouted.

Hearing the sound, Fang Chun came out and said, "Come here as soon as you come. Why are you shouting so loudly that others don't know you're here?"

Qin Mo put down his things and picked up Fang Shuan, squealing for a few times.

"Ah, what are you doing?" Fang Shun blushed furiously and glared at Qin Mo, "Master and Mistress are still here."

"Oh, you just changed your mind?" Qin Mo said with a smile: "What are you afraid of? It's all my family, if you see it, you will see it."

At this time, Yuan Tiangang and Xiao Xuanji came out, both of them dressed quite festively.

When Yuan Tiangang saw this, he couldn't help coughing. For some reason, he felt very sick when he saw this scene.

Fang Shun nearly died trying to save him.

Xiao Yurou actually blocked the disaster for him.

Otherwise, Qin Mo would have been kidnapped and would have died long ago.

Both of his apprentices fell into Qin Mo's hands.

He glanced at the side room from the corner of his eye, and then said: "Although you have held a Taoist wedding on the grassland, you have not gone to worship in front of the ancestor's spiritual tablet since you came back.

This wedding ceremony is not over yet. "

"I just happened to bring some incense!" Qin Mo took out a large handful of incense, "Are these enough?"

Yuan Tiangang was stunned, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

Xiao Xuanji said: "That's enough, come in and talk!"

"Thank you, aunt. Oh no, I should have changed my name to Master Mu." Qin Mo smiled and said, "Master, you should thank me. If I hadn't been the matchmaker, where would you be able to do it now?"

Qin Mo glanced at the holding hands.

Xiao Xuanji blushed and quickly shook off Yuan Tiangang's hand, "He should thank you."

Yuan Tiangang thinks that he is a magician, and he relies on his words to make a living.

But when faced with someone like Qin Mo who didn't follow the rules, he never had the upper hand.

You reason with him and he tries to lie, so you can lie to him. He will hit you with all his great arguments one after another, leaving you speechless.

Fang Shun pinched his chest angrily, "Don't talk to Master like that in the future!"

Qin Mo bared his teeth and said, "I respect you in my heart!"

"Not only should you respect in your heart, but you should also respect in your mouth. Could it be that you and your father-in-law both said that?"

Before he finished speaking, Fang Chun was stunned. Qin Mo was always confusing when talking to the emperor, let alone Yuan Tiangang.

Seeing that Fang Shun was angry, Qin Mo was also afraid that her chest would hurt, so he quickly said: "Yes, yes, from now on, I will not only respect the master in my heart, but I will also respect it with my mouth."

As he spoke, Qin Mo knelt on the ground. This was the first time he knelt down to worship Yuan Tiangang. Even if he was to become a disciple, he did not kneel down. "Master, thank you for training me such an outstanding senior sister.

Oh, no, it’s my wife.

I thank you. From now on, I will definitely treat my senior sister well, promise to love her, take care of her, and pamper her.

My aunt also testified for me. If I let my senior sister down in the future and call me Qin Mo, I will die badly! "

Qin Mo's sincere vow made Fang Shuan blush. She turned around, wiped her eyes, and gave Qin Mo a hard squeeze, "You stinky guy, you made me cry as soon as you came here, and you said you were good to me, you big liar." , big bastard!"

(End of this chapter)

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