Chapter 1194

Yuan Tiangang felt uncomfortable. With Qin Mo's attitude, which girl wouldn't be eaten up by him?
This idiot is definitely Da Gan’s number one love interest!

Xiao Xuanji sighed. After meeting Xiao Yurou, she felt a little more blame and anger towards Qin Mo.

But thinking about it carefully, she seems to have no qualifications.

This little naughty guy is so good at hiding things.

I don't know what Qin Mo's expression would be like if he knew Xiao Yurou was still alive.

She couldn't help but look to the side. Through the slightly opened window, she could see someone standing there.

Qin Mo finished his oath and hugged Fang Shu, "Senior sister, let's go to the ancestor to offer incense."

Fang Chun was deeply moved, but he did not forget who the protagonist was today, and said quickly: "I called you here to offer incense, and also to be a witness."

"Witness what?"

Fang Chun nuzzled his mouth, Qin Mo just took one sip.

"You're going to die!" Fang Chun was ashamed and annoyed. "I mean master. Today is the day when master and his wife are getting married. I want you to come over and be a witness!"

"Oh!" Qin Mo smiled and turned to look at Yuan Tiangang, who had a blushing face, "Master, you can be regarded as an old tree blooming, but is it too hasty for my aunt to marry you?

The wedding hall was not decorated, not even a bouquet of flowers.

Too crude. "

With that said, Qin Mo stood next to Xiao Xuanji, "Auntie, nothing is important, attitude is the most important!"

"Qin Miaoyun, are you here to bear witness or to stir up trouble?" Fang Chun said angrily.

"I'm here to bear witness, but I feel that my aunt just married the master like this, and I feel wronged for her!" Qin Mo said: "What woman doesn't yearn for a romantic wedding? Don't tell me that you are getting older and keep everything simple.

Don't say that Taoists talk about their hearts but not their traces.

The reason why there is a ceremony is to better remember this special day.

When you get older, you can still have good memories, right? "

Yuan Tiangang was stunned for a moment and looked at Xiao Xuanji, feeling a little guilty in his heart, "Lihua, me."

"It doesn't matter, we are already half-footed in the mound, why do we care about this?" Xiao Xuanji shook his head.

"Auntie, please leave this matter alone!" Qin Mo walked out and looked at the Northern Zhou Dynasty Imperial Tomb and said: "Twenty or thirty years ago, when you married Tie Jue, your father and brother must have been sad.

None of them saw you wearing the red wedding dress.

Now that you have returned from the grassland and are back in front of them, at least you want them to see you at your most beautiful, right?
My master has been telling fortunes all his life. He is a straight man and takes many things lightly.

He didn't take things into consideration properly, and we juniors have to fill in the gaps for him. "

Qin Mo's words left Yuan Tiangang speechless, and he felt ashamed for a moment, "Miaoyun is right, I was negligent. It turns out that I just wanted to arrange the marriage in an ordinary way under the witness of my relatives." Done.

His Majesty once said that he would allow me to achieve great things, but I refused.

But he forgot that the spirits of his father and brother are still here. "

Fang Shun's face softened a lot. Qin Mo was right. No woman wants to leave any regrets on her wedding day.

Qin Mo had already held a grand and unique wedding for her in the grassland, witnessed by tens of thousands of people.

She will never forget it in her life.

So, she has no regrets!
Xiao Xuanji said: "I really"

"Miaoyun, I'll leave it to you!" Yuan Tiangang interrupted Xiao Xuanji.

Qin Mo patted his chest and said, "It's on me." He walked to the side of the carriage and told Gao Yao some things. Gao Yao nodded, "Okay, Master, I'll do it right away."

"Hurry, it must be arranged before dark."

After the explanation, Qin Mo turned back and said, "According to the rules, you can't meet each other before getting married.
They also have to drink wine, urge people to write poems, and worship heaven and earth.

My aunt married in the grasslands, where there are many reckless men who don’t know the etiquette of the Central Plains.

It must be a pity.

The etiquette can be simple and the wedding can be casual, but there should be no less.

My aunt is the eldest princess of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and now she is the heroine of Daqian. She is extremely precious.

Fengguanxiapei is indispensable.

The memorial tablets of his father and brother must also be brought up to witness.

These cannot be missing! "

Xiao Xuanji no longer has any relatives. Except for Subi Mojie who is far away in Subi, only Qin Mo is left.

Anyway, that's what Qin Mo thought.

As Xiao Xuanji's mother-in-law, he would stand up for him no matter what.

Since they don't like large crowds, the proper etiquette is indispensable.

Yuan Tiangang couldn't help but nod.

Xiao Xuanji looked at Qin Mo, and the trace of anger in his heart for Xiao Yurou's injustice was gone.

She knew very well that Qin Mo was standing up for her, and he was now her only supporter and family.

"Auntie, come into the room. Your makeup is not beautiful enough. A professional will come over and do your makeup soon."

After saying that, Qin Mo said again: "Master, are you just standing there stupidly?
Your father-in-law, do you want to invite your uncle to take his spiritual place?
Look, you're getting married, and there's no buzz at all. People who don't know it think you're stealing someone! "

Yuan Tiangang was so scolded that he didn't dare to say a word, and his old face turned red, "Yes, yes, I was negligent."

"Hmph, you're a straight man who doesn't understand women's hearts. No wonder he's been a bachelor for decades!" Qin Mo snorted, "My aunt is still willing to marry you. You are really a good person."

Xiao Xuanji didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "How could you say that about your master?"

"Auntie, don't feel bad for him. If you don't touch him now, you won't be able to touch him when you get married." Qin Mo took Xiao Xuanji's hand and continued: "I'm going to come over to put on makeup in a while. I need to prepare the wedding money. How old are you? You’ve never been married, haven’t you seen others getting married?”

"Oh, yes, yes!" Yuan Tiangang nodded, "Xuan'er, go get some hot water. Guests will be arriving soon. Remember to make tea."

Fang Shun nodded, and when he passed by Qin Mo, he grabbed his ear and said, "Come here and help!"

Qin Mo bared his teeth and said, "It hurts, senior sister!"

"Come with me!"

Qin Mo had no choice but to follow her and leave.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Xuanji smiled and said: "Put some tofu in brine, and everything will be reduced!"

Yuan Tiangang suddenly felt that he could do it, and thought, "I can't cure you, so why can't my apprentice cure you?
If you don't want to be my master, why don't you just call me master? "

Thinking of this, he looked at Xiao Xuanji with an expression on his face, "You go into the room first and I'll decorate it. Miao Yun is right. I'm too upright and don't understand women's thoughts."

Xiao Xuanji smiled slightly, and the grace of that smile made Yuan Tiangang's heart beat. He lowered his head subconsciously and didn't know where to put his hands.

Seeing Yuan Tiangang running away, Xiao Xuanji burst out laughing, and faint laughter could also be heard in the opposite room.

(End of this chapter)

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