big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1196: Shameful and passionate!

Chapter 1196: Shameful and passionate!

Yuan Tiangang said quickly: "Miaoyun, please stop teasing us, I beg you!"

This kid is full of clever ideas. If he really wants to use them, he won't have a bridal chamber tonight.

Qin Mo said: "Okay, you two can kiss each other, but the kiss must last for thirty breaths and cannot be separated, otherwise you will have to kiss again!"

Yuan Tiangang remained silent.

Xiao Xuanji's face turned red as blood.

"What kind of game are you playing?" Fang Chun said.

"You forgot that we were on the grassland, but we kissed for sixty breaths, and I still lost half of it!"

Fang Chuan was so embarrassed that she became angry and punched him.

Qin Mo covered his head, "Getting married is as fun as it gets. If you don't play games to promote the relationship between husband and wife, it would be boring!"

Yuan Tiangang swallowed his saliva and looked at Xiao Xuanji's red lips like two petals, feeling excited in his heart.

Xiao Xuanji simply closed his eyes, his heart jumping into his throat.

In the past six months, Yuan Tiangang had never kissed him except holding hands.

He's good everywhere, but he's a little clueless in this area.
Qin Mo got angry when he saw Yuan Tiangang didn't move for a long time, "Master, if the girl closes her eyes, she wants you to kiss her!"

Hearing this, Yuan Tiangang reacted, held his breath, and moved closer.

At that moment, Yuan Tiangang's Taoist heart was completely perfect.

Qin Mo was counting beside him, and it took a while before the two of them separated.

Yuan Tiangang gasped for air.

Xiao Xuanji was also panting slightly, looking extremely shy.

Drank and ate.

The two of them were sent into the room by Qin Mo.

Fang Chun saw Qin Mo squatting under the window and whispered, "What are you doing?"

"When you're in a new house, listen to the wall. I'm afraid that the master is old and loses his energy." Qin Mo took out something from his arms and said, "This Dali Pill is a good thing. My uncle Gao gave it to me. Master must use it." on."

Fang Chun laughed angrily and pulled him out.

When the sound outside gradually became quieter, the couple sat facing each other.

Yuan Tiangang felt his mouth was dry, "Um, Lihua, it's getting late, how about we take a rest earlier?"

Xiao Xuanji responded softly and blew out the candle.

All of a sudden, the house is full of spring colors.

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, go back!" Fang Chun urged.

"Wow, isn't it? I've worked hard and been busy, but now the city gates are closed, you want me to go back?
I can't stay at the base of the city wall for one night, right? "Qin Mo looked hurt.

Fang Shun wanted to laugh, but was afraid that Qin Mo would take advantage of her. This cabin was not very soundproof.

"You can stay, but you can't mess around, do you hear me?" Fang Shun warned.

Qin Mo was confused, "Then you tell me stories to coax me, and I won't mess around."

"You think beautiful!"

Fang Shun clenched her fists, feeling very embarrassed and annoyed, "If Master and Mistress hear this, how can I see anyone else?"

"It's okay. We are separated by a hall and there are two doors. They can't hear it. Besides, can't the voice of the story be lowered?" Qin Mo pestered him directly, regardless of whether Fang Shuntong agreed or not, and hugged him. Then she walked into the room.

Gao Yao followed in.

"Why is there a door in this room? Does it lead to another room?" Qin Mo asked curiously.

Seeing Qin Mo push the door open, Fang Shun was startled and said quickly: "There is a utility room inside, used to stack things."

"Oh." Hearing this, Qin Mo also retracted his hand.

Xiao Yurou's heartbeat slowed down by half a beat in the other room.

Xiao Xuanji was getting married to Yuan Tiangang. How could she, her niece and apprentice, not come?

But Qin Mo was here, and she could never show her face.

Gao Yao knocked on the door three times just now to remind her.

The candlelight shone through the gap and shone on Xiao Yurou's face, and she couldn't help but peek.

This sight made her blush. "Sister, let me change your dressing!"

"My wound has healed a long time ago. Stop making excuses to bully me here!" Fang Chun was so embarrassed to see anyone.

"Between husband and wife, talking about bullying makes me look like a flower picker." Qin Mo sniffed, "My senior sister smells so good, so beautiful!"

"It's not beautiful at all. This scar is so ugly!"

"Who said it's ugly?" Qin Mo said: "In my eyes, this is the most beautiful scar in the world. I don't have to rush to love you."

Qin Mo stroked the scar gently. Although it had healed, it was still obvious.

Even if I use ointment to remove scars, the effect is no longer obvious.

The puncture wound was so deep that Zan Ying said that this scar would stay with Fang Chun for the rest of his life.

"As long as you speak nicely." Fang Shun felt a little nervous. He clutched Qin Mo's clothes. He saw something in Qin Mo's eyes that frightened her, "Miaoyun, I, I, let me tell you a story, okay?" , you blow out the candles, let’s go to bed early!”

"Tell me to kiss my junior brother!"

"Don't get too far!"

"First call me Junior Brother Qinqin, and then call me Langjun!"

Fang Chun knew that this stinky guy was bullying people again.

Gao Yao stood guard at the door, covering his ears with his hands.

Xiao Yurou was the same, but Qin Mo's words were like all-pervasive flies, burrowing directly into her cochlea.

"Senior sister, I thought of another story, called the wedding of young master Xiao Mozhi!"

"Don't say it, I won't listen!"

"Xiao Mo came to attend the master's wedding at night."

"Junior brother, please stop talking. Please, I was wrong, okay?"

Qin Mo's story telling voice was quite loud. Not to mention Xiao Yurou, Yuan Tiangang might even be able to hear it from the other side.

Fang Shun immediately surrendered.

“Not kind enough!”

"Kiss junior brother~"

"anything else?"

"Lang, Langjun!"

"Now I have changed my mind again, call me good brother!"

Fang Shun didn't even dare to look at Qin Mo. The look in his eyes made him want to eat her alive.

"You bastard, you have to bully me to death, don't you?"

"Silly senior sister, I love you in no hurry, so how can I bully you?"

Qin Mo stroked her hair gently, brushed his fingers over the outline of her face, and his pupils reflected her appearance, and whispered in her ear: "How about you bully me instead?"

This night was full of blood and tears.

Some people stay awake all night feeling anxious, while others have insomnia and are tossing and turning.

When Qin Mo woke up, it was already bright.

I touched the side and found that the quilt was still warm, but the person was no longer there.

Qin Mo rubbed his groggy eyes, turned over and got up. Looking at the cushion with a piece cut out, he couldn't help but whistle, "Blow up the balloon, blow up a big balloon!"

Gao Yao hurriedly came over to help Qin Mo get dressed, but his feet were very soft, one foot was light and the other was heavy, as if he was stepping on clouds.

After getting dressed, he quickly went to find Fang Shu and saw Fang Shu in the backyard, brushing his teeth.

She has brushed it four or five times.


Seeing Qin Mo sticking his head out in a sullen manner, Fang Chun threw the tooth cup in his hand angrily, "You stinky thing, I hate you!"

It was Yuan Tiangang who was obviously getting married, but she stole the limelight.

It's just that the limelight made her ashamed.

She was even thinking about how to face her master and mistress today!

(End of this chapter)

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