big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1197 Yuan Tiangang retires!

Chapter 1197 Yuan Tiangang retires!

Qin Mo scratched his head. He was too excited to tell a story last night and didn't stop the car.

All of a sudden, even Gangzi's limelight was snatched away.

But they are all our own people, so there is nothing to laugh about.

"Senior sister, I was wrong. I will be more careful next time."

"Do you still want to have a next time?" Fang Shun glared at him, but it was considered a success. She had not recovered from her health on the grassland, and she had some regrets for a while, but now she has made up for the regrets.

It's just overdoing it.

"Senior sister, slow down!"

Seeing Fang Chun staggering, Qin Mo quickly supported her, "By the way, where are the master and aunt?"

"Going to the imperial mausoleum to pay homage."

"Shall we go there?"

"Master said that you have a special status, so it's best not to go." Fang Chun said.

Qin Mo nodded.

Seeing that Fang Shen was feeling so uncomfortable, she quickly went to the back kitchen to stew some tonic.

Not long after, the couple returned from the imperial mausoleum.

A face full of red light, like a new life.

One feels refreshed and his steps are brisk and steady.

"Auntie, you are getting more and more beautiful."

Xiao Xuanji blushed, took Fang Shu's hand, pointed at Qin Mo and said: "You are just like a cow. Shu'er has just recovered from a serious injury, and you don't know how to show mercy to her."

Qin Mo laughed sheepishly, and Xiao Xuanji immediately pulled the blushing Fang Shu away.

"Master, would you like one?" Qin Mo handed over a Qin Zi.

Yuan Tiangang, a non-smoker, waved his hand and said, "Xun'er is upright and has a stubborn temper. You should give her more grace.

Also, you took the trouble to do what happened yesterday.

Although I have spent my whole life as a teacher, I cannot understand the hearts of people, let alone the hearts of women.

Now that the big deal has been decided, it's time for you to make plans for yourself.

The great destiny of the country is unstoppable, and it cannot be said whether it will be 800 years or 1000 years.

So from now on, I will be closed and will no longer tell fortunes.

From now on, Ziwei Star Sect will be supported by your senior sisters and brothers.

I will pass on this position of leader to you, and you will be in charge of all major matters. "

"Am I the leader?"

Qin Mo was stunned, "Isn't this appropriate? And master, I'm very lazy, I..."

"Just for Shun'er's sake." Yuan Tiangang said: "The purpose of our Ziwei Star Sect is to come down from the mountain in troubled times, assist the true dragon, and hide in the world in prosperous times.

There will be no need for the Ziwei Star Sect to be born in the next few hundred years, but the orthodoxy cannot be broken.

Ziweixingmen is now the state religion.

I don't like it and I don't want it. "

This is strange. The Ziwei Star Sect has become the state religion. Are you still not satisfied?

“First, the number of people in our Ziwei Star Sect is small, and secondly, most Taoist sects in the world adhere to similar purposes as Ziwei Star Sect.

Most of those who go down to make money are scammers.

Because there are few people and it is difficult to manage, many people will take advantage of the loopholes, which will lead to disaster over time.

Accumulating a little makes a lot, and gathering sand into a tower. These shortcomings will sooner or later become the bane of the annihilation of our Ziweixing Sect's orthodoxy.

Therefore, after you take charge of the Ziwei Star Sect, you will return all the acres of land rewarded by His Majesty to the yamen in various places.

Distribute to the people.

Dao Sect can be accepted.

In the future, you can accept disciples, or let your children inherit the Ziwei Star Sect.

I have no children, only apprentices.

Although Chun'er is not my biological flesh and blood, she is closer than my biological flesh and blood. "

Qin Mo understood that Yuan Tiangang was still very far-sighted.Not everyone is as capable as him.

Just like Buddhism, the old man almost killed them before.

But now, in the prosperous times, after everyone has eaten and drank enough, they feel empty.

You must be looking for spiritual sustenance.

Therefore, he had an idea in mind and could take the opportunity to reform Daqian religion.

Today's Buddhism does not engage in production, but only occupies acres of land, and even lends money, acting like a landlord.

I can only say that it is not the teachings that are bad, but the people!
"Okay, but aren't you afraid that I will tamper with the Ziwei Star Gate beyond recognition?"

"Can you do it?" Yuan Tiangang asked: "If you change it, your starting point must be good. I believe you!"

There is nothing better than letting the destined person take charge of the Ziwei Star Sect.

Qin Mo thought about it again and again, and finally decided to take the job.

Anyway, with Ziwei Xingmen and him, there are only four people in total.

Very easy to manage.

As for those Taoist sects, they still have integrity and principles, so Qin Mo is relatively reassured.

After staying in the cabin for two days, Qin Mo left.

He had no choice but to leave. Lao Liu sent someone to urge him to enter the palace.

"Uncle, why are you so anxious?" Qin Mo asked on the carriage.

Gao Shilian said: "Qin Hei has entered the palace with his military officials. His Majesty asked you to come over and see how to manage the New North slaves."

"That's it?" Qin Mo said: "Didn't Qin Hei say that if we issue them identity certificates, wouldn't it be enough to write "Da Gan Beinu" as a unified ethnic group?

Come to me for every little thing. "

Seeing the reluctance on Qin Mo's face, Gao Shilian said: "Your Majesty is afraid of being unsafe. After all, there is still a Northwest slave.

I also want to avoid future troubles on the grassland forever. Knowing that you have many ideas, I asked us to come and call you. "

"Is Lao Ba in the palace?"

"here I am."

Qin Mo sighed, "I can't even give people a break, it's so annoying!"

Gao Shilian could only coax him, but there was no other way, so the emperor liked to ask Qin Mo to discuss it.

In Li Shilong's words, this bitch didn't say anything, even if he was sitting next to me, I felt confident.

Even in difficult matters, I also know that this bitch will tell the truth.

This also shows that Li Shilong trusts Qin Mo, which an ordinary person would not be able to obtain even by burning incense.

"By the way, uncle, how is the reform of the two guards in the palace?"

"What else can I do? I have changed it over and over again, but nothing is to your liking."

Gao Shilian sighed, after Wu Ji died, Wang De took over.

When Wang Dega is dead, the king is back.

In the past two days, His Majesty felt that Wang Gui was not very good again. Although he did not say it out loud, Gao Shilian knew him too well and intuitively told him that Wang Gui might not stay in this position for long.

"Why?" This matter has been going on for two years. When Lao Liu asked him, he asked Lao Qin to hand him the solution.

Gao Shilian didn't say anything. After all, there were people around. He just took Qin Mo's hand and wrote a few words on his palm.

Qin Mo suddenly realized, "Oh, so that's it. That tortoise is really not good. Leaving it to the next generation will not only be useless, but it will also become a disaster."

Gao Shilian smiled and said, "As long as you understand, these days, keep a low profile and be strict with your mouth. It will be better after this storm is over."

"Thanks, uncle!" Qin Mo handed over a special stick for Qin Zi and lit it for him.

Gao Shilian smiled and twitched, "Which one of us is following the other!"

The two men were puffing away in the carriage, and soon they arrived at the palace.

Gao Shilian sprayed some perfume on her body to cover up the smell of cigarette smoke, and put two mint leaves in her mouth to freshen her breath and avoid bumping into Li Shilong.

After doing this, he took Qin Mo in.

"Your Majesty, the commander-in-chief of Qin's Consort is here!"

Li Shilong was impatient with waiting. When he saw Qin Mo, he waved quickly, "Jingyun, come here quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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