big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1198 Transferring hatred

Chapter 1198 Transferring hatred
"Father, what do you want from me?" Qin Mo pretended not to know.

Li Shilong said: "What else can happen? It concerns the monarch and ministers, and Huang Luo. I have read your previous bill and I always feel that it is not good."

"What's wrong?"

Li Yue on the side replied: "The military ministers who are attached to the army can still become the Daqian clan, but the Huang Luo people who are attached to them also destroyed Wanji, but they are not even qualified to become the Daqian clan.

It would be too partial to say so.

And if Jihe and Shidan are also included in the future, I'm afraid there will be worries. "

Qin Mo suddenly realized.

Lao Liu was so ambitious that he actually wanted to take over Ji He and Shi Dan.

This is indeed a small problem.

"What do you think, Father?" Qin Mo asked.

"Similar to the military ministers, and Deshan brought the Jin family to the capital, we must give her stability." Li Shilong said: "What I mean is to let Lao Ba accept her!"

Li Yue grimaced and did not dare to refuse. After all, this was also due to political considerations.

"If you accept it, just accept it." Qin Mo said: "After all, it is the best way to win people's hearts, but Queen Deshan is very ambitious.

I have heard a lot of rumors in the past two days, saying that the Yue Princess is jealous and does not allow the old man to take concubines.

Think about it and you will know who made the rumor.

If such a woman were to marry into the family, it would definitely cause unrest in the family.

If she gives birth to an heir in the future, it will be even more fun.

Not only is the family uneasy, but even the extended family may be disturbed by him.

If you ask me, I can be betrothed to a child of Prince Heng's family or a child of Prince Cheng's family.

Our Daqian royal family is not more noble than her little Huangluo King?
Besides, Queen Deshan is so ugly that any maid in the palace is more upright than her.

Don't ruin the bloodline of Lao Li's family. "

Li Shilong stroked his beard and thought about Qin Mo's words.

"These are all potential problems. Gao Li, Huang Luo, and Wanji have always treated Da Gan in one way on the surface and another behind the scenes.

Their ambitions must be completely cut off.

Let the Huangluo people supervise Gao Li, Wanji slaves, and our own people, so we don't have to worry about these dogs.

Treating dogs with dogs will produce better results.

Even if they want to hate us, they can't hate us.

In the words of my father, this is called driving the tiger to swallow the wolf and diverting hatred!
As for the Huangluo people, just treat them like dogs. If they do well, give them bones. If they don't do well, break their dog heads.

Letting them mine in Andong Protectorate and Wozhou is considered waste utilization.

It can also reduce the burden on the people of Daqian. "

Li Yue also echoed: "Father, Jing Yun's words are right. Counting Gao Li, Tianxiang Kingdom, and Beinu's slaves, the number of available slaves in Daqian is probably no less than 500 million.

Women could be rewarded to military officials, and the government could also allocate women to unmarried men of the right age.

Within ten years, the population of Daqian will double!
It not only increases the population of Daqian, but also reduces the burden on the people. In this way, the whole country can be completely exempted from corvee service.

Once the food supply is stable, we can begin to abolish the food tax.

Whether it's Jihe or Shidan, the problem is not big.

As long as you send ministers and have friendly discussions, there should be good feedback! "

This side is oppressing with the general force. Even if Daqian does not bring a single soldier, he only needs the people from Honglu Hall to go to their king and say that Daqian wants them to become a family.They will have insomnia all night long.

If they refuse, they have to think about whether they can cope with Da Gan's blow.

After all, they have a lot of sailors at home.

"It makes sense." Li Shilong nodded, "Did the New North slaves migrate to the mainland?"

“Those who are willing to come in can come in, and those who don’t want to come in will be allowed to guard the grassland.

But the Beinu Corps was disrupted, and then every Beinu soldier had to receive education from Daqian and then be distributed to all parts of the country.

In this way, ten years later, there will be no difference between them. " Qin Mo said.

"Then it will be as you said." Li Shilong asked Li Yue to write down a few key points on the spot, and then sent it to the Zhongshu Ministry of Education for them to draft an edict.

"What's going on over there in Nanfan?" Li Shilong is most concerned about Nanfan right now. "Has there been any letter from Shuang'an?"

"Father, Shuang'an gave birth to another son a month ago. Honglu Temple sent a letter saying that he wanted the imperial court to canonize the crown prince."

Li Yue said: "The Ministry of Industry has given feedback that in one month, Lizhi Road will be able to go directly to Luoche City. By then, the time to Luoxe will be shortened by more than half."

In the past, it would take at least two months to go to Luozhe from the capital.

But now, the road is smooth and there are inns along the way, so I can probably get there in a month.

"Okay, after the Lizhi Road is opened to traffic, does it mean that the countdown to the return of Nanfang to Qian is about to begin?" Li Shilong asked again.

"The time has come. When Jingyun was in Nanfan, he dispatched a large number of doctors to join the army. Coupled with the frequent entry of caravans, the people of Nanfan no longer resisted returning to Gansu.

In the summer, Shuang'an compiled the Apocalypse of the God of Daqian Nanfan and spread it. A large number of troubadours sang it. Many people have accepted the fact that the God of Nanfan was canonized by the God of Daqian. "Li Yue knew this very well.

He also had a very good understanding of what happened, and he admired Qin Mo's methods even more.

Civilization is easily tamed, but barbarism is just the opposite. They have the most primitive beliefs, and it is difficult to change this belief.

The corners of Li Shilong's mouth raised unconsciously, "Then I'll leave this matter to you, Jingyun, you can help Lao Ba from the side."

"Father, I am"

"Anyway, Nan Fan must return to work within a year, and I don't want to hear anything else.

You propose the method, and you do the work.

Next year will be the last year of the five-year plan, and after that, it will be the new five-year plan.

You also have to be considerate.

With Daqian's strength, it would be easy to capture Nanfan, but management would be the most difficult.

Passing from Nanfan is Tianxiang Kingdom.

There is also Yi Zhixie hiding in the west, these all need to be dealt with. "

Li Shilong snorted, "I hope I can hear good news before my 50th birthday next year!"

When Lao Liu said this, Qin Mo couldn't refuse.

After leaving Taiji Palace, Qin Mo was extremely annoyed, "I don't care about Nanfan's affairs. Anyway, I have done everything I need to do. You can write a letter to Shuang'an and see how to arrange the return to work."

Li Yue took his hand and said, "No, you have been to Nanfan and understand the situation in Nanfan. Moreover, you are Nanfan's consort and everyone there believes you. Your intervention will definitely be more useful than mine.

The weather in Nanpan is getting colder now, and the roads are not so well paved. If it really opens to traffic, it will probably be next spring.

Also, did you know that the cost of building the Lizhi Road to Luosu is three times that of building other Lizhi Roads?

In slaves alone, 60 people were invested, and nearly ten million taels of silver were spent! "

(End of this chapter)

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