big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1199 I am so useless!

Chapter 1199 I am so useless!
"1000 million taels?" Qin Mo was stunned, "It's not like the journey from the capital to Luozue, or from Jiannan Road to Luozue, is only more than 2000 miles, so you spent all the tax money you earned for a year on it?
You prodigal son, this is not how you spend your money! "

Qin Mo was stunned, "Cement is produced at the cost price of your own production. The slaves can only eat and feed themselves with sweet potatoes. How can you use so much money?"
It only costs 4000 taels per mile to build railway tracks in the capital. Is your entire Lizhi Road so expensive? "

"Many places there are frozen soil. In order to thaw it, many methods have been used, including spreading salt, burning fires, and using explosives to open roads. They have all been tried.

So it costs a lot.

And the road is very wide, wider than the straight road in China.

There are 60 slaves. When the weather gets cold, we must buy more clothes for them. We can't let them freeze to death.

This is another big expense. "

Li Yue clasped his fingers and told Qin Mo the details of his expenditures, "There is not much money in the treasury, and my uncle is very tight in control.

I used my own money to pay for it, and my palace's treasury was emptied out by less than half. "

Speaking of this matter, Li Yue felt very melancholy.

Qin Mo glanced sideways at him, "Do you think my father doesn't know about your spending money?

What do you want with so much money? To put it bluntly, when you get up from now on, these are all yours.

Do you know how much money your father has in his money?

There are at least 6000 million taels. This time your father-in-law captured the Gaoli Peninsula and plundered everything they could.

There are also gold mines in Wozhou, and they steadily send 50 taels and no less than 300 million taels of silver to the country every year.

These all went into the father's internal funds.

So I estimate that my father’s internal funds, including gold and silver, are almost over [-] million. "

Qin Mo sighed, "This does not include my annual business dividends. My annual dividends start from at least 800 million taels of silver. Think about it yourself!"

He had done so much business and made so much money. The family's money was only a little more than that of Lao Liu, and he felt a little unbalanced.

Li Yue swallowed his saliva, "There are so many?"

"That's right." Qin Mo said: "So, spend your money quickly. Besides, don't you still have millions of taels of dividends from your business every year?

Don’t keep this money to win over people, just spend it all on people’s livelihood.

You see, I invest all my income in Qinzhuang every year to train children and let them engage in research and development.

On the one hand, he also wanted to support his father in building Lizhi Road and railways.

This can barely cover the expenses of the whole family and prevent them from going hungry or freezing. "

Qin Mo let out a long sigh, "Money, you can't use it all while you're alive, and you can't take it with you when you die, so don't take it too seriously."

"You have no money?" Li Yue frowned, "That shouldn't be the case. I saw the general ledger for the third quarter of this year. The income was almost 3000 million taels of silver. If it is distributed to you, there should be 900 million taels of silver."

"Damn, bro, you don't have to pay taxes anymore?" Qin Mo snorted, "Do you think I'm as old as my father? He didn't pay taxes, so I didn't make up for the taxes?

When I finish paying the taxes, I won’t have much left on my hands! "

Li Yue suddenly realized it, and immediately said with some shame: "I didn't expect this."

It has been nearly seven years since Qin Mo started Haidilao.

The Qin family's business covers all aspects. Since the year before last, the annual income has exceeded [-] million.

There is certainly an element of war involved.

But the entire collective benefits.

He and his father are the biggest beneficiaries.

Not only did he enrich himself, but he also enriched the national treasury.

Qin Mo said that he had spent a year's tax, but it was actually a joke. There was no grain tax, but commercial taxes were on the rise. Coupled with the implementation of the unified payment of grain by officials and nobles, the treasury revenue this year was no less than 4000 million taels of silver.He is very clear about this.

Compared with a few years ago, when there were only more than 600 million taels of taxable silver, this has increased six to seven times.

Otherwise, Gongsun Wuji would not have been so generous and gave him millions of taels to build roads.

After all, the military expenditure accounts for the bulk of the big campaign.

There are also people's livelihood, education, etc.

Eliminating corvee labor was a good deed, but the food, clothing, housing, and transportation of these slaves all fell on the court.

This also greatly increased the pressure on the court.

But fortunately, the imperial court has land. Last year's potato and sweet potato harvest was bumper, and this year will be the same.

There is no pressure at all to raise them.

On the contrary, so much land was allowed to be harvested by slaves, and part of the rent was waived for farmers who rented it.

"Okay, I don't care about money in the first place, as long as I live happily, that's more important than anything else!" Qin Mo said with a smile.

"Idiot, I..." Looking at Qin Mo, Li Yue was filled with emotion.

All this he did was for him!

Li Yue, Li Yue, you are nothing!
With money, forget about brothers!
After leaving the palace, not long after Qin Mo arrived home, someone came from the Yue Prince's Mansion, and several six-wheeled carriages were also pulled over.

Xiao Liuzi came over to call him. He opened the carriage door and was stunned, "What are these boxes?"

"Captain Prince Consort of Qin, please use this million taels of silver first. If you don't make a sound if it's not enough, I will go to the treasury to get it for you." The person who spoke was Li Yue's confidant eunuch, who was also always with Li Yue. of.

"Damn it, what did he give me the money for?"

The confidant eunuch walked to Qin Mo and whispered: "Captain Prince Consort, His Highness the King of Yue asked me to bring you a message.

He said that his brother is incompetent and asked you not to be angry.

Give him less points in the future and keep more for yourself.

After all, your big family, with nearly a thousand people from top to bottom, all need to eat. "

Qin Mo couldn't laugh or cry. Li Yue actually believed his nonsense.

"Pull it back, I don't want it. I, Qin Mo, am not short of this little money."

The confidant eunuch seemed to have expected what Qin Mo would say, and said hurriedly: "His Royal Highness the King of Yue knows that you will not accept it. He said that if you don't accept it, he will chop off the slave's head.

Please beg the Prince Consort to save this slave’s life! "

"I, I am really not lacking!"

"Don't be stubborn. His Royal Highness the King of Yue knows you best. He knows that you want to save face. Don't worry, no one knows what's going on here!" The confidant eunuch was so anxious that when Qin Mo refused to accept it, he quickly knelt down and kowtowed. , Qin Mo was ready to die in front of him if he didn't accept it.

"Okay, okay, stop knocking, can't you just accept it?" Qin Mo had no choice but to accept it.

The eunuch left happily.

Qin Mo called Xiao Liuzi, "Get the money into the newly opened money bank."

Xiao Liuzi whispered: "Master, the newly opened money bank was full yesterday."

"It's only been a few days?"

"Dividends sent from Lingnan Development Bank." Xiao Liuzi said: "It was sent the night before yesterday, and the young lady has not calculated it yet!"

"Damn it, why did you forget Lingnan Development Bank!" Qin Mo patted his head, "Then open a new bank!"

(End of this chapter)

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